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Buddy Team and Star Wars: The Old Republic

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actually he is right even with 3d settings 4gb of ram it looks like a black screen. But it does work on parrallels just not good for actual gaming.
Apoc has stated a limited feature set will be available at launch. From what I've read I would conjecture these would be the supported bot bases:

- Grind bot
- Quest bot
- Profession Support
- PvP bot

I'm curious how the profession support will work. If it's integrated in to the Quest bot and sends unused companions off while questing, this would be amazing.

Also, as I've said in this thread before... a LazyRaider-style bot base would be awesome sauce.

Thank you for your valued contribution to this thread.

Questing most def - and then we'll add in the eye candy

it can grind already, but you don't get much xp for grinding and i've heard that after a lot of grinding - you get 0 xp

as well as you don't get your companions, etc if you don't quest
Our definite feature-set for release will be:
  • Grinding
  • Questing

We'll be trying to get PVP and Profession leveling as well, but no guarantees. (PVP botting seems really risky right now, especially with the lack of CCs and knowledge of playing each class. So we'll be "staying away" until we feel its more safe to go PVP botting.)

After release, I'll begin work on a space combat bot, but I have no plans on getting one finished for release.

Remember folks; this isn't a pixel-bot, or a macro-bot. We're actually aware of everything in the game, and we don't plan to skimp on anything. We've already gotten a few questing profiles (1-10) finished, and are looking to finish more. Due to the game still being new, and us not having played every class, spec, race, etc, we can't provide a 100% perfect bot at launch. But we're trying to provide the best possible with what we know, and are given.
Thank you for the updates, Kick and Apoc. It sounds like everything is moving along nicely.

We'll be trying to get PVP and Profession leveling as well, but no guarantees. (PVP botting seems really risky right now, especially with the lack of CCs and knowledge of playing each class. So we'll be "staying away" until we feel its more safe to go PVP botting.)

Volunteering for duty, sir. I'd love to put together (or assist with) the Concealment Operative and Carnage Warrior CustomClasses. :)
And the bot is still set to release feb 1?

assuming apoc can kick out the code and the bot is stable, it looks promising;

the profiles are made and just need some testing to make sure all of the logic works the way it should - which is why i'm sure apoc has a latte machine beside his desk
The official ineptness of Bioware at dealing with billions and trillions of exploited->laundered credits is pure comical:
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - [Huge economy exploit surfaces] - what will be BIOWARE's next move?

Of your 15 posts on this forum, 14 of them are in this thread with a clear bias against the development of this bot. On at least one occasion you have been directly addressed by a project lead; who at that time refuted or otherwise expressed disagreement with the points you have made.

Have you considered engaging the community in a more productive way than prophesying the demise of this game?
I will deffinately be purchasing this bot, cannot wait, Plus this game is amazing and if you dont have it GET IT!
how is their protection compared to wow and rift?

As good as kick is it will take him a whole day to do all the leveling profiles :)

so how long do you think it will take to get max level
Is there any way for HonorBuddy members to help with the testing and/or debugging process? My bot farms already run close to 30 HB licenses, and the computers running those could easily launch a couple dozen SW:ToR instances without complaining.
I will deffinately be purchasing this bot, cannot wait, Plus this game is amazing and if you dont have it GET IT!


how is their protection compared to wow and rift?

As good as kick is it will take him a whole day to do all the leveling profiles :)

so how long do you think it will take to get max level

My thought's about there protection would be it will be top notch due to how much money has been pumped into the game already, yet there protection is there but no actually active as of now (last time i checked) so no one will know just yet.

Is there any way for HonorBuddy members to help with the testing and/or debugging process? My bot farms already run close to 30 HB licenses, and the computers running those could easily launch a couple dozen SW:ToR instances without complaining.

i can imagine they will release a beta version so the community can flush out the bugg's so they can fix them, also you maybe be able to run 30 HB licenses but wow is not a resource hogger were SWTOR takes bigg chunks of resources.
Is there any way for HonorBuddy members to help with the testing and/or debugging process? My bot farms already run close to 30 HB licenses, and the computers running those could easily launch a couple dozen SW:ToR instances without complaining.

you'll have to get a workaround for swtor ... you can only launch one per comp atm =P
you'll have to get a workaround for swtor ... you can only launch one per comp atm =P

Oh I'm sure that one won't be hard to get around. Plenty of Korean MMORPGs have tried to limit dual boxing with those restrictions in the past ;p
Separate folders would work, but take quite a bit of HDD space.

There's no need for separate folders. :)

We may, or may not provide a way to bypass the single-instance restrictions. (Most likely not)

As of right now, we're working around the idea that there will only be one instance of the game running at a time. (This is an easy change later on, but for now we're leaving it as a 1-instance-only type thing)

The anti-cheat is in full effect right now. And as always (please pardon our failure that was Rift), we'll do our absolute best to ensure your accounts are safe. Currently, we know all about the anti-cheat. That's as much as I'll say for fairly obvious reasons.
cant wait for this to come out already have 2x50's working on my 3rd handed leveled
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