Let the bot stash them. Bot checks currency amount upon stashing it.If this is how its suppose to work, then i still say its bugged. Once i noticed i had run out of alchs, i bought ~800 or so and put them into my currency tab. MapBot never recognized the new alchs, even after starting / stopping the bot several times. It wasnt until i closed the bot completely and started a new session that MapBot started using alchs again.
When i run out again, i will remember to log it.
Also, before alching bot checks alchemy orbs availability plus currency required for a potential reroll (according to your rare reroll method). This was made to prevent a meaningless alchemy orb spam on white maps "bot upgrades map to rare - banned affix spawned - bot does not have orbs to reroll - bot takes another map and so on". On the other hand, users with strong builds and very few banned affixes could find this check evil. If I find a good way to expose it as an option in gui (without making gui too clunky), I will add it (same as scour-alcheming magic maps).
You do stop/start the bot often/rare/occasionally depends on user. If you have 10 full tabs and you do not wish to clean them (for some reason), you definitely do not want bot to check them all after every stop/start. But there are also users who have 1 full tab and they want it to be checked right after they cleaned it.This part seems very illogical to me. I fully understand there is no need to scan every tab after every town run, but if MapBot is terminating itself because stash tabs are full, why would MapBot not scan again when you restart the bot to check if stash space was made? Why must we kill the entire Exilebuddy process to begin mapping again?
I will make it a selectable option in next Extensions version.