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[Beta] Demonbuddy beta builds

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there is this function in the DB API: Zeta.Bot.Profile.Common.SkipCutsceneTag.SkipCutsce neTag()
I'm not sure if utilizing it somehow could help

for skipping conversations between NPCs


Chill, it's not because you're working on a profile that the world revolves around you ...
Nesox im dont sure but i hope you read all our reports. please fix UseWayPoint tag, now if waypoint coordinats is random almost everytime, like in certain locations, bot cant property interract to the WP, and he stuck for few second or more, before doing all right - WP without chanelling

here is the example of the profile - you can reproduce it easy if you launch it

Hell Rift lvl1

check for pool and wp back

  <Name>[~SYNERGY~ rifts]</Name>
  <GameParams difficulty="Normal" act="OpenWorld" resumeFromSave="False" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1" /> 
    <If condition="Me.IsInTown">
	  <!--to Hell Rift lvl1-->
	  <UseWaypoint waypointNumber="43" questId="1"/>
	  <WaitTimer questId="1" stepId="1" waitTime="1000"/>
	<If condition="not Me.IsInTown">
	  <MoveToActor questId="1" actorId="373463" interactRange="50" maxSearchDistance="60" useNavigator="True" statusText="Hell Rift Level 1 spot 1" />
	  <WaitTimer questId="1" stepId="1" waitTime="1000"/>
	  <UseWaypoint waypointNumber="0" actorId="6442" questId="1"/>
	<LeaveGame reason="The END" stayInParty="True" />

i asked rrrix to add WayPointNumber=# tag to MooveToActor, but he redirect me to you with this problem
Nesox im dont sure but i hope you read all our reports. please fix UseWayPoint tag, now if waypoint coordinats is random almost everytime, like in certain locations, bot cant property interract to the WP, and he stuck for few second or more, before doing all right - WP without chanelling

here is the example of the profile - you can reproduce it easy if you launch it

Hell Rift lvl1

check for pool and wp back

  <Name>[~SYNERGY~ rifts]</Name>
  <GameParams difficulty="Normal" act="OpenWorld" resumeFromSave="False" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1" /> 
    <If condition="Me.IsInTown">
      <!--to Hell Rift lvl1-->
      <UseWaypoint waypointNumber="43" questId="1"/>
      <WaitTimer questId="1" stepId="1" waitTime="1000"/>
    <If condition="not Me.IsInTown">
      <MoveToActor questId="1" actorId="373463" interactRange="50" maxSearchDistance="60" useNavigator="True" statusText="Hell Rift Level 1 spot 1" />
      <WaitTimer questId="1" stepId="1" waitTime="1000"/>
      <UseWaypoint waypointNumber="0" actorId="6442" questId="1"/>
    <LeaveGame reason="The END" stayInParty="True" />

i asked rrrix to add WayPointNumber=# tag to MooveToActor, but he redirect me to you with this problem

i think i have this issue to evrytime i start the bot it keeps spamming in the client but it never moves? with the questing profiles
this bug is fucking bullshit it basically breaks the entire fucking thing. I'd expect that shit to be fixed in a fucking timely manner yet it still isnt da fuck?

Yeah It's terrible and most people is not aware of it because they run the bot 24/7 with profiles that this problem is not so apparent like Ghom runs and whatever else.
Yeah It's terrible and most people is not aware of it because they run the bot 24/7 with profiles that this problem is not so apparent like Ghom runs and whatever else.

Well yeah if you make a new game every 2-10minutes ofc its not going to happen that often.. since you only switch between very few area's in that case but if you are in prolonged games like rifting or bounties that shit keeps happening and once it starts even after DB restart it happens again and again... only way to get rid of it is to kill the fucking explorer and restarted it same with DB.. annoying beyond reason.
Hey guys,

Whenever I´ve started this profile with the suggested DB Beta Version, it crashes after a random time of running.
Here is my log:
Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: Demonbuddy.exe
Anwendungsversion: 1.1.1862.403
Anwendungszeitstempel: 535f59a7
Fehlermodulname: GreyMagic.dll
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 535f5984

The regular released Version works perfektly with other profiles, but the current DB Beta version doesnt work. I already updated my C++ yesterday with Buddywizard :-/

Please help me :-(
Please, change Inventory.Coinage to long. 2 billion gold is not something rare.
Holy shit! you fixed the map corruption! nice work :)

MainGridProvider is now fully reset whenever the world changes.
It makes no sense to have difficulty in profiles, the profile creator might run on a much higher torment level than your able to play on, also different characters might need different difficulty levels and you don't have to edit profiles this way.

you obviously not check the profile section, and dont know that brands :)

many ppl want to run my Musketeers on high torment with my Synergy on normal, with R-YAR its possible to combine for greate Exp per hour profit

so this plugin is useful, and difficulty in the profile is usefull too
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Nesox, I am having problems, the client's closing D3, disconnects and more. Would issue in the DB Beta 404 or Trinity 1.9.0? Musketeers Ghom 0.6 prodile.

Here is my log:

View attachment 4556 2014-05-05 16.28.zip

I'm having trouble also with a significant increase in CPU usage and strong spikes I noticed.
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- just edit the .xml to your desired difficulty ... it is not rocket science !

you saying to me?

lol, if you read what i said - profile tag dont work without plugin now, and we need different dificulties for two profiles in combination
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