Well 405 is much better with Loot pickups and a few other things, do I have to search and replace the SafeMoveTo in all the files?
Yes, or you could just download revision 219 of the RiftBot profile.

Well 405 is much better with Loot pickups and a few other things, do I have to search and replace the SafeMoveTo in all the files?
While SafeMoveTo is a QT tag, MoveTo is a DB tag which can be less functional. I would advise not use MoveTo and stay with the old revisions/versions. I am investigating what's going on with 2.0.1's SMT.
repost 404 plz
+1 move failed! issue at bosses.I would like a link to the previous version too. I simply cannot do bounties anymore since this version for the same move failed! issue at bosses.
thxNew build up.
Changelog 406
- API Changes
- DefaultNavigationProvider, should no longer return PathGenerationFailed when changing worlds on the first MoveTo call, ( SafeMoveTo fixed ).
New build up.
Changelog 406
- API Changes
- DefaultNavigationProvider, should no longer return PathGenerationFailed when changing worlds on the first MoveTo call, ( SafeMoveTo fixed ).
You could check the worldId, it's in ZetaDia
Try WorldDynamicId
Press Alt+2 with diablo in the foreground with Demonbuddy attached
Your welcome![]()
[COLOR="#FF0000"]14:05:15.080 DEBUG IfTag Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 6, in Execute
NameError: global name 'WorldDynamicId' is not defined[/COLOR]
14:05:15.080 INFO BotMain Stopping the bot.
14:05:15.080 INFO BotMain Session lasted for: 00:00:00.0360556
14:05:15.081 DEBUG BotMain CurrentBot.Stop()
14:05:15.555 DEBUG BotMain Navigator.Clear()
14:05:15.555 DEBUG BotMain TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
14:05:15.555 INFO RoutineManager Chose Trinity as your combat routine
14:05:15.555 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] 09f39ba1-2051-4ef5-9277-4ce577ad2f42
14:05:15.565 DEBUG BotMain OnStop event
14:05:15.565 DEBUG BotMain OnStop Event Invoking
14:05:15.565 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
14:05:15.565 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
[COLOR="#FF0000"]14:05:15.565 DEBUG BrainBehavior Exception during scheduling Pulse: IronPython.Runtime.UnboundNameException: global name 'WorldDynamicId' is not defined[/COLOR]
at IronPython.Runtime.Operations.PythonOps.GetVariable(CodeContext context, String name, Boolean isGlobal, Boolean lightThrow)
at IronPython.Compiler.LookupGlobalInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run1[T0,TRet](T0 arg0)
at IronPython.Compiler.PythonCallTargets.OriginalCallTarget0(PythonFunction function)
at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute1[T0,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0)
at _Scripting_(Object[] )
at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Composites.IfTag.GetConditionExec()
at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Composites.IfTag.get_IsDone()
at Zeta.Bot.Profile.ProfileBehavior.get_IsDoneCache()
at Zeta.Bot.ProfileOrderManager.(IEnumerable`1 )
at Zeta.Bot.ProfileOrderManager.(IEnumerable`1 )
at Zeta.Bot.ProfileOrderManager.UpdateCurrentBehavior()
at Zeta.Bot.ProfileManager.UpdateCurrentProfileBehavior()
at Zeta.Bot.Logic.OrderBot.(Object , EventArgs )
at Zeta.Bot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
<If condition="ZeraDia.WorldDynamicId==2000748563">
latest beta version doesnt work, crashes when i open it from a fresh installl.....my updated version of 394 works fine tho (thats now 406 through updater)
Thank you.
I'll try that. I also need to find out if map layouts and dynamicIDs are 1-to-1 mapped, but if they are, this is a slam dunk.
It worked! Now I just need to figure out if WorldDynamicId equals map layout.
Well, WorldDynamicId was a bust. I came over a Catacombs map and a Zoltun Archives map with the same WorldDynamicId value. I'm starting to think It's not possible to distinguish the maps from each other by any type of markers.. :/
Do you have any other suggestions? Like SceneId or somthing similar?
If SceneId is a valid way to distinguish maps, how would the <If condition= look like?