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[Beta] Demonbuddy beta builds

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You are here since 08.08.2012 and have 426 and you need an explanation how it works after a patch?

Well ok here once and foreever
Same applies to DB and all other products: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/108771-help-desk-3.html#post1190361

If there is a game patch and the bot does not work, you'll have to wait for an update.
If there is no update from a DEV, it does not mean we're not aware of the things going on or we are not working on stuff, we simply have nothing to share then for the public.
Last but not least:
If there is something to share we do and we do for all. No need to ask every patch the same stuff or 10 times a day on a patch day.

If there is something to share, we will do, if not, we have nothing concrete to tell ;)

I was initially content to (unhappily, but silently) watch and wait for the incoming patch, but the attitude displayed in your posts not only changed my mind about that, but actually motivated me to make an account here just for this occasion.

You are a company. We? We're your customers. You provide a service and we pay you for it. AKA, you need to learn about something called 'Customer Service'. You don't tell your customers that you 'hate hearing them whine'. You don't talk to your customers like they're small and stupid children.

In the same vein, you, as a company we paid money to, do, in fact, have a duty and a responsibility to keep your paying customers in the loop regarding when they're going to be able to use the product they purchased. This can be a single reply on an already created thread, or an announcement thread explaining the situation and a general ETA; It does not mean that we should be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like popping up in a thread to berate someone for daring to request information from you.

I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.
For every question like this ETA = ETA + 1 day ^^

Hey, I just bought the lifetime DB, I know it's patch day etc, no problem will wait, but it could be cool to have ETA, to know if I continue to refresh this page all minutes like I do since 1 hour lol, or check tomorrow....

Thanks for your work ! :)
You guys need to relax, Like I posted in another thread going a day or two or even 3-4 without botting isn't going to kill you. Might give you some time to actually PLAY the game, If you can actually donate to get access to an 'early beta' and you wish to do so, go for it. Personally I am not addicted to botting like half of the posts I seem to read appear to read, Perhaps if I were still selling gold and making money off the RMAH and out of game I might be a little frustrated that one of my sources of money stopped flowing temp, but its all BoA dawgs. Just let them do their thing and its out when its out, until then enjoy the game.
I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.

Buh Buh uhhhh... really guys be patient and wait... it's a game! Since AH is down and nobody can make money with it nobody has something to lose, if u have a temporary usage write a mail to the support and the4y may add the "lost" time to your subcription... and he is really talkin nicely to you and the others who can't read, have too high expectations and have the patientience of a 5 year old kid, which wants its sweeties :P

Stop crying and stop posting useless S**T here!!
I was initially content to (unhappily, but silently) watch and wait for the incoming patch, but the attitude displayed in your posts not only changed my mind about that, but actually motivated me to make an account here just for this occasion.

You are a company. We? We're your customers. You provide a service and we pay you for it. AKA, you need to learn about something called 'Customer Service'. You don't tell your customers that you 'hate hearing them whine'. You don't talk to your customers like they're small and stupid children.

In the same vein, you, as a company we paid money to, do, in fact, have a duty and a responsibility to keep your paying customers in the loop regarding when they're going to be able to use the product they purchased. This can be a single reply on an already created thread, or an announcement thread explaining the situation and a general ETA; It does not mean that we should be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like popping up in a thread to berate someone for daring to request information from you.

I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.

Well said.

No ETA or at least just an idea of when it will come is frankly annoying.
Well said.

No ETA or at least just an idea of when it will come is frankly annoying.

How can you have an eta when you dont even know what's changed ?
They have a beta version already apparently, so they need to test it. They cant update it then hand it out then it fall over, that would cause more greif then what there is already.
You may aswell go to a shop and ask for some string, there going to say um, how long ?
Just accept its ready when its ready, the posts will be updated when its ready.

Kids say NO

Seriously ?

I was initially content to (unhappily, but silently) watch and wait for the incoming patch, but the attitude displayed in your posts not only changed my mind about that, but actually motivated me to make an account here just for this occasion.

You are a company. We? We're your customers. You provide a service and we pay you for it. AKA, you need to learn about something called 'Customer Service'. You don't tell your customers that you 'hate hearing them whine'. You don't talk to your customers like they're small and stupid children.

In the same vein, you, as a company we paid money to, do, in fact, have a duty and a responsibility to keep your paying customers in the loop regarding when they're going to be able to use the product they purchased. This can be a single reply on an already created thread, or an announcement thread explaining the situation and a general ETA; It does not mean that we should be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like popping up in a thread to berate someone for daring to request information from you.

I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.


Its been the same way for however many years, if there is a patch you wait till its dealt with, should it go on for an extended period then they will post an update. Would you rather have something that works or something rushed and falls over ?
I doubt it will be much longer but there has been changes, so even if a beta does come, trinity will no doubt need to be changed and who's to say trinity isnt being changed now with the beta which is taking longer.
Would be good to know yeh sure, i agree there but it is what it is and you have to deal with it. No use whining and moaning every 2 minutes.

Newbies tend to spam the forums, but as stated whether that is you or not, an account from 8.8.12 - you or whoever should already know the process.

It doesnt help the integrity of the forum at all, spamming all the time regarding the same issue.

Im sure there is something else you or whoever can be doing in the mean time, i mean its just a game and its just pixels at the end of the day.
You are here since 08.08.2012 and have 426 and you need an explanation how it works after a patch?

Well ok here once and foreever
Same applies to DB and all other products: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/108771-help-desk-3.html#post1190361

If there is a game patch and the bot does not work, you'll have to wait for an update.
If there is no update from a DEV, it does not mean we're not aware of the things going on or we are not working on stuff, we simply have nothing to share then for the public.
Last but not least:
If there is something to share we do and we do for all. No need to ask every patch the same stuff or 10 times a day on a patch day.

If there is something to share, we will do, if not, we have nothing concrete to tell ;)

Nope im fully aware of how patches work, how your bot works.. And the fact that most Patch update happen around 2-4 hours after the patch hits.. if it does not happen a dev normaly jumps on just gives us a heads up, there are a few dramams sit tight.. thats all..
I was initially content to (unhappily, but silently) watch and wait for the incoming patch, but the attitude displayed in your posts not only changed my mind about that, but actually motivated me to make an account here just for this occasion.

You are a company. We? We're your customers. You provide a service and we pay you for it. AKA, you need to learn about something called 'Customer Service'. You don't tell your customers that you 'hate hearing them whine'. You don't talk to your customers like they're small and stupid children.

In the same vein, you, as a company we paid money to, do, in fact, have a duty and a responsibility to keep your paying customers in the loop regarding when they're going to be able to use the product they purchased. This can be a single reply on an already created thread, or an announcement thread explaining the situation and a general ETA; It does not mean that we should be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like popping up in a thread to berate someone for daring to request information from you.

I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.

Hey, I just bought the lifetime DB, I know it's patch day etc, no problem will wait, but it could be cool to have ETA, to know if I continue to refresh this page all minutes like I do since 1 hour lol, or check tomorrow....

Thanks for your work ! :)

I think this 2 post sums up what most people here are feeling. If you guys are think you need 5 days before the bot is safe, then so be it. But having 0 updates from any devs about the current stage of development of the bot is kinda frustrating and I personally am refreshing the page every 5 mins hoping that the bot is up. However when a Mod finally appears, and the first thing you did was to belittle an anxious bot user instead of giving some kind of ETA, it kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. Being 37 years old I expected you to know better than to snap at an anxious customer, it felt like you pretty much told Thecamel to fuck off and the bot will be done when it is done. Honestly, is it really that hard to just tell us users that the bot is currently undergoing extensive testing and it will be up within the next X days?
< /rant>
I was initially content to (unhappily, but silently) watch and wait for the incoming patch, but the attitude displayed in your posts not only changed my mind about that, but actually motivated me to make an account here just for this occasion.

You are a company. We? We're your customers. You provide a service and we pay you for it. AKA, you need to learn about something called 'Customer Service'. You don't tell your customers that you 'hate hearing them whine'. You don't talk to your customers like they're small and stupid children.

In the same vein, you, as a company we paid money to, do, in fact, have a duty and a responsibility to keep your paying customers in the loop regarding when they're going to be able to use the product they purchased. This can be a single reply on an already created thread, or an announcement thread explaining the situation and a general ETA; It does not mean that we should be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like popping up in a thread to berate someone for daring to request information from you.

I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.

Might just be me, but I honestly do not see anything wrong in what BotOperator said. He/She/It pointed out that someone has been active on the forums for almost 2 years, and that basically within that 2 year period any game that there is a buddy bot for has had some kind of patch, and that there is always a window between that patch and updated offsets/bot/whatever.. You are correct, you have paid for a service, and since the service you paid for gets interrupted by patches such as this, it doesnt mean that they are sitting there twiddling their thumbs. I would much rather them take their time and do it correctly instead of rushing just to make the kiddies happy.

One reason why I, and many other people use any of the buddy bots (ive used honorbuddy for YEARS, DB for a while, and recently XIV) is for the over all quality and community of the bot. Sure other people can push out an update alot quicker but how do you know that their program is secure? ..Honestly, these bots provided on this forum are the only ones I would ever trust to use anymore..

Now, as said by many people.. Learn to search the forum to see why the bot is not working.. one dead obvious give away is the bot itself telling you there was a patch.. too many people are just too eager to click blindly without reading in hopes that they will get a personal response from a mod..
I was initially content to (unhappily, but silently) watch and wait for the incoming patch, but the attitude displayed in your posts not only changed my mind about that, but actually motivated me to make an account here just for this occasion.

You are a company. We? We're your customers. You provide a service and we pay you for it. AKA, you need to learn about something called 'Customer Service'. You don't tell your customers that you 'hate hearing them whine'. You don't talk to your customers like they're small and stupid children.

In the same vein, you, as a company we paid money to, do, in fact, have a duty and a responsibility to keep your paying customers in the loop regarding when they're going to be able to use the product they purchased. This can be a single reply on an already created thread, or an announcement thread explaining the situation and a general ETA; It does not mean that we should be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like popping up in a thread to berate someone for daring to request information from you.

I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.
I think this 2 post sums up what most people here are feeling. If you guys are think you need 5 days before the bot is safe, then so be it. But having 0 updates from any devs about the current stage of development of the bot is kinda frustrating and I personally am refreshing the page every 5 mins hoping that the bot is up. However when a Mod finally appears, and the first thing you did was to belittle an anxious bot user instead of giving some kind of ETA, it kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. Being 37 years old I expected you to know better than to snap at an anxious customer, it felt like you pretty much told Thecamel to fuck off and the bot will be done when it is done. Honestly, is it really that hard to just tell us users that the bot is currently undergoing extensive testing and it will be up within the next X days?
< /rant>

again, how can you give an eta on something your unsure about ?

ill say it again, its litually asking how longs a piece of string, and tbh if they did give you an eta and for whatever reason they missed it and had to push back due to something erroring, youd be more pissed at that than not knowing an eta.
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close the topic until beta will be released pls

- so who's dick do i have to suck to get beta?
- like a junky, huh?


^ real mature I must say. While I truly appreciate the contributions you made, it does not justify you taunting the crowd and starting this whole mess in the thread.

its still only for donators

^Ain't it fun waving the candy in front of everyone?
How can you have an eta when you dont even know what's changed ?
They have a beta version already apparently, so they need to test it. They cant update it then hand it out then it fall over, that would cause more greif then what there is already.
You may aswell go to a shop and ask for some string, there going to say um, how long ?
Just accept its ready when its ready, the posts will be updated when its ready.

Seriously ?


Its been the same way for however many years, if there is a patch you wait till its dealt with, should it go on for an extended period then they will post an update. Would you rather have something that works or something rushed and falls over ?
I doubt it will be much longer but there has been changes, so even if a beta does come, trinity will no doubt need to be changed and who's to say trinity isnt being changed now with the beta which is taking longer.
Would be good to know yeh sure, i agree there but it is what it is and you have to deal with it. No use whining and moaning every 2 minutes.

Newbies tend to spam the forums, but as stated whether that is you or not, an account from 8.8.12 - you or whoever should already know the process.

It doesnt help the integrity of the forum at all, spamming all the time regarding the same issue.

Im sure there is something else you or whoever can be doing in the mean time, i mean its just a game and its just pixels at the end of the day.

Um. What?

First of all, please take a look at the date on my post again; Where you're getting 8/8/2012, I have no idea.

Now, to address the fact that you apparently seem to have completely missed the point of my post.

I don't have a problem, personally, with waiting. The problem I have is with the guy's attitude towards his customers, which is completely unprofessional. Having worked in customer service-related fields for many years now, and currently working as a senior trainer at my workplace, I can say that that is the kind of attitude you NEVER want to see from a representative of any kind of company, ESPECIALLY a company as small as this; It's obvious at that point that all they care about is getting your money, not the happiness of their customers in any capacity.
Might just be me, but I honestly do not see anything wrong in what BotOperator said. He/She/It pointed out that someone has been active on the forums for almost 2 years, and that basically within that 2 year period any game that there is a buddy bot for has had some kind of patch, and that there is always a window between that patch and updated offsets/bot/whatever.. You are correct, you have paid for a service, and since the service you paid for gets interrupted by patches such as this, it doesnt mean that they are sitting there twiddling their thumbs. I would much rather them take their time and do it correctly instead of rushing just to make the kiddies happy.

One reason why I, and many other people use any of the buddy bots (ive used honorbuddy for YEARS, DB for a while, and recently XIV) is for the over all quality and community of the bot. Sure other people can push out an update alot quicker but how do you know that their program is secure? ..Honestly, these bots provided on this forum are the only ones I would ever trust to use anymore..

Now, as said by many people.. Learn to search the forum to see why the bot is not working.. one dead obvious give away is the bot itself telling you there was a patch.. too many people are just too eager to click blindly without reading in hopes that they will get a personal response from a mod..

Again, missing the point. I'm personally fine with waiting, and that was a very small portion of what I posted. My main issue was the deplorable attitude towards a paying customer displayed by a moderator.
I was initially content to (unhappily, but silently) watch and wait for the incoming patch, but the attitude displayed in your posts not only changed my mind about that, but actually motivated me to make an account here just for this occasion.

You are a company. We? We're your customers. You provide a service and we pay you for it. AKA, you need to learn about something called 'Customer Service'. You don't tell your customers that you 'hate hearing them whine'. You don't talk to your customers like they're small and stupid children.

In the same vein, you, as a company we paid money to, do, in fact, have a duty and a responsibility to keep your paying customers in the loop regarding when they're going to be able to use the product they purchased. This can be a single reply on an already created thread, or an announcement thread explaining the situation and a general ETA; It does not mean that we should be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like popping up in a thread to berate someone for daring to request information from you.

I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.
Um. What?

First of all, please take a look at the date on my post again; Where you're getting 8/8/2012, I have no idea.

Now, to address the fact that you apparently seem to have completely missed the point of my post.

I don't have a problem, personally, with waiting. The problem I have is with the guy's attitude towards his customers, which is completely unprofessional. Having worked in customer service-related fields for many years now, and currently working as a senior trainer at my workplace, I can say that that is the kind of attitude you NEVER want to see from a representative of any kind of company, ESPECIALLY a company as small as this; It's obvious at that point that all they care about is getting your money, not the happiness of their customers in any capacity.

If you worked in customer service, then please re-read what i posted, someone of your caliber shouldn't have to be told to go re-read something.
8.8.12 was referenced to the account in question, to which i put if that was you or not. why ? because said user may of been muted by the mod/admin. Hence me mentioning it.

Also, if they cared about taking money, then anything and everything they could do to get money from the user im pretty sure they would do, but they dont.

You either pay and wait to have something that works and is secure, or you go somewhere else pay for what you get, a ban.

If you don't like that response either, then sadly db isnt the place nor community for you - the truth and reality of situations is given to users alot not just by staff but by users also.

There is no tip toe'in around just bluntness.
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