True that if they do that for Wow bot should do the same for D3...
WRONG. If you pay for lifetime keys, you get lifetime services. Also, Bashiok told us to "be thankful" and we all know how that ended.Hysterical. It's not a business like Mcdonalds or Wallmart, it's a small business. They don't owe you, me or any of us anything. You paid for a key, you got it, you botted, they have absolutely fulfilled their obligation to all of us in every way already. If they close the site, lock us out, whatever, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do, you can whistle if you like. Each time you log on and the site is here take a min to thank your lucky stars. Each time the bot starts up, thank your lucky stars again. Thank all the good people around here that do a great deal of work so the rest of us don't have to.
You argue that you paid, you paid pennies for this bot and all their work.. I'm reasonably certain they're not driving around in their Benzs' laughing at all us "Rubes"..
I'm amazed that support is continued to be offered for FREE... OMG... Mcdonalds or Wallmart or any "business" would UPCHARGE for ANY expansion or patch... How in the hell is a patch or expansion the problem of, or the doing of anyone at DB??
Be thankful. Be thankful for this extra "FREE" service you are getting..
Hope this helps
As someone who's been around since honorbuddy was just a PVP script you guys are maroons for even asking for an ETA. They never have given accurate ETAs, and they likely won't start. Get off your fucking high horses. You paid what amounts to chicken scratch to these guys for your little subscription. They don't give a fuck about your opinion on the matter, they'll release a working version for the patch when they're good and ready and not a second before. Certainly not for whiny, entitled fucks with zero ability to read the forum they're posting dumbass questions on.
Actually, they don't! You can still give good customer service and be a completely illiterate person. It's sad that some people are illiterate, true, but they are fully capable of being kind, respectful, decent human beings who know how to treat others properly.
Now; Shall we call your literacy into question? For one, you lack any semblance of grammar. On top of that, your spelling is atrocious. Punctuation? Don't get me started. Shall I continue? No. So stop making jabs at me, and discuss like an adult, yeah?
Being blunt and disrespectful should not be the first and only response to the community. Period. End of story. If you disagree, you need to go back to kindergarten and re-learn 'The Golden Rule' from your parents.
Lastly; While the company may not be much of one, they are still charging for a product. We, as consumers and customers, have the right to expect basic human decency from the representatives of said company. End. Of. Story.
As someone who's been around since honorbuddy was just a PVP script you guys are maroons for even asking for an ETA. They never have given accurate ETAs, and they likely won't start. Get off your fucking high horses. You paid what amounts to chicken scratch to these guys for your little subscription. They don't give a fuck about your opinion on the matter, they'll release a working version for the patch when they're good and ready and not a second before. Certainly not for whiny, entitled fucks with zero ability to read the forum they're posting dumbass questions on.
WRONG. If you pay for lifetime keys, you get lifetime services. Also, Bashiok told us to "be thankful" and we all know how that ended.
why are you even posting still ?
db will be updated and released when its ready, the mods and admins can do as they please.
End. Of. Story.
Sure they can. But I also have a right as a paying customer to voice my opinions on their deplorable attitude towards their userbase.
Please copypaste more; It makes you seem so much less the apologist reprobate that you are. Really.
As someone who's been around since honorbuddy was just a PVP script you guys are maroons for even asking for an ETA..
I once waited over 2 weeks for a patch update back in the LK days. Uphill in the snow both ways, with no shoes or socks. Still, Nesox gave no fucks.Please regale me with more stories of 'no fucks given'.
Maroon is a dark brownish-red color, which takes its name from the French word marron, or chestnut.
Moron disused term for a person with a mental age between 8 and 12, and a common insult for a person considered stupid.
But in all seriousness, I would like to think that I am pink, not maroon....
Let me break it down into something you may understand and to the point, which is what alot of us do here any way.
No one gives a flying monkey fuck, about you or your opinion.
It is what it is, just deal with it.
Your not a dev, your not an admin, you have no power, you have no say, just like me and the other 50k users.
End Of Story
Please learn the proper usage of 'your' and 'you're'. It's just sad at this point.
And obviously some people agree, though you've made it quite clear that you don't. Now please, take your furs and your literal interpretations to the other side of the river. Because seriously, it's starting to make my brain hurt, reading your consummate idiocy.
I have to 'deal with it' no less than you have to (obviously) 'deal with' my opinions.
Neeeeeeeee Noooooooooooor Neeeeeeeeeeeee Nooooooooooooor
Grammar police be here brah ! /carebear
The fact Y O U R (fuck you're) sadly that pedantic makes me weep alittle for you.
But sadly for you we have mute.
So Y O U R wrong again, i don't have to deal with Y O U R opinions.
But fyi, im now going out into the real world so i won't be around now to reply to any of your moronic posts that no one including the devs care about.
db will be out when its out.
Neeeeeeeee Noooooooooooor Neeeeeeeeeeeee Nooooooooooooor
Grammar police be here brah ! /carebear
The fact Y O U R (fuck you're) sadly that pedantic makes me weep alittle for you.
But sadly for you we have mute.
So Y O U R wrong again, i don't have to deal with Y O U R opinions.
But fyi, im now going out into the real world so i won't be around now to reply to any of your moronic posts that no one including the devs care about.
db will be out when its out.