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[Beta] Demonbuddy beta builds

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again, how can you give an eta on something your unsure about ?

ill say it again, its litually asking how longs a piece of string, and tbh if they did give you an eta and for whatever reason they missed it and had to push back due to something erroring, youd be more pissed at that than not knowing an eta.

its typed as X for a reason, they definitely have a scheduled time to push out the update to the public. Its not hard to just add half a day to that scheduled time and tell us that. Since we know that there are already a selected number of users that have been selected to participate with the beta test of the bot, there is definitely a point in time where enough data has been collected. If unforeseen bugs appeared in the bot which results in the delay of the finalization of the bot all they got to do is make a post about it. And I personally would not be angry at them if the bot was delayed as it only means that they managed to find something essential before releasing it to the public.

edit: just to make myself clear, all I (and I assume most people here) wanted was ASSURANCE, however what we got was a
you'll have to wait for an update.


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If you worked in customer service, then please re-read what i posted, someone of your caliber shouldn't have to be told to go re-read something.

Also, if they cared about taking money, then anything and everything they could do to get money from the user im pretty sure they would do, but they dont.

You either pay and wait to have something that works and is secure, or you go somewhere else pay for what you get, a ban.

If you don't like that response either, then sadly db isnt the place nor community for you - the truth and reality of situations is given to users alot not just by staff but by users also. There is no tip toe'in around

First of all, sweetheart, customer service and reading comprehension don't go hand-in-hand. Maybe if I said I were an English teacher or something similar, but your attempt at a jab at my literacy fell somewhat short at that point.

That said; Again, you're missing the point of my post. Please go back and reread it, as you've so charmingly instructed me to do. Apparently it didn't get through your pretty blonde skull the first three times, but hey, maybe the fourth time's a charm?
I was initially content to (unhappily, but silently) watch and wait for the incoming patch, but the attitude displayed in your posts not only changed my mind about that, but actually motivated me to make an account here just for this occasion.

You are a company. We? We're your customers. You provide a service and we pay you for it. AKA, you need to learn about something called 'Customer Service'. You don't tell your customers that you 'hate hearing them whine'. You don't talk to your customers like they're small and stupid children.

In the same vein, you, as a company we paid money to, do, in fact, have a duty and a responsibility to keep your paying customers in the loop regarding when they're going to be able to use the product they purchased. This can be a single reply on an already created thread, or an announcement thread explaining the situation and a general ETA; It does not mean that we should be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like popping up in a thread to berate someone for daring to request information from you.

I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.

Hysterical. It's not a business like Mcdonalds or Wallmart, it's a small business. They don't owe you, me or any of us anything. You paid for a key, you got it, you botted, they have absolutely fulfilled their obligation to all of us in every way already. If they close the site, lock us out, whatever, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do, you can whistle if you like. Each time you log on and the site is here take a min to thank your lucky stars. Each time the bot starts up, thank your lucky stars again. Thank all the good people around here that do a great deal of work so the rest of us don't have to.

You argue that you paid, you paid pennies for this bot and all their work.. I'm reasonably certain they're not driving around in their Benzs' laughing at all us "Rubes"..

I'm amazed that support is continued to be offered for FREE... OMG... Mcdonalds or Wallmart or any "business" would UPCHARGE for ANY expansion or patch... How in the hell is a patch or expansion the problem of, or the doing of anyone at DB??

Be thankful. Be thankful for this extra "FREE" service you are getting..

Hope this helps
Finally made an account, a long time user. Just wanted to say this thread has made my day.

Leave the forums stop botting with demonbuddy if u don't like the policy bossland uses... be patient, calm down and stop writing useless stuff... everybody now understands that there are many out there who are impatient and feel mistreaten by bossland and missunderstood be the others ones like, Givemeaname, kevin and myself which try to calm they down and maybe in the beginning trolled them a bit like Kevin and me... but really it's a game, don't act like kids and stop spamming at all.. if there is something you want u discuss privatly do it via PN pls!!
I was initially content to (unhappily, but silently) watch and wait for the incoming patch, but the attitude displayed in your posts not only changed my mind about that, but actually motivated me to make an account here just for this occasion.

You are a company. We? We're your customers. You provide a service and we pay you for it. AKA, you need to learn about something called 'Customer Service'. You don't tell your customers that you 'hate hearing them whine'. You don't talk to your customers like they're small and stupid children.

In the same vein, you, as a company we paid money to, do, in fact, have a duty and a responsibility to keep your paying customers in the loop regarding when they're going to be able to use the product they purchased. This can be a single reply on an already created thread, or an announcement thread explaining the situation and a general ETA; It does not mean that we should be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like popping up in a thread to berate someone for daring to request information from you.

I won't be renewing my subscription; You should be ashamed of how you've spoken to your customers today.
First of all, sweetheart, customer service and reading comprehension don't go hand-in-hand. Maybe if I said I were an English teacher or something similar, but your attempt at a jab at my literacy fell somewhat short at that point.

That said; Again, you're missing the point of my post. Please go back and reread it, as you've so charmingly instructed me to do. Apparently it didn't get through your pretty blonde skull the first three times, but hey, maybe the fourth time's a charm?

Customer service and being literate go hand in hand, so id work on that skill as that also includes reading.

This isnt the real world, where you can class this "company" which is more like a community to somewhere you may or may not of worked, there is no hr, there is no procedures, there is no sla's and most of all, being blunt is sometimes the only way people listen.

If you dont like the attitude of the mods/admins/users then again, this isnt the real world and this isnt the community for you clearly.

Your preaching to the wrong people my friend.

Again, your missing my point which is, deal with it and stop crying over spilt milk.

Bottom line is, db will be updated and released when the devs are happy with the release.
People just need to be patient.
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Customer service and being literate go hand in hand, so id work on that skill as that also includes reading.

This isnt the real world, where you can class this "company" which is more like a community to somewhere you may of may of worked, there is no hr, there is no procedures, there is no sla's and most of all, being blunt is sometimes the only way people listen.

If you dont like the attitude of the mods/admins/users then again, this isnt the real world and this isnt the community for you clearly.

Your preaching to the wrong people my friend.

Again, your missing my point which is, deal with it and stop crying over spilt milk.

^TLDR: Suck it, you ain't the one making the bot.
Hysterical. It's not a business like Mcdonalds or Wallmart, it's a small business. They don't owe you, me or any of us anything. You paid for a key, you got it, you botted, they have absolutely fulfilled their obligation to all of us in every way already. If they close the site, lock us out, whatever, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do, you can whistle if you like. Each time you log on and the site is here take a min to thank your lucky stars. Each time the bot starts up, thank your lucky stars again. Thank all the good people around here that do a great deal of work so the rest of us don't have to.

You argue that you paid, you paid pennies for this bot and all their work.. I'm reasonably certain they're not driving around in their Benzs' laughing at all us "Rubes"..

I'm amazed that support is continued to be offered for FREE... OMG... Mcdonalds or Wallmart or any "business" would UPCHARGE for ANY expansion or patch... How in the hell is a patch or expansion the problem of, or the doing of anyone at DB??

Be thankful. Be thankful for this extra "FREE" service you are getting..

Hope this helps

The fact that we paid for the service is, in itself, a customer's guarantee that they will be treated respectfully. Not to mention this little thing called 'Basic human decency' that appears to have gone the way of the Dodo.

I'm not going to praise a business as my lord and savior because their product is still functional. If I did, I'd be bowing and scraping every time I did anything from brushing my teeth to making a piece of toast. The fact that they're a small business does not make them any less of a business; They should still be expected to treat their customers with as much respect as any other company out there that takes your money. Would you like it very much if you were to, say, call your electricity provider and they, instead of giving you the information you asked for, were to reply with something vague and unhelpful, and in a generally nasty, snotty tone? I think not. (And before you attempt to use it against me, I'm quite aware that a botting program =/= electricity in terms of importance, nor have I implied so.)

So, instead of asking me and others to be happy with being treated like second-class citizens and a nuisance, maybe you should, instead, be wondering about why your self esteem is so low that you consider this to be a defensible attitude.
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I pay for a service.
It goes down due to maintenance.
No eta is given to when it will be back up and running.
I get all hot/bothered and ask alot of stupid questions.

I pay for a service.
It goes down due to maintenance.
An eta is given.
I sigh but wait the time out paitently, knowing they have given me an eta i wait paitently.

Do what they do for honorbuddy, sticky post with an eta and updating posts of progession.
Holy sheep shit! This is the most heated patch day that I've seen come to pass! Weird thing is, there is no more profit to make with d3. Reading the posts is becoming more entertaining than actually playing! Not to offend anyone, but "customer service" for something that can get you banned from a game seems kinda funny. I'd be willing to bet that the owners of this company give no fucks about a few people pissed about something that came off as "bad customer service". Everyone knows the status quo.

My Uncle owns a restaurant and gives no fucks about customers who piss and moan about things like their chicken tacos not coming out fast enough. Ive actually seen him tell people to get the fuck out of his restaurant and never come back. And you know what? He is wildly successful. Point is: If you have a good product, you're not going to sweat the "I want everything right meow" customers. Once again, not trying to piss in anyone's cool-aide just my take on the situation. =)
The fact that we paid for the service is, in itself, a customer's guarantee that they will be treated respectfully. Not to mention this little thing called 'Basic human decency' that appears to have gone the way of the Dodo.

I'm not going to praise a business as my lord and savior because their product is still functional. If I did, I'd be bowing and scraping every time I did anything from brushing my teeth to making a piece of toast. The fact that they're a small business does not make them any less of a business; They should still be expected to treat their customers with as much respect as any other company out there that takes your money. Would you like it very much if you were to, say, call your electricity provider and they, instead of giving you the information you asked for, were to reply with something vague and unhelpful, and in a generally nasty, snotty tone? I think not. (And before you attempt to use it against me, I'm quite aware that a botting program =/= electricity in terms of importance, nor have I implied so.)

So, instead of asking me and others to be happy with being treated like second-class citizens and a nuisance, maybe you should, instead, be wondering about why your self esteem is so low that you consider this to be a defensible attitude.

"why your self esteem is so low" Is simply not needed or constructive. I know where my feet are, do you??

Hope this helps
Customer service and being literate go hand in hand, so id work on that skill as that also includes reading.

This isnt the real world, where you can class this "company" which is more like a community to somewhere you may or may not of worked, there is no hr, there is no procedures, there is no sla's and most of all, being blunt is sometimes the only way people listen.

If you dont like the attitude of the mods/admins/users then again, this isnt the real world and this isnt the community for you clearly.

Your preaching to the wrong people my friend.

Again, your missing my point which is, deal with it and stop crying over spilt milk.

Bottom line is, db will be updated and released when the devs are happy with the release.
People just need to be patient.

Actually, they don't! You can still give good customer service and be a completely illiterate person. It's sad that some people are illiterate, true, but they are fully capable of being kind, respectful, decent human beings who know how to treat others properly.

Now; Shall we call your literacy into question? For one, you lack any semblance of grammar. On top of that, your spelling is atrocious. Punctuation? Don't get me started. Shall I continue? No. So stop making jabs at me, and discuss like an adult, yeah?

Being blunt and disrespectful should not be the first and only response to the community. Period. End of story. If you disagree, you need to go back to kindergarten and re-learn 'The Golden Rule' from your parents.

Lastly; While the company may not be much of one, they are still charging for a product. We, as consumers and customers, have the right to expect basic human decency from the representatives of said company. End. Of. Story.
Actually, they don't! You can still give good customer service and be a completely illiterate person. It's sad that some people are illiterate, true, but they are fully capable of being kind, respectful, decent human beings who know how to treat others properly.

Now; Shall we call your literacy into question? For one, you lack any semblance of grammar. On top of that, your spelling is atrocious. Punctuation? Don't get me started. Shall I continue? No. So stop making jabs at me, and discuss like an adult, yeah?

Being blunt and disrespectful should not be the first and only response to the community. Period. End of story. If you disagree, you need to go back to kindergarten and re-learn 'The Golden Rule' from your parents.

Lastly; While the company may not be much of one, they are still charging for a product. We, as consumers and customers, have the right to expect basic human decency from the representatives of said company. End. Of. Story.

You're a dumbass. Get over yourself. Be patient. Also go outside, the air is nice.
If eta is given, addition time down for settling the bit = more forum stupid topic of people crying.

If no eta is given, also people crying for eta.

If an unstable bot is given to us, we will make more support topic for bot like unable to load, crashed, etc

So why not wait for the better one? And grab some popcorn.
You're a dumbass. Get over yourself. Be patient. Also go outside, the air is nice.

I actually think I'm both quite intelligent and not a mute donkey. And yes, I'm quite aware it's nice outside, if a bit chilly. I'm out there as we speak, in fact!
As someone who's been around since honorbuddy was just a PVP script you guys are maroons for even asking for an ETA. They never have given accurate ETAs, and they likely won't start. Get off your fucking high horses. You paid what amounts to chicken scratch to these guys for your little subscription. They don't give a fuck about your opinion on the matter, they'll release a working version for the patch when they're good and ready and not a second before. Certainly not for whiny, entitled fucks with zero ability to read the forum they're posting dumbass questions on.
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