<If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 107051" >
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="95.56118" y="120.2742" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="155.3159" y="89.08296" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="95.56118" y="120.2742" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="155.6546" y="144.6631" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="95.56118" y="120.2742" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="28.91298" y="121.3993" z="0.75" pathPrecision="8" />
<UseObject questId="87700" stepId="27" actorId="175467" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="71150" interactRange="20"/>
<LoadProfile profile="Legendary Road.xml" nodelay="true" />
Hi guys,
Having some problems loading this profile, iv been using the amazing A1 COTA exp profile which rocks but im new to DB and i cant figure out how to load multiple parts of a profile like the Leg road ? would really appreciate some help for a newb like me iv been searching the forums for ages trying to figure it out :*(.
or you can read ReadMe.txtHi guys,
Having some problems loading this profile, iv been using the amazing A1 COTA exp profile which rocks but im new to DB and i cant figure out how to load multiple parts of a profile like the Leg road ? would really appreciate some help for a newb like me iv been searching the forums for ages trying to figure it out :*(.
same here.. 1.8.4 and 1.8.5 worksGot problem with start with 0.4, after i update trinity to 1.8.6 (game start, char doesn't move, then it's appear to be stuck).
After i go back to 1.8.5 trinity - all is working fine.
Yup... Same here as highlighted earlier. The Gob is in this cellar.been watching it run for a while now and has missed dark seller every time is there a fix?
hey guys what are people using for their loot rules for patch 2.0+ I'm getting far too many junk items
Hey, anyone can tell me if its safe to run this profile on HC? I have a decent gear 1.5kk+ thoughness, I just want to now if its fully afkable on normal mode.
Here's a better fix for the first mother
<While condition="IsActiveQuest(87700) and IsActiveQuestStep(60) and CurrentWorldId == 71150">
<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="150" killRadius="20" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="2788.841" y="2924.494" z="24.0" pathPrecision="8" />
<WaitTimer questId="87700" stepId="60" waitTime="1000" />
<TrinityUseOnce id="189">
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="2733.739" y="2886.819" z="18.5" pathPrecision="8" />
There are also other problems I noticed. I am not sure how to fix them.
- In the Musty Cellar, the bot flip flops between the 2 chests.
- The cave under the well visits the northeast corner twice.
- The bot misses the dark cellar about half the time.
<If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 161964" >
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="586.8774" y="575.7211" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="569.2005" y="516.4106" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="607.4683" y="476.7434" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="569.2005" y="516.4106" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="586.8774" y="575.7211" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="497.5201" y="610.1197" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="568.6942" y="656.4723" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="603.3949" y="714.2595" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="623.8937" y="658.032" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="709.9084" y="609.129" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="630.5699" y="583.7847" z="0.1" pathPrecision="8" />
<UseObject questId="87700" stepId="27" actorId="176537" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="71150" interactRange="20"/>
<LoadProfile profile="Legendary Road.xml" nodelay="true" />
<While condition="IsActiveQuest(87700) and IsActiveQuestStep(50) and CurrentWorldId == 71150">
[B]<TalkTo questId="87700" stepId="50" actorId="3739" x="2841" y="2934" z="24" />[/B]
<WaitTimer questId="87700" stepId="50" waitTime="2000" />
<While condition="IsActiveQuest(87700) and IsActiveQuestStep(50) and CurrentWorldId == 71150">
[B]<SafeMoveTo questId="87700" stepId="50" x="2841" y="2934" z="24" name="Captain Rumford" />[/B]
<TalkTo questId="87700" stepId="50" actorId="3739" x="2841" y="2934" z="24" />
<WaitTimer questId="87700" stepId="50" waitTime="2000" />
fixed in .357 db beta already - read first post section issues you will seestill got the problem that my wizard stucks at the 2 known spots after the waypoint (at the gate)
everything fresh
decrease your chest open range radius mb- In the Musty Cellar, the bot flip flops between the 2 chests.