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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Is it possible to set default mail recipient in profile using <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings"> or smth else? The same question is about default class profile (class spec)?
I believe that's saved in an actual file somewhere.
Which if that's the case, you could write a batch file to auto-change it.

All that aside, I don't think there's a way to modify it via profile (unless) RunCode could be used to change it.

Hey, i got a problem with Vortex Pinacle farm. He does everything perfect but doesnt attack Altarius. He just goes there and stands AFK althought he could kill him with few auto attacks :D
If i kill him manual bot contiunues and leaves dungeon etc. so he works perfectly but not killing Altarius.

PS: would love a version where he just goes out of vortex pinacle after killing altarius so its way faster :)
Could you post a log of it?
I'll have to check the profile as well to make sure the code isn't messed up.
when i select the gundrak profile where he should guild bank the gold, he uses the guild chest but does not deposit anything and moves on
Could you post a log of it?
I'll have to check the profile as well to make sure the code isn't messed up.

Hey, thanks for the answer.

Here is the log:
[21:54:08.298 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] UserSettings behavior complete.
[21:54:08.298 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[21:54:08.298 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
[21:54:08.298 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[21:54:08.304 D] Goal: Moving to <-1197.913, 56.4448, 734.1751>
[21:54:08.351 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Himmelsattentäter
[21:54:08.404 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Himmelsattentäter
[21:54:09.606 D] Interacting with Himmelsattentäter (Unit Id: 45922)
[21:54:10.192 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Himmelsattentäter.9527 lvl=82 h=0.0%, maxh=32325, d=3.2 yds, box=3.0, boss=N, trivial=Y, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=45922, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Elemental, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[21:54:10.459 N] Looting Himmelsattentäter Guid:0x1C307852202CD88000490A0002EF9527
[21:54:10.459 V] Blacklisting 1C307852202CD88000490A0002EF9527 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[21:54:10.459 V] Blacklisting 1C307852202CD90000490A00056F9527 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[21:54:10.459 V] Blacklisting 1C307852202CD90000490A00046F9527 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[21:54:10.460 D] ItemId: 256, IsCurrency: 246, IsCoinage: 30, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 6, Quantity: 0, Int10: 0, Int14: 0, Status: 0
[21:54:10.461 D] ItemId: 0, IsCurrency: 1, IsCoinage: 0, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 4, Quantity: 0, Int10: 55762, Int14: 755630118, Status: -6
[21:54:10.646 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[21:54:11.192 N] [Singular] *Stealth on Me @ 100.0%
[21:54:18.003 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[21:54:18.253 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[21:54:18.254 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1906: In Progress (no associated quest)
Waiting for 1s
[Ref: "Drake of the North Wind[$Rev: 1114 $]" @line 495]
[21:54:18.529 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 0s of 1s.
[21:54:19.690 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Altairus.9527 lvl=84 h=100.0%, maxh=232500, d=12.0 yds, box=13.5, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=43873, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, creature=Dragon, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[21:54:19.273 D] [WaitTimer-v1906(debug)] WaitTimer behavior complete.
[21:54:19.339 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[21:54:19.369 D] [WaitTimer-v1906(debug)] Behavior completed in 1s
[21:54:19.615 D] [InteractWith-v1963(debug)] WaypointVisitStrategy set to Random
[21:54:19.615 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[21:54:19.623 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] b292eaad-182f-4b5d-97ba-44140c4114c4
[21:54:19.623 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] 8325f937-ecef-4283-9f04-79d9780445e7
[21:54:19.667 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 12.0, TtB: 19s)
[21:54:19.667 D] Goal: InteractWith-v1963: In Progress (no associated quest)
Interacting with Altairus
[Ref: "Drake of the North Wind[$Rev: 1114 $]" @line 496]
[21:54:20.713 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 18s)
[21:54:21.765 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 11.5, TtB: 17s)
[21:54:22.767 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.6, TtB: 16s)
[21:54:22.877 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
[21:54:23.781 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 15s)
[21:54:24.844 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 14s)
[21:54:25.903 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 13s)
[21:54:26.967 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 12s)
[21:54:28.029 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 11s)
[21:54:29.082 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 10s)
[21:54:30.108 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 9s)
[21:54:31.157 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 8s)
[21:54:32.187 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 7s)
[21:54:32.374 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
[21:54:33.220 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 6s)
[21:54:34.232 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 5s)
[21:54:35.310 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 4s)
[21:54:36.362 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 3s)
[21:54:37.391 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 2s)
[21:54:38.428 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 1s)
[21:54:39.491 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 0s)
[21:54:41.107 N] (Singular) info: 20 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
[21:54:41.499 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 0.000s)
[21:55:01.320 N] (Singular) info: 40 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
[21:55:01.704 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:31 Latency:82
[21:55:11.923 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:30 Latency:82
[21:55:21.348 N] (Singular) info: 60 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
[21:55:41.542 N] (Singular) info: 80 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
[21:55:52.360 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:31 Latency:81
[21:55:55.536 N] [StuckDetector]: Actively Monitoring for Stucks
[21:55:58.513 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 97.4 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in OnBotStopped)
[21:55:58.422 N] Stopping the bot!
[21:55:58.422 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[21:55:58.464 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] b292eaad-182f-4b5d-97ba-44140c4114c4
[21:55:58.464 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] 8325f937-ecef-4283-9f04-79d9780445e7
[21:55:58.493 D] [InteractWith-v1963(debug)] Behavior completed in 98s
[21:55:58.494 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[21:55:58.515 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Bot stopping. Original user settings restored as follows...
LootRadius = 45 (previous: 30; original: 45)
PullDistance = 100 (previous: 1; original: 100)

He went smoothly to Altarius but then just stands AFK not attacking him. If I kill him manualy bot will go on and do the rest. Dunno whats wrong :D
Thanks for looking after it!
That's not a profile error, that's either you not having the correct flying skill - or FlyTo bugging out.

That aside, I don't think that profile properly works anymore.
When it was created it was designed to rely on custom QuestBehaviors that no longer exist and if they do - no longer work.

Nah, that profile Doesn't work anymore :S
Even if i manually go into Naxx it just stands there :P
yes one of the is bagnon if thats the problem?
Yes, Bangon messes up the Lua code that's used to deposit.

Hey, thanks for the answer.

Here is the log:
[21:54:08.298 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] UserSettings behavior complete.
[21:54:08.298 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[21:54:08.298 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
[21:54:08.298 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[21:54:08.304 D] Goal: Moving to <-1197.913, 56.4448, 734.1751>
[21:54:08.351 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Himmelsattentäter
[21:54:08.404 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Himmelsattentäter
[21:54:09.606 D] Interacting with Himmelsattentäter (Unit Id: 45922)
[21:54:10.192 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Himmelsattentäter.9527 lvl=82 h=0.0%, maxh=32325, d=3.2 yds, box=3.0, boss=N, trivial=Y, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=45922, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Elemental, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[21:54:10.459 N] Looting Himmelsattentäter Guid:0x1C307852202CD88000490A0002EF9527
[21:54:10.459 V] Blacklisting 1C307852202CD88000490A0002EF9527 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[21:54:10.459 V] Blacklisting 1C307852202CD90000490A00056F9527 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[21:54:10.459 V] Blacklisting 1C307852202CD90000490A00046F9527 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[21:54:10.460 D] ItemId: 256, IsCurrency: 246, IsCoinage: 30, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 6, Quantity: 0, Int10: 0, Int14: 0, Status: 0
[21:54:10.461 D] ItemId: 0, IsCurrency: 1, IsCoinage: 0, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 4, Quantity: 0, Int10: 55762, Int14: 755630118, Status: -6
[21:54:10.646 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[21:54:11.192 N] [Singular] *Stealth on Me @ 100.0%
[21:54:18.003 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[21:54:18.253 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[21:54:18.254 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1906: In Progress (no associated quest)
Waiting for 1s
[Ref: "Drake of the North Wind[$Rev: 1114 $]" @line 495]
[21:54:18.529 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 0s of 1s.
[21:54:19.690 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Altairus.9527 lvl=84 h=100.0%, maxh=232500, d=12.0 yds, box=13.5, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=43873, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, creature=Dragon, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[21:54:19.273 D] [WaitTimer-v1906(debug)] WaitTimer behavior complete.
[21:54:19.339 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[21:54:19.369 D] [WaitTimer-v1906(debug)] Behavior completed in 1s
[21:54:19.615 D] [InteractWith-v1963(debug)] WaypointVisitStrategy set to Random
[21:54:19.615 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[21:54:19.623 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] b292eaad-182f-4b5d-97ba-44140c4114c4
[21:54:19.623 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] 8325f937-ecef-4283-9f04-79d9780445e7
[21:54:19.667 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 12.0, TtB: 19s)
[21:54:19.667 D] Goal: InteractWith-v1963: In Progress (no associated quest)
Interacting with Altairus
[Ref: "Drake of the North Wind[$Rev: 1114 $]" @line 496]
[21:54:20.713 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 18s)
[21:54:21.765 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 11.5, TtB: 17s)
[21:54:22.767 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.6, TtB: 16s)
[21:54:22.877 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
[21:54:23.781 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 15s)
[21:54:24.844 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 14s)
[21:54:25.903 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 13s)
[21:54:26.967 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 12s)
[21:54:28.029 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 11s)
[21:54:29.082 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 10s)
[21:54:30.108 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 9s)
[21:54:31.157 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 8s)
[21:54:32.187 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 7s)
[21:54:32.374 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
[21:54:33.220 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 6s)
[21:54:34.232 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 5s)
[21:54:35.310 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 4s)
[21:54:36.362 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 3s)
[21:54:37.391 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 2s)
[21:54:38.428 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 1s)
[21:54:39.491 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 0s)
[21:54:41.107 N] (Singular) info: 20 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
[21:54:41.499 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Altairus (id: 43873, dist: 10.1, TtB: 0.000s)
[21:55:01.320 N] (Singular) info: 40 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
[21:55:01.704 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:31 Latency:82
[21:55:11.923 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:30 Latency:82
[21:55:21.348 N] (Singular) info: 60 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
[21:55:41.542 N] (Singular) info: 80 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
[21:55:52.360 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:31 Latency:81
[21:55:55.536 N] [StuckDetector]: Actively Monitoring for Stucks
[21:55:58.513 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 97.4 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in OnBotStopped)
[21:55:58.422 N] Stopping the bot!
[21:55:58.422 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[21:55:58.464 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] b292eaad-182f-4b5d-97ba-44140c4114c4
[21:55:58.464 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] 8325f937-ecef-4283-9f04-79d9780445e7
[21:55:58.493 D] [InteractWith-v1963(debug)] Behavior completed in 98s
[21:55:58.494 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[21:55:58.515 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Bot stopping. Original user settings restored as follows...
LootRadius = 45 (previous: 30; original: 45)
PullDistance = 100 (previous: 1; original: 100)

He went smoothly to Altarius but then just stands AFK not attacking him. If I kill him manualy bot will go on and do the rest. Dunno whats wrong :D
Thanks for looking after it!
I need a full log. What you copy+pasted doesn't provide enough information.
That and the Revision number doesn't match with the revision number on the master copy.
So I'm not sure which profile you're using exactly.
How is everyone going with dungeon farming in the last couple of weeks? Are you still getting banned pretty quickly?
Rivendare mount farm

Issue: Bot moves to wrong instance and tries to go through a locked gate.

Fresh Install - singular used.

Please fix? Thanks!


Rivendare mount farm

Issue: Bot moves to wrong instance and tries to go through a locked gate.

Fresh Install - singular used.

Please fix? Thanks!
Moves to the wrong instance? I don't see how that's possible lol.
Can you post a screenshot of the gate you're getting stuck on?
What happened to the dungeon farming? There used to be a lot of bots outside of Gundrak, but they all gone. After a few hours of running Gundrak profile, my toon cannot re-enter the dungeon again...it says something like I’ve exceeded the re-enter limit...
What happened to the dungeon farming? There used to be a lot of bots outside of Gundrak, but they all gone. After a few hours of running Gundrak profile, my toon cannot re-enter the dungeon again...it says something like I’ve exceeded the re-enter limit...
Blizzard has been crushing down on botting since the Chinese bot-wave.
If you're exceeding the limit, then the bot isn't waiting long enough for whatever reason.

When you complete the run, does it wait at the exit portal?
Moves to the wrong instance? I don't see how that's possible lol.
Can you post a screenshot of the gate you're getting stuck on?

You can see it in the log - he is still going into the "right" instance but its zoning out --- and running to the other entrance. We want to keep going into the Service Entrance - there is no way to get to rivendare from the "main" entrance or "scarlet side" as it is known. You can see in the log I posted how after he leaves dungeon - he mounts up and goes to another instance entrance.
quick question.

running a modified medium pull grim batol. modified with last months death fix code we discussed on another thread. but thats probably not the issue.

the issue is, when i die inside. my toon promptly runs back in, but seems to forget where he died.

he just runs and runs and runs until he has aggroed about 45 mobs and dies running towards more mobs.

is there a specific direction i need to be looking for a solution?

would a log help? is it a known issue? is my toon a retard and its the universe punishing me for wearing women's underwear to school when i was in 10th grade?

and, do i still need to be using the death fix concoction we cooked up back when? or has honorbuddy attempted to fix that issue? im a little behind and would love an update.

thanks for everything. maybe ill try a new profile from a fresh svn download while i wait.

yeh, tested with your newest --optimized medium pull grim batol simple profile. still needs deathrunfix plugin. luckily i still have it.
Last edited:
/dungeons/outlands/medium pulls/[RunAll]Randomizer.xml
Cannot load profile!
Opening tag "If" at position 2 line 263 doesn't match closing tag "QuestOrder"., line 3123, position 3.
I deleted line 263. Pls fix this
quick question.

running a modified medium pull grim batol. modified with last months death fix code we discussed on another thread. but thats probably not the issue.

the issue is, when i die inside. my toon promptly runs back in, but seems to forget where he died.

he just runs and runs and runs until he has aggroed about 45 mobs and dies running towards more mobs.

is there a specific direction i need to be looking for a solution?

would a log help? is it a known issue? is my toon a retard and its the universe punishing me for wearing women's underwear to school when i was in 10th grade?

and, do i still need to be using the death fix concoction we cooked up back when? or has honorbuddy attempted to fix that issue? im a little behind and would love an update.

thanks for everything. maybe ill try a new profile from a fresh svn download while i wait.

yeh, tested with your newest --optimized medium pull grim batol simple profile. still needs deathrunfix plugin. luckily i still have it.
Hmm, it could be a number of things that would cause this.

One common issue is the bot ignoring the 'EnableBehavior' lines causing it to pull the entire instance, a fix for this would be adding wait timers between the <EnableBehavior /> to <DisableBehavior /> lines.
This way there's some "think time" for the bot between the pulls.

Another may be that the bot is dying during a pull.
Since the bot continues where it left off after re-entering the dungeon, the combat will still be disabled all the way up until the run it died on is complete.
This could also mix with the other issue I posted above.

I wear women's underwear all the time and haven't had any consequence form the universe yet, so I doubt it's that.

As far as actual 'death' fixing - there's still some bugs going on internally.
There's hundreds of solutions but all work only for 'some' people.
I haven't found a solid solution that would work for everyone.

/dungeons/outlands/medium pulls/[RunAll]Randomizer.xml
Cannot load profile!
Opening tag "If" at position 2 line 263 doesn't match closing tag "QuestOrder"., line 3123, position 3.
I deleted line 263. Pls fix this
The issue was most-likely brought up when the new universal navigation system was added in.
I have a tester going in-game to confirm the issue and will fix it if it's confirmed. An edit will also be made to this post to verify the fix as been sent.
Standing outside of Halls of Reflection (I have cleared the other 2 dungeons that unlock this one), I start the bot in questing mode with "Halls of Reflection" profile picked and I get this error: [UserSettings-v1581(warning) @line 66]: Attribute 'FindVendorsAutomatically' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do.


Last edited: