5826195837204 millionsHello,
How much monthly income would be gold?
5826195837204 millions
Well you asked something which can not be defined as too many dependencies there let me list a few up :Genius detected.
The insane pulls profile will do all of the bosses on top of the normal trash run. If your bot can handle heavy pulls Tol'vir it should be able to handle the insane profile. They should use the potion, run it and find out.Why is there only a trash farm version for lost city tol'vir? dont u miss alot of gold not killing the bosses?!
and if I run the thrashfarm will the bots use treasure potion if they have it in bag?
How much monthly income would be gold?
You should experiment and find out which one works best for you. Grim Batol, Tolvir, Botanica and Gundrak can all average over 1k/hour. Individuals have claimed gph as high at 1.4k per hour on occasion, but I have never done this well. Remember that any profile that you clear faster than 6m is giving you its optimal gph, the only way you can make these runs better is by recoding them to pull more trash, or by using a mobile Gbank/vendorwhich profile has the highest gph?
Tried it. Didnt work out since mty toons is to low geared. Heavy pulls trashfarm works. Insane didnt work sadly.The insane pulls profile will do all of the bosses on top of the normal trash run. If your bot can handle heavy pulls Tol'vir it should be able to handle the insane profile. They should use the potion, run it and find out.
Tried it. Didnt work out since mty toons is to low geared. Heavy pulls trashfarm works. Insane didnt work sadly.
Yes. In honorbuddy settings and tool you have the option to set a specific ground and flying mount.I'm using the dungeon farming profile and inside the Tol'Vir the bot uses random mounts.
Is there a way to set it to use only Druid Travel Form?
Yes, it is set to specific but the bot is using random for some reason.Yes. In honorbuddy settings and tool you have the option to set a specific ground and flying mount.
The insane pulls profile will do all of the bosses on top of the normal trash run. If your bot can handle heavy pulls Tol'vir it should be able to handle the insane profile. They should use the potion, run it and find out.
This is the wrong place to be asking this question. As stated there are a large number of variables that enter into the income you may generate, none of which are directly relevant to this thread with the possible exception of the gph generated by these profiles
You should experiment and find out which one works best for you. Grim Batol, Tolvir, Botanica and Gundrak can all average over 1k/hour. Individuals have claimed gph as high at 1.4k per hour on occasion, but I have never done this well. Remember that any profile that you clear faster than 6m is giving you its optimal gph, the only way you can make these runs better is by recoding them to pull more trash, or by using a mobile Gbank/vendor
Over 1k/hour from Grim Batol...I don't see howThe pure gold made from a run is 37-42g depending on luck with the pulled mobs chain-pulling, I know you get to vendor stuff (I have the mammoth) but given that a run takes ~13 minutes on a protection paladin I can't see a figure that close D:
9min-10min per run with 90 druid in grim batol. which gives 1.3-1.4k/h with mammoth