I'm not currently working on Azyul so the issue is floating for Pookthetook to fix.Azyul how do we know when the issue that you have ticketed has been looked into, mine was about my 5 lvl 100 hunters not pulling aggro at second boss (water boss) in gundrake, thus making all botting chars stand afk until i intervene?
Try starting it inside.Bot gets stuck and will not enter Karazhan?View attachment 162079
This doesn't tell me much.Runs into the wall in Chamber of Akali (Gundrak)
Well, the latest versions of The Botanica do not use a coordinate to exit - they use a Lua script that makes the character endlessly walk into the direction it's facing.I am having a problem with the Botanica - Sell Everything. On the way out of the dungeon after killing everything, he sits afk for 30 seconds. Then runs to exit the instance but does not get close enough to the portal to zone out. He eventually gets in a never ending loop and eventually logs out from no activity.
Can you update the coordinates to make him move closer to the instance portal so the bot will properly zone out?
Good to hear.@EchoTiger thanks for the profile.
Modified a bit and wrote a small plugin to deal with the death issue and movement speed +
got 1.4k gph per char. quite nice for lv90 cheap accounts![]()
Depends on the profile you're using.The bot is working fine, thank you so much!
I'm skinning alot of the mobs, and I wonder how I can keep the borean leather (as frostweave)? Would probably get some gold for that on AH![]()
You use the Questing botbase - as explained by the original post already.Please explain how to use it?I have not quite understood what the bot to run Dungeonbuddy the profiles are not loaded and under other also,how should I start it?
The abomination/other Stratholme issue is definitively a aggro-tolerance issue.Having an Issue with farming Lord Rivendare's mount in strath, when my warrior (lvl 100 night elf) runs around to gather up all the abominations, she sometimes misses the top left one and then goes right and aoes them all down cept the one she missed and goes afk (also sometimes even when she nails all the abominations after the aoe she gets stuck on a box when she loops around to the boss which isnt THAT big of an issue cuse eventually she'll break free after like 30 secs)
Also a minor bug I had my warrior go farm ashes and she went from hellfire all the way to the boss and stopped like 2 ft away from the starting the event to get the dialog going. Love your profile man keep up the good work ^.^ I'll do what I can to give good feedback.
Edit: missed 2 abom this run (I prob wouldn't have this issue if I used a lvl 80-90)
I just scanned the entire pack for any occurrence of "RunOnce" - but none were found.Running the Northwind Drake farm profile on revision 1107 still gets me sometimes stuck at the instance entrance with the same error message:
[InteractWith-v1857(warning) @line 494]: Attribute 'RunOnce' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
It happend 2 times that he ran into the wall , 1 time each on 2 bots but nothing more then those 2 times. I will post a log if it happends again! . Im stil strugling with the bot not selling Relic of Ulduar / Honeymint Tea / Salted venison and Crystalized/Eternal's
Delete them from the HB folder / ProtectedItems.xml file also switch off refreshment detector plugin if you running Arelog it might not save the "off" status of the plugin if so delete the plugin itself
Edit : I would advise to check your realm price for Eternal Fire tho can give you nice extra
I would like to apologies to the bunch of druids, dks, paladins and hunters i farmed at the entrance to Gundrak last night - shit there are many of you
Well, it's up on the tracker.Basically it kills the mini adds but in your code I'm guessing u need a focus target code in there for that boss as its a lvl 100 it's not aggroing it where as I don't have as much issues with lower chars tho lvl 85 do sometimes miss that boss also, that is the only issue I have found in this profile and I ran it on 5 accounts over 100k times
It happend 2 times that he ran into the wall , 1 time each on 2 bots but nothing more then those 2 times. I will post a log if it happends again! . Im stil strugling with the bot not selling Relic of Ulduar / Honeymint Tea / Salted venison and Crystalized/Eternal's
I have no idea what the wall is you're talking about - I'll need a log or a screenshot.22g each on Eternal fire. I did delete the items in protected list and deleted the plugin stil he doesnt sell the meat while other bots do SOMETIMES, also he saved runic mana and healht poption even tho i commented them out in the protected list.
The 'DD' profiles are depreciated and are no longer maintained.Having a bit of an issues with the "DD" profiles not recognising when I move forward/left/back/right. Keep getting a red message in HB saying that something went wrong - does setting to HC increase the GPH from the mobs, as they're all effectively one-shottable anyway?
Edit: it also makes my WoW come to a crawl in terms of FPS - I usually have a stable 60 with v-sync on, well above 100 with it off, but I see a constant 13-25ish FPS when I run the profile. Have tested if it's just the instance by stopping the bot midway through a run and sure enough, my framerate shoots up and everything runs smooth again. Must be something going on that's causing this?
I would like to apologies to the bunch of druids, dks, paladins and hunters i farmed at the entrance to Gundrak last night - shit there are many of you
Anyone else have issues with dungeon profiles equipping the gear that drops? I have auto equip turned off, came back after couple hours and was wearing greens / grey items. happened on few occasion too.