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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

I get this error.Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! i think i am doing something wrong.
Guys, deleting arcane tome = real shit, cause they can be sold at ah with good price, after each run the hb "Deleting Arcane Tomes" , how make not to do this ?
It seems like none of the botanica extras are using the run script to exit the instance. Can anyone else verify that? The two I tried were Guild bank and Sell everything both did not use the lua script. However the regular Heavy botanica profile does work properly.
How can I set the time down at the end of the instance something ? For me Honorbuddy always waits up to 2 minutes which was not even 2 weeks ago so
How can I set the time down at the end of the instance something ? For me Honorbuddy always waits up to 2 minutes which was not even 2 weeks ago so
You mean when your bot has cleared the instance?
If you're faster than 6min per run the bot will wait so u don't get instance locked. (10 runs per hour.)
Hello .Is there any profile for gundrak sell everything + deposit gold in guild... i don't want the frostweave... because on me server is 55 gold /stack 200x. and me guild bank is almost full of frostweave cloth:D i don't know how to edit the profile Can you edit for me pls sir? the gundrak to sell the cloth to vendor but keep deposit the gold to guild bank THX.

Edit: on medium do this but he got timer outside 15 sec:( I want the heavy pulls one to do this if can pls :( because he don't have timer outside and i don't like to stay outside of dungeon much time because they gang me pvp server:)
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Hello .Is there any profile for gundrak sell everything + deposit gold in guild... i don't want the frostweave... because on me server is 55 gold /stack 200x. and me guild bank is almost full of frostweave cloth:D i don't know how to edit the profile Can you edit for me pls sir? the gundrak to sell the cloth to vendor but keep deposit the gold to guild bank THX.
I would love this!
Hello .Is there any profile for gundrak sell everything + deposit gold in guild... i don't want the frostweave... because on me server is 55 gold /stack 200x. and me guild bank is almost full of frostweave cloth:D i don't know how to edit the profile Can you edit for me pls sir? the gundrak to sell the cloth to vendor but keep deposit the gold to guild bank THX.

it is, in Medium Pulls\Gundrak - Extras\Gundrak - Guild Bank Money - Sell Everything
Hello! Great profiles< thank you for the hard work.
I now use The Botanica - Sell Everything profile.
And I have an issue. Everytime bot leaves instance it goes to the cliff, shows error MoveTo failed to move to the location: <152.0139, 391.3595, -34.01377>, waits for 15 secs and jumps from cliff, dies and stops working. It uses ground mount also, instead of flying.
I found some common issues in thread, but they were without answer( Please save my gold grinding soul.

UPD: Usual Botanika pforile works just amazing. Seems the problem is only with Sell Everythinf one. It tries to fly to vendor after each run, uses wring mount and dies :D
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Sure i'll give you a log when server is back up in 10 :)

Ok eu servers are back up finally will post a log

here you go with the logs, hopefully it helps
Could you try with the latest SVN update?

i can not start with "Quest Bot".
HB say "Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!"
Could you tell me which profile you're trying to use?
Or post a log.

Hey man thanks for the hunter fix! And ofc for all the time you put into these profiles you are awesome! Can you pls tweak Halls of lighting Deathwish for Sell All/Deposit Gbank? Thanks again man!
Could you check here to see if what you're wanting is there?
Azyul Cloud

Is there a medium pull Halls of Lightning sell everything? i want to sell food, cloth, relics and other things too.
Not that I know of.
Disable your "Refreshment Detection" plugin and remove the food+water entries from your "Settings & Tools" menu to have it sell food.
Also, you should have a "ProtectedItems.xml" file located where your Honorbuddy executable is.

This file is what prevents Honorbuddy from selling items such as the cloth/relics/etc.
You can remove the cloth/relics/etc entries from the file - or just rename the file entirely so that the bot will sell everything.

Make sure you restart the bot after renaming the file or after you remove the entries.

EchoTiger, thank you for you replies.

Are there any MoP dungeon profiles? I have a lvl 100 Feral Druid and he is impossible to kill, so i think he can do MoP content easily.

BTW, where is the line to disable random mounts and set a specific mount?
No MoP dungeon profiles have been made because none of the dungeons are considerably 'worth' farming.
Most have a low GPH and are very slow.

The in-dungeon mounting is controlled by the profile, if you want it to use a specific mount you will need to modify the profile code.
I can post a snippet if needed.

Is it possible to not deleting Tombes@ in Botanica profile, can someone share the edited profile , cause im a really newbie in this and cant make this work even after readding all advices in this thread = ( i tried to add in protected items ( doesnt work ) tried to change lua script as writed - doesnt work, help pls.
guys, how to make it not deleting arcane tomes ?
Guys, deleting arcane tome = real shit, cause they can be sold at ah with good price, after each run the hb "Deleting Arcane Tomes" , how make not to do this ?

Don't triple post....
Just because I didn't respond doesn't meant I won't.

The profile is hard-coded to delete them.

CTRL+F and Remove this line to make it stop:
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="for bag = 0,4,1 do for slot = 1, 32, 1 do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); if name and string.find(name,&quot;Arcane Tome&quot;) then PickupContainerItem(bag,slot); DeleteCursorItem(); end; end; end " />

Also, if you're using a "Sell All" profile - you'll need to whitelist the tomes from the Selling code.
I can post a snippet if needed.

With all this guy helps I certainly hope a lot of you people have donated something to him.
I get an average of $5 to $10 a month. :P
Rarely someone will donate $20.

tried this out on a 507 ret pally and he dies after the crocodile pull, he wont even make it over the bridge to the other room.
Heavy heroic trashfarm didnt work either.

And echotiger, can't you make a tol'vir heavy pulls with bosses and gbank+embersilk?
It's not impossible.
I'd need to know what kind of tolerance you'd expect for a Heavy pull though.

Typically the last pull (from Augh to Prophet) is the heaviest pull. All other pulls aren't that bad.
It can be halved - which I would probably consider that a heavy pull.
Would that be fine?

Hey echo why you do not change the mode to farm with the druid using only starfall in Sravess or Guo-Lai? just stay in a specific corner with mobs of maximum and use starfall, simple. :D
Not reliable enough.
It also wouldn't conform to the pulling method.

I get this error.Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! i think i am doing something wrong.
You probably are, but I can't tell because you didn't post a log.

It seems like none of the botanica extras are using the run script to exit the instance. Can anyone else verify that? The two I tried were Guild bank and Sell everything both did not use the lua script. However the regular Heavy botanica profile does work properly.
They all use the same code.
The only differences are the density of the pull coordinates.

Post a log for the one you're having problems on and I may be able to figure out what's going on.

Reinstall your bot.

How can I set the time down at the end of the instance something ? For me Honorbuddy always waits up to 2 minutes which was not even 2 weeks ago so
CTRL+F for Timer="Check", on this line add WaitTimer="xxxx"
For "xxxx" put a time (in milliseconds).

This time will be the time-cap per run.

You have a profile for icc?
Not currently.

Hello .Is there any profile for gundrak sell everything + deposit gold in guild... i don't want the frostweave... because on me server is 55 gold /stack 200x. and me guild bank is almost full of frostweave cloth:D i don't know how to edit the profile Can you edit for me pls sir? the gundrak to sell the cloth to vendor but keep deposit the gold to guild bank THX.

Edit: on medium do this but he got timer outside 15 sec:( I want the heavy pulls one to do this if can pls :( because he don't have timer outside and i don't like to stay outside of dungeon much time because they gang me pvp server:)
I would love this!
Gundrak - Guild Bank Money - Sell Everything

A code will eventually be added to trim the wait timers that occur while going in/out of a dungeon.[/QUOTE]

Hello! Great profiles< thank you for the hard work.
I now use The Botanica - Sell Everything profile.
And I have an issue. Everytime bot leaves instance it goes to the cliff, shows error MoveTo failed to move to the location: <152.0139, 391.3595, -34.01377>, waits for 15 secs and jumps from cliff, dies and stops working. It uses ground mount also, instead of flying.
I found some common issues in thread, but they were without answer( Please save my gold grinding soul.

UPD: Usual Botanika pforile works just amazing. Seems the problem is only with Sell Everythinf one. It tries to fly to vendor after each run, uses wring mount and dies :D
Every profile should be the exact same.
The only difference is the pull coordinates and the selling codes - any other navigation/code is the exact same.

I'll check between the two profiles and see if there's any inconsistencies.
Quote Originally Posted by wtfmofo View Post
With all this guy helps I certainly hope a lot of you people have donated something to him.
I get an average of $5 to $10 a month. :P
Rarely someone will donate $20.

Damn that sucks, well just donated $10 hope people follows. cheers man

[email protected]

Elias, your donation is now complete
9min-10min per run with 90 druid in grim batol. which gives 1.3-1.4k/h with mammoth
I'm using a level 100 prot paladin, not quite the same movespeed obviously but can handle more mobs at once. Shouldn't a 100 pull in as much as a 90 if not way more?
I'm using a level 100 prot paladin, not quite the same movespeed obviously but can handle more mobs at once. Shouldn't a 100 pull in as much as a 90 if not way more?

Two things determine the GPH
1. the dungeon you farm: x gold per fun, assuming fixed drop rate
2. time for each run

due to the instance reset limits, 10 times/h = 6min per run. Hence, as long as your run time is greater than 6min, there is always benefit to improve it.

it doenst matter how much mobs can u pull at once, pala runs way slower
9min-10min per run with 90 druid in grim batol. which gives 1.3-1.4k/h with mammoth

W00t ??!!

Using a lvl 100 Hunter... Can't reach more than 450/500g without mamouth. I can't belive that mamouth increase by 700g/h my stats :o

There is something "special" to do ? :o