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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

it's good, but the mean time an account stays unbanned is 3-15 days
Ppl run suicide accounts doing those instances, you run until you get banned. There are alot of ppl standing outside those dungeons and reporting the bots. Horde farming ally bots and Allys farming Horde bots etc.
I have no idea how that got in there, 'RunOnce' is a attribute for Wildbuddy's Interact code.
Should be removed in the latest SVN update.

Running the Northwind Drake farm profile on revision 1107 still gets me sometimes stuck at the instance entrance with the same error message:

[InteractWith-v1857(warning) @line 494]: Attribute 'RunOnce' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
It's located in Quest Behaviors-Hooks. But it doesn't work anyway, tons of errors.
Great profiles here! Getting 1000+ GPH using the Gundrak profile (over 10 hours of testing), using a frost DK.
Might try switching it up and doing other dungeons as well.
Anyone have suggestions on what else gives a nice GPH (around 1k)?
Tol'vir, Grim Batol, The Botanica, maybe Drak'tharon.

Yes, it's trying to get unstuck but it can't.

I've uploaded 3 screenshots to imgur here: Stuck - Imgur
That's a very unusual stuck-spot.
As to why or how it would get there I have no idea - maybe bad mesh.

I'll have to investigate the log thoroughly and manually run a tester on it.

Thanks for replying Echo, could you point me in the direction of the hearthstone version of Grim Batol? I can't find it in the SVN.
Dungeons -> Cataclysm -> Medium -> Grim Batol Extras ->

Hello Azyul. First of all thanks for the amazing profiles. I think I know what cause problem moving to instance after death. When character die while combat is inactive (he is pulling or just cr didn't activate like in tol'vir before wait timer) then he won't move through portal to instance. But if character dies while combat is active (there is info in log something like [azyul] looks like we died, moving to instance) then he go throught portal.

p.s sorry for my poor english
The issue is in the behavior logic.
In the next Honorbuddy it may be fixed.

And I noticed that if my character dies outside of Botanica he can't fly back, just flies up and stuck there (maybe it's cause if you die there you don't revive as a spirit) is there any way to fix it?
There's no death support for The Botanica in the current profiles.
I believe the only profile that has had experimental death supported added in was the AM-Alpha profile.
You could try with it.

Thanks for the awesome profile, I just have two problems, wanted to mention them so that maybe you could help me with them, in GrimBatol some of the mobs don't get pulled and they just stand there the bot thinks that it has pulled them but it didn't, the same thing happens with looting some of the killed mobs don't get looted, that's it thanks for your awesome profile.
The aggro issues are known.
However, the looting issue is outside of profile boundaries. The bot itself should be handling looting.

@echotiger, im using tolvir suicide pull. can you show code to send gold via mail, and embersilk? for example, when have >3000g, bot send it via mail..

and i dont know if you can change that: when i kill some pack, bot use mount to keepgoing, but dismount to do some heals.. and i loose some time doing here.. cant heal first then use mount to keep going?
If you want to hard-code the 'mail gold' logic into the profile, then you'll need to put your character's name into the profile code.

<If Condition="Me.Gold &gt;= 3000" >
	<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="1234" X="..." Y="..." Z="..." WaitTime="1000" />
	<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="
		local m=(GetMoney())-GetSendMailPrice()
		for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b)
			do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s)
				if n and strfind(n, &quot;53010&quot;) then
		SendMail(&quot;MAIL TO NAME&quot;, m, &quot;&quot;)
	" />
Replace the MobId and XYZ of the InteractWith to a mailbox's.
Then replace 'MAIL TO NAME' to your mail recipient's name.

That should mail all your gold and the Embersilk to the recipient once you get above or equal to 3000 gold.

As far as the healing issue, some conditions would need to be added to the mounting hook that would prevent it if the bot is wanting to heal.
But to add the conditions, you'd need to know your combat routine's conditions that tells it to heal. (ex: If not in combat and health is under 30%)
I couldn't tell you off the top of my head a way to prevent this unless you just guess the health % your CR heals at.

Hey dude.

Quote Originally Posted by bommie View Post
Hi, like some guy before me requested - I would like for my character to deposit all green items in the guild bank as well if possible

I am using "Grim Batol - Guild Bank Deposit Money + Embersilk"

I have been running this one and Gundrak one for a few days and both work fantastic, but depositing greens in gbank in the Grim Batol profile would be sweet thanks!
This should do it. The code is looped a large amount, so if it takes too long you may need to cut it down.
Medium Pulls, Deposit Embersilk + Gold + Greens.

Azyul Cloud

I'm using this profile you suggested another member. But this still sells the greens with tundra mount instead of putting them to guild bank. I want to put greens & embersilk to guild bank. Can you help ?
Your post is a bit confusing..
Use this one:
Azyul Cloud


I am still seeing a lot of activity in this topic so i assume it still has some viable profiles in it right?
i am very new to making any money grinding, dungeons, etc. Could someone give me some pointers what a good profile would be to start out?

thanks alot!
Gundrak is an easy starter.

How to rise the bag storage so he farms until all bags are full?
It'll vendor at 17 bagslots.
17 is the (average) bagslot consumption per run.

It's set high so it won't attempt to go run the dungeon with only a few bagslots left - which will cause a major GPH drop.

But if you really want to change it, then just CTRL+F for Bagslot
For ever occurrence you should see the number '17' - change it to a number you prefer.

Aah ok cool good to know, i wont be touching this then :)
Dungeon farming isn't typically for casual sellers.
You either have to be a suicide botter, or someone just looking for some small profit for their mains.

You can still make a nice profit either way since the gold income is completely generated (not economy based) and it's very stable.
Dungeon gold farming is also the easiest to do, and requires practically 0 maintenance (why it's so popular.)

That aside, this pack isn't entirely dungeon farming based.
There's 'World Trash Farms' that are very efficient and use specialized farming methods unique to Honorbuddy.
There would be more of these, but Wildbuddy was officially released several weeks ago so I'm busy working on it.
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Azyul how do we know when the issue that you have ticketed has been looked into, mine was about my 5 lvl 100 hunters not pulling aggro at second boss (water boss) in gundrake, thus making all botting chars stand afk until i intervene?
I am having a problem with the Botanica - Sell Everything. On the way out of the dungeon after killing everything, he sits afk for 30 seconds. Then runs to exit the instance but does not get close enough to the portal to zone out. He eventually gets in a never ending loop and eventually logs out from no activity.

Can you update the coordinates to make him move closer to the instance portal so the bot will properly zone out?
@EchoTiger thanks for the profile.
Modified a bit and wrote a small plugin to deal with the death issue and movement speed +
got 1.4k gph per char. quite nice for lv90 cheap accounts:)
The bot is working fine, thank you so much!
I'm skinning alot of the mobs, and I wonder how I can keep the borean leather (as frostweave)? Would probably get some gold for that on AH :)
"@EchoTiger thanks for the profile.
Modified a bit and wrote a small plugin to deal with the death issue and movement speed +
got 1.4k gph per char. quite nice for lv90 cheap accounts"
HOOOOOOWWWW which profile are you using? I am only getting 600 gph in gundrak. Also share your plugin for dying
Most of the Instance Grind profiles are extremely old, and relied on QuestBehaviors that no longer exist.
They are in the queue to be re-built, but I haven't had time to do so yet.

I may be looking to get someone else to do it.

Is there any guide on how to write a quest behavior for a dungeon so that i can get to work with it myself? I simply cannot live without the Classic dungeon farm :D
"@EchoTiger thanks for the profile.
Modified a bit and wrote a small plugin to deal with the death issue and movement speed +
got 1.4k gph per char. quite nice for lv90 cheap accounts"
HOOOOOOWWWW which profile are you using? I am only getting 600 gph in gundrak. Also share your plugin for dying

I also would like to know if you want to share said plugin and move speed (assume you are using droooad) ?
I would give a good donation for a fix/plugin for it.
I can offer a good reworked grim'batol profile aswell and a plugin which trash non-sellable and below 1g crap instantly.
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