Read this if death-support isn't working for you for profiles that should have death support.
In the latest version of Honorbuddy the DoWhen behavior was set so it doesn't work while the player is dead.
I stripped the code form the behavior that prevents activation while dead, which you can download here:
View attachment 161510
Paste this behavior here: Honorbuddy Folder -> QuestBehaviors -> Hooks -> and override your current one.
I've sent in a request that they add AllowUseWhileDead="true" to the behavior so you guys won't have to use modified versions.
This won't be added until the next Honorbuddy + My SVN update.
Please note that this "fix" hasn't been confirmed yet.
I just happen to glance at the DoWhen behavior and notice the "prevention while death" code in there.
Could you help me on hunter settings please? I'm running Grim Batol suicide with my 100 hunter but only getting 600ish gph. I'm guessing the pet is killing too much. I have it set on set on passive but I'm guessing it's still killing stuff. Do you know what else I can change to up the gph please?
Hi, same problem with botanica, bot run out at the edge.. .
Its like "bot is making one less step to exit instance" and then he exit instance and run at the edge.
I'll see about adding a spell for Faerie Fire.hi echo , i would know how kill laj boss with feral druid in the botanica . he skipped him
This should do it:Hi Azyul! First of all thanks for the wonderful profiles and the time you take to help the community! We really appreciate all what you are doing for free! Kudos to you SIR, not here for bugs as your profiles offer many ways to adapt to what anyone needs like sell all or the amazing AM capabilities, just got into the DoWhen.cs but I couldn't figure how to make hunters cast aspect of cheetah out of combat and then clear on combat, any help would be amazing! ( as hunters kinda suck in GPH ) Thanks again and keep the good work!
<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="AspOfCheetah" UseWhen="!Me.Combat" >
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CastSpellByID(5118)" />
<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="AspOfCheetah" UseWhen="Me.Combat" >
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CancelUnitBuff("PLAYER",5118)" />
Wouldn't be technically possible.It doesn't work.
Maybe add something to profile, for example - if message with "click corpse..." appear, then go straight forward for 10 seconds.
Moonfire is backwards compatible with Sunfire, but Sunfire isn't backwards compatible with Moonfire.Same thing [ PROFILE ERROR] Toon does not know : Sunfire and can not give pull![]()
This has never been reported before, but I'll assume it's the profile and check it.Hey, nice profile but i have i little problem with AM Drak'Tharon, when the bots try casting mobile guild bank caracter is moving so he didnt put mobile bank, after that he go to vendor.
There's a more tested+cleaned up version that will be replacing the existing the version that's up now.on the lost city of tol'vir suicide run the bot occasionally will jump up to do the last boss but run right past and jump down the other side. that loses 36g+ per run it does that. otherwise amazing profile. Also with that profile could it be adjusted to make it mail embersilk cloth before it sells everything? I don't currently have a guild bank..
There's a 25 second timeout on the Ashes profile that will make it continue automatically if no response is given.Is there any way to edit the Ashes profile so that it DOESN'T ask for input every time? I'm interested in setting up HBRelog to do Tempest Keep on each one of my toons overnight with this profile, but it always asks for user input when loading the profile.
Also, is there any way to add support for starting the profiles in Draenor? Currently if I start the profile in Draenor or my Garrison it just sits there.
EDIT: The GoTo if starting the bot in Orgrimmar will fly to Ratchet and take the boat to Stranglethorn, then fly to the Dark Portal but the Dark Portal takes you to Ashran/Draenor instead of Outlands. I think the quickest way to Outlands these days is taking the portal to Shattrath from inside Shrine of Two Moons.
Along with what DrDoctor suggested, there's also a Hearthstone variant of the profile that attempts to hearth when the dungeon is complete.Could you help me on hunter settings please? I'm running Grim Batol suicide with my 100 hunter but only getting 600ish gph. I'm guessing the pet is killing too much. I have it set on set on passive but I'm guessing it's still killing stuff. Do you know what else I can change to up the gph please?
Could you try with the latest update?Hi, same problem with botanica, bot run out at the edge.. .
Its like "bot is making one less step to exit instance" and then he exit instance and run at the edge.
Non-AFK problem?hiho, great profiles here, but i have a problem :S
i'im using the halls of lightning, and i'im dying by the spell Arc Weld - Spell - World of Warcraft i'im a dk blood with ilvl 470 and 68k hp, any ideia? i'im dying on the big pull before the boss on every version Heavy, medium and lite pull :S, not alway, only some times, but with the bug of death in instance this is a big non afk problem ^^
aka post a logNon-AFK problem?
I've never had anyone report that they were dying because of that specific spell, so I couldn't guess why it's happening to you.
Non-AFK problem?
I've never had anyone report that they were dying because of that specific spell, so I couldn't guess why it's happening to you.
Could you help me on hunter settings please? I'm running Grim Batol suicide with my 100 hunter but only getting 600ish gph. I'm guessing the pet is killing too much. I have it set on set on passive but I'm guessing it's still killing stuff. Do you know what else I can change to up the gph please?