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A better HB!

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You are free to do it yourself and then either give it for free to everyone or even sell it on buddystore and earn some money.
If you are a C# coder then you won't have any problem, alltho you have to build your own AI and not to mention you have to map every BG with your own mech and reinvent the navigation system, I'm sure you can do it in a year or so if you spend full time on it.
And no, I'm not being sarcastic, it's fully possible to do, it just take's a huge ammount of time to do it.

I don't really understand:confused:.. why not the official devs who created the official bot fix it?:confused: why make a new one?
It's called Honorbuddy ;)
i agree with camel. PVP AFK Botters is whats getting alot of attention. I can remember a time and it still happens that when you start the battle ground you can easily identify the bots they move together. Its horrible!
I don't really understand:confused:.. why not the official devs who created the official bot fix it?:confused: why make a new one?
It's called Honorbuddy ;)
It is working, nothing is wrong with it, the problem is that there is thousands of users using the exact same thing at the same time.
The botbase is working perfectly, if there only where 1 bot in each BG then it wouldn't be as easy to detect.
It is working, nothing is wrong with it, the problem is that there is thousands of users using the exact same thing at the same time.
The botbase is working perfectly, if there only where 1 bot in each BG then it wouldn't be as easy to detect.

Totally agree. its a really good bot, it just wasn't created for a system with this many users. I generally only bot my farmers through Bgs just so they are better suited if they get ganked. i have seen BGs where well over half the players were bots, doesn't happen often.

Logmeout used to have a feature where it would log you out if a player was within your proximity. You could easily make something similar to just leave the Bg if it notices someone following you super closely. Sure it'll leave on a few of false positives, but better safe than sorry.Or even provide an alternate route it could default to if another player or bot is pathing super close.

Personally i dont worry, if you don't want to lose it don't bg bot. There are creative ways a person could find a work around if you desired, that wouldn't require the devs to restructure their bot at all. You could also buy one of the other BG bot bases. They usually are used by less players so you don't get the bot conga line. And for all the people with development experience and complaining how they need more money to hire more devs to make a "better" bgBuddy, how about just donate some time and help them out if you have the knowledge.
It is working, nothing is wrong with it, the problem is that there is thousands of users using the exact same thing at the same time.
The botbase is working perfectly, if there only where 1 bot in each BG then it wouldn't be as easy to detect.

The problem! :confused:
That's why we need ideas on how to fix as much problems as we can!
Why do you even bother, people don't care they just want to complain and ignore the facts :D

Good question why does even bother? hmm maybe like me he went threw 3 banwaves all in a row, maybe like me he lost around 45 accounts. All while tripwire was active, and working. Maybe he know bottling isnt completly safe, and knows it never will be, but yet that 3 bans waves in a row is a litlle much as far as any bot is concerned. You are correct i know what i was doing gearing all those accounts, geting different toys etc. I knew that the chance of ban was high because there were no recent banwaves, then one happens and i thought to myself the chance may be down a little because we were just banned, then i was banned, so then i thought "well maybe its good to go but haveing three ban waves this close together just never happen to any working as intended bot. then maybe like me he drops in from time to time to chit chat, and goes back to his other bot later. All while still purchasing community cr's and products to keep them at the table for the one day i feel the ratio is a good enough for me to come back. The massacre that was my 76 toons oh lord. Where I am isnt the same i have to say, it does one thing great. Whle i found HB to do many thing good and a couple things great, and very few thing pooey.

I dont have a problem with any of the dev's creater its just the typical stuff you run into when you commercialize a product. As a company you want every penny out of this horse before its sent to the glew factory. The good news is if you all dont like no one is forcing you here, i still use it, because there are some thing HB does that no other bot does, or others do it shitty. I would be lining if i said wehen i log into wow with HB now, every time i ask myself i wonder if this is the login htat will get me. :(
It is working, nothing is wrong with it, the problem is that there is thousands of users using the exact same thing at the same time.
The botbase is working perfectly, if there only where 1 bot in each BG then it wouldn't be as easy to detect.

And that is exactly the issue with this botbase. There needs to be a logic for this.
And that is exactly the issue with this botbase. There needs to be a logic for this.

I can't see how you can fix it..

The bit is doing excacy what it should do- problem is so is every other bot in that game..

A afk bg bot base that can be used by the number of people using honor buddy isn't possible in my opinion

It doesn't matter what you code and how smart the bot is, the code will be the same for everyone so the result will be the same..

And from what I understand intruding randomness just dosnt work... You will just end up with a bot rooting a wall
Why should we, the non programmers here, give suggestions how to make it better?

I mean, its possible, thats a fact, you can ALWAYS make something better!

Run the bot and look at it and try to imagine someone (who is no botter) is looking at it. Ask yourself what you could do better to prevent bans.

Or look at human players (if you dont play yourself), how do they act? Are they running straight the closest path, always? Even they (include myself) are running against obstacles. The thing is how to handle that. I gave a suggest last time, but since it was deleted its probably not worth it.

Lets say bot want to accept quest, but its not possible, because quest giver is dead, or wow is bugged (happens), or (what ever). How would a human react? How does the bot react? There are SO MANY THINGS which could be done better. I could write for hours.
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There have been lots of good ideas for HB to really improve what's going on with the bot and the end product for the users.

The ending of it all is as simple as this; HB doesn't have the money, the desire (I know a lot would happily pay a subscription) to create a HBv2.0 from scratch for this game.

There have been plenty of ideas and projects that came to actual reality which did introduce random and individual person like natures to the bot; but those projects were shut down either due to dev's losing interest/not receiving support or because the current system actively discourage new development. HB take 60% of the Revenue from the buddystore.

This meaning a developer who sells 10 copies of a $10 botbase; only receives $40 while the HB team receives $60. The people who can code at a level where as to run their good ideas; it simply doesn't make economic sense not only from "I'll do it as a business" but also from a "I'll spend 30hours building this little plugin because it's cool" simply because they receive a tiny fraction of money for it.

The Bot would be a lot better imo if they started charging two tiers. One flat fee for the regular cheap ****, $10, rotation bot, fishbot, etc. Second Tier $20-30/month; Everything done up to the max. Make people sign up to 3 month terms; I know it may seem steep; but this is our reality. The HB team need money to pay for things to get done; Lawyers to clean up their mistakes and the fact they're infringing on other people's intellectual property; money to pay dev's who already overwork themselves as well as money to create, foster and push a community.

The community is what used to drive this bot, the developers making profiles (free or paid), the community testing, the responses, the activity. All in all; without the community we all need to pay a much higher fee; with the community, we can get the costs all the way down and have some fantastic mass available products.
There have been lots of good ideas for HB to really improve what's going on with the bot and the end product for the users.

The ending of it all is as simple as this; HB doesn't have the money, the desire (I know a lot would happily pay a subscription) to create a HBv2.0 from scratch for this game.

There have been plenty of ideas and projects that came to actual reality which did introduce random and individual person like natures to the bot; but those projects were shut down either due to dev's losing interest/not receiving support or because the current system actively discourage new development. HB take 60% of the Revenue from the buddystore.

This meaning a developer who sells 10 copies of a $10 botbase; only receives $40 while the HB team receives $60. The people who can code at a level where as to run their good ideas; it simply doesn't make economic sense not only from "I'll do it as a business" but also from a "I'll spend 30hours building this little plugin because it's cool" simply because they receive a tiny fraction of money for it.

The Bot would be a lot better imo if they started charging two tiers. One flat fee for the regular cheap ****, $10, rotation bot, fishbot, etc. Second Tier $20-30/month; Everything done up to the max. Make people sign up to 3 month terms; I know it may seem steep; but this is our reality. The HB team need money to pay for things to get done; Lawyers to clean up their mistakes and the fact they're infringing on other people's intellectual property; money to pay dev's who already overwork themselves as well as money to create, foster and push a community.

The community is what used to drive this bot, the developers making profiles (free or paid), the community testing, the responses, the activity. All in all; without the community we all need to pay a much higher fee; with the community, we can get the costs all the way down and have some fantastic mass available products.

I think most ppl would have np in payin 10-15usd a month per key. If we get something better for it. You could also add a flat model like, pay 60€ a month and you get all buddystore for free.

I think the important thign is that bossland is in fight at with law, if this would be clear, im pretty sure he would rebuild bot.
more features = bigger bot with more code and more potential weaknesses for blizzard to attack. HB should stay like it is which is an excellent, fast base with great potential to extend it. we dont need over elaborate functionality that just increases our chance of being detected. the ideas people come up with show their ignorance of the subject, throwing more developers at something does not make it better
Can you stop talking out your ass soon? Popping in every 3 pages to talk nonsense isn't useful

You better respekt it when I come in here and leave feels. How about you focus on setting up that tinder date with the 2.78/10 before talking like that unprovoked?
more features = bigger bot with more code and more potential weaknesses for blizzard to attack. HB should stay like it is which is an excellent, fast base with great potential to extend it. we dont need over elaborate functionality that just increases our chance of being detected. the ideas people come up with show their ignorance of the subject, throwing more developers at something does not make it better
You dont get the point, were detectet and get banned sooner or later.
I think most ppl would have np in payin 10-15usd a month per key. If we get something better for it. You could also add a flat model like, pay 60€ a month and you get all buddystore for free.

I think the important thign is that bossland is in fight at with law, if this would be clear, im pretty sure he would rebuild bot.

Nope I've just left exile buddy because they have moved to a subscription model..

Hb would need to improve 100x be fore if can charge a sub and store charges..
Nope I've just left exile buddy because they have moved to a subscription model..

Hb would need to improve 100x be fore if can charge a sub and store charges..

Agreed; but that's apart of the "Deal" if you will. They greatly increase the quality of the bot, the content and the support and in response we all pay more.
Agreed; but that's apart of the "Deal" if you will. They greatly increase the quality of the bot, the content and the support and in response we all pay more.

lol, tell this to guys on *************. I think all know what is behind this stars..
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