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A better HB!

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The question is why, let noob players get bans for using the standard bg tool. Its not working. It gets ppl banned since years.
While generally this is true that two different player bases uses the bot, the conclusions are completely away of the real situation

I specifically did not form a conclusion. I said, I don't know the solution to appeasing the casual user base, but we can all be assured the glory days will never return in the way they are nostalgically propagated on this forum. This is a combined result of changes in Blizzard corporate policy and public awareness of honorbuddy.

First, Blizzard are not "just" after the goldsellers. They have different tools for fighting goldselling, no need to mention, maybe half or more off the gold sold across boards/sites is either stolen off hacked accounts or sold by non-botting players.

Dunno who said they were just after gold sellers, however the rest of that is nonsense. It's literally off a Blizzard warning tip "Did you know purchased gold can often be from compromised accounts?" You're literally spewing blizzard propaganda. Is some % of gold from stolen accounts? Yes, however infinitesimally minimal. Reputable sites don't deal in scammed gold as it usually just gets removed and their clients file non-receipt claims. The chinese in general are responsible for 95% of the market, with other aggregation companies representing the rest. These other companies are where gold from honorbuddy is shuffled. Even the chinese bulk buyers you'll find on other sites, that buy your honorbuddy gold instantly - this is an outrageously small portion of the gold market. They only exist because you are getting a terrible price in that venue, it's basically an online pawn shop(they are literally just flipping your gold on a chinese based auction site that has been mentioned before on these forums. I'll let you look for it).

The banwaves also correlate to much more than legal proceedings; there is almost always a large scale banwave before battlechest sales as well. Everyone knows that stuff isn't coincidence, but what does that prove? How is it relevant? Does Blizzard employ strategic, often revenue driven banning? Absolutely. Do they have the resources and commitment to mass ban honorbuddy users at some set interval? Of course. Does this mean its detected and un-usable? Only to casual players who can never lose their account I guess. The rest of the regular bans are pattern recognition. The only time I see gold sellers crying is during detection waves, like the previous 2 injection detections. Those have since been solved. The issue existing here is casual users demanding their old safe product back, and I'm sorry to tell you, the environment is different. It will never be in the form that it used to be. Certain things could be improved or disabled perhaps, like bgbotting, but that doesn't pertain to some wide scale sweeping honorbuddy change.
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Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.
That is why I write this, to save other ppl the time it takes to realize how it works regardless of what they might want you to believe.
A better HB would be an honest HB.
First banwave so many lost their accounts and HB promised to do something different.
6 month later second banwave. Same story. HB promise to implement new tripwire and new detection method.
I got muted from asking what was different this time.
And now I can see the 3. banwave hitting. So I guess they answered my question with “nothing changed”

I loved many of the routines and spend a lot time participating in developing them.
But I don’t like that any criticism is deemed “trolling”.
It is not a troll to ask a fair question about why we should believe this is safe this time since we were told the same last time and that proved not to be true.

The honest approach to selling this product is to state that you are very likely to be banned within 6 month of using this bot. And you can never know when blizz have enough evidence on you.
They might have enough on you already but they just wait for next banwave. Or they might ban you right away.
There is no safe area to bot in. Ppl get banned from questing, farming, pvp and even from using only the rotation in pve.

I wish it could be safe. Or at least some use of it would be guaranteed safe. Like I thought it was as a PVE rotation helper.
I also wish blizz would stop policing us about how we want to play the game. There is another level of gameplay when trying to optimize a rotation by automation.
Why can’t they just make some realms where botting is allowed? Then they will likely see that there will be an overwhelming population on those servers.
And that ppl will have lots of fun botting in both pve and against each other in pvp.

But as it is right now the only real improvement is to state from beginning on the first page on the forum that you will get banned within 6 months no matter what.
Then no one will be surprised since it is to be expected.
And no one will ever be lured into any investment on a char that is botted.
That would be better than the false sense of security we get from the tripwire right now.

If moderators don’t like this post please comment on it instead of just deleting it…The more posts you delete the more ppl will simply leave.

If you truly could make a safe product I would pay 500$ for it. And with a lot higher price, less would use it.
Or make it a monthly payment so you can afford the continuous development and monitoring of blizz counter measures. Again I would pay 100$ a month if you could guarantee a way to use it safely.
I wish it could be safe. Or at least some use of it would be guaranteed safe. Like I thought it was as a PVE rotation helper.

Hi, Blacknr1,

It sounds like botting is simply not for you.

The only way to be safe is NOT to bot... any bot. We don't know how many times we have to say this. It is plastered all over the forum, in the Release threads, in many signatures, and one of the first articles in the HelpDesk. Here is the article again:

Ignore it again, at your own peril. Thinking you can bot and not get banned is sheer folly, and we make this clear daily. Time to put the big boy pants on, and take reponsibility for your own decisions.

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First banwave so many lost their accounts and HB promised to do something different.
6 month later second banwave. Same story. HB promise to implement new tripwire and new detection method.
I got muted from asking what was different this time.
And now I can see the 3. banwave hitting. So I guess they answered my question with “nothing changed”

Tripwire was restored to full operation and expanded with new capabilities on the second banwave.
It was clearly demonstrated to work when the event the 21st of January happened: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/236969-tripwire-event-21-jan-2016-12-12-utc.html
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I've been off the forums recently due to some other things happening; but still checking daily.

It's amazing to see Raphus and China getting involved in the conversation and actually responding. That being said; Lads; I know the current legal and business situation does have you bound to a certain degree; but; could you do a costing about how much to essentially create HBv2.0; take it to the two tiered subscription model, etc.

I know I feel very strongly about this and a lot of the long term users agree; but perhaps some of the certain casual/short term members might be a bit cost adverse; but I'd be more than happy to pay a subscription fee for a higher quality product; so you guys can afford to hire more dev's,etc.

TLDR Q is: What's the costing looking like for running a two tiered subscription model for a HBv2.0?
Apparently it's ok to come in 3 pages deep and just say you haven't read the discussion but my responses keep getting removed
Well said, people should stop requesting things they have no clue about! Unless you are a developer how can you say things like more developers will fix X or Y, you haven't a clue! People are so self-entitled it's pathetic

I am a software engineer myself, doing worldwide projects and software rollouts for years, so don't tell me i have no clue about software development or project management.PERIOD.
How about you being self-entitled, judging me even you don't know anything about me?

If there is stagnation in development, you have to give more ressources to it and if you don't have the money to pay more devs, you have to change your business plan.
but I'd be more than happy to pay a subscription fee for a higher quality product; so you guys can afford to hire more dev's,etc.

what do you mean higher quality product, HB Is already the best bot on the market by far! Why would more devs help anything? raphus already gave the answers, if there were real improvements they could make im sure they would make them with the current team. im sure he also replied to you before saying they will never do a subscription model
The only time I see gold sellers crying is during detection waves, like the previous 2 injection detections. Those have since been solved. The issue existing here is casual users demanding their old safe product back, and I'm sorry to tell you, the environment is different. It will never be in the form that it used to be. Certain things could be improved or disabled perhaps, like bgbotting, but that doesn't pertain to some wide scale sweeping honorbuddy change.

for some reason there are people that think just throwing more developers at the problem will make it magically safe. people are so ignorant they even claim that HB gives no warning about the risk of being banned and yet their is botting safe page says in bold letters you will be banned eventually!

its really sad that people are so simple minded all their brain is capable of is "OMG 3 banwaves in 18 months that means...hold on let me do the math...18 divided by 3, that means blizzard can ban you every 6 months". there was only one banwave guys, the other was a tripwire failure and the 3rd was not a banwave only a few accounts got lost but the tripwire did its job. these guys are the best in the business at keeping us safe, any other bot of this size would have been wiped out years ago
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what do you mean higher quality product, HB Is already the best bot on the market by far! Why would more devs help anything? raphus already gave the answers, if there were real improvements they could make im sure they would make them with the current team. im sure he also replied to you before saying they will never do a subscription model

Then tell me why we still have a bad battleground bot after MONTHS AND YEARS if we have enough devs for reengineering?
Why do we had to buy external AI for hearthbuddy?

Because the devs don't have time!
for some reason there are people that think just throwing more developers at the problem will make it magically safe. people are so ignorant they even claim that HB gives no warning about the risk of being banned and yet their is botting safe page says in bold letters you will be banned eventually!

its really sad that people are so simple minded all their brain is capable of is "OMG 3 banwaves in 18 months that means...hold on let me do the math...18 divided by 3, that means blizzard can ban you every 6 months". there was only one banwave guys, the other was a tripwire failure and the 3rd was not a banwave only a few accounts got lost but the tripwire did its job. these guys are the best in the business at keeping us safe, any other bot of this size would have been wiped out years ago

I agree the last was just blizzard catching the poor people before tripwire kicked in the start of 2016 but December 2015 was a major banwave, sure it was a tripwire failure due to them breaking it somehow or not updating it I won't open that can of worms too much but that failure lead to 2nd major banwave for 2015. I know your trying to defend the bot against some people determined to put the boot in hard no matter what is said but now your going a bit too far saying it was only 1 banwave which occurred in May and the rest was meh.

Also a few people had a go at gold sellers or gold farmers, true people hate it but at the end of the day people casually using the bot to get ranks on pvp cause more harm than us dirty scum gold farmers.
There are daily posts on wow forums in general, pvp battlegrounds/arena of people bitching about it all day long, that draws more fire onto HB than gold farmers do and cause more people to quit but then again HB other major area of sales Is PVP so what are they suppose to do? Create multiple bots? One for PVP/One For Gold Farmers/One For Casuals come on it ain't going to happen I think they are happy with what they got currently and it must be making them money or how the hell are they fighting back against blizzard in court for all these years.
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I agree the last was just blizzard catching the poor people before tripwire kicked in the start of 2016 but December 2015 was a major banwave, sure it was a tripwire failure due to them breaking it somehow or not updating it I won't open that can of worms too much but that failure lead to 2nd major banwave for 2015. I know your trying to defend the bot against some people determined to put the boot in hard no matter what is said but now your going a bit too far saying it was only 1 banwave which occurred in May and the rest was meh.

Also a few people had a go at gold sellers or gold farmers, true people hate it but at the end of the day people casually using the bot to get ranks on pvp cause more harm than us dirty scum gold farmers.
There are daily posts on wow forums in general, pvp battlegrounds/arena of people bitching about it all day long, that draws more fire onto HB than gold farmers do and cause more people to quit but then again HB other major area of sales Is PVP so what are they suppose to do? Create multiple bots? One for PVP/One For Gold Farmers/One For Casuals come on it ain't going to happen I think they are happy with what they got currently and it must be making them money or how the hell are they fighting back against blizzard in court for all these years.

the problem is its not HB's fault, there are many others bots and scripts ppl are using in pvp and often HB gets the blame when its not them, that is just because HB is the most well known

i agree it probably felt like a banwave if you lost an account but for me it doesnt meet the criteria if the tripwire wasnt even running, well thats just a risk of botting that is made clear to everyone from the start

Then tell me why we still have a bad battleground bot after MONTHS AND YEARS if we have enough devs for reengineering?
Why do we had to buy external AI for hearthbuddy?

Because the devs don't have time!

there is nothing wrong with bg buddy, just the user base is more aware of botters now. and why are you so greedy and self-entitled, you are provided with an amazing bot that you can extend to do almost anything what you want, be grateful for once
the problem is its not HB's fault, there are many others bots and scripts ppl are using in pvp and often HB gets the blame when its not them, that is just because HB is the most well known

i agree it probably felt like a banwave if you lost an account but for me it doesnt meet the criteria if the tripwire wasnt even running, well thats just a risk of botting that is made clear to everyone from the start

there is nothing wrong with bg buddy, just the user base is more aware of botters now. and why are you so greedy and self-entitled, you are provided with an amazing bot that you can extend to do almost anything what you want, be grateful for once

You read all my posts or how you know, i'm greedy, self-entitled or haven't ever done something for this community?
You apparently joined this community not even half a year ago, so please, don't tell me where this bot came from, what it is able to do or whatever.

I never said that this bot isn't good and if you would know me, you would know. It is, beside private full injection bots, the best bot available.
But, that doesn't mean it is perfect in every facet.
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The only chance to make HB more safe is to make HB act like an player.

Investigate what a normal player is doin, how long, how hes moving, which keys he use, all things like this. E.G: I never see a player refreshing a buff INSTANT or some secs after. I do rebuff BEFORE it expires, thats just one cent.
You read all my posts or how you know, i'm greedy, self-entitled or haven't ever done something for this community?
You apparently joined this community not even half a year ago, so please, don't tell me where this bot came from, what it is able to do or whatever.

I never said that this bot isn't good and if you would know me, you would know. It is, beside private full injection bots, the best bot available.
But, that doesn't mean it is perfect in every facet.

you sound ungrateful when you are shouting in Caps lock why we dont have this or that or why we have to buy something...you must know this bot has always been provided as a "base" and its normal you might want to purchase or make your own plugins, that is because HB developers dont want to try and do everything! its better they focus on what they do best which is make a safe an efficient core bot and let other people fill in gaps. making HB bigger and more complex to meet the needs of a vocal minority of complainers will only do more harm than good...
you sound ungrateful when you are shouting in Caps lock why we dont have this or that or why we have to buy something...you must know this bot has always been provided as a "base" and its normal you might want to purchase or make your own plugins, that is because HB developers dont want to try and do everything! its better they focus on what they do best which is make a safe an efficient core bot and let other people fill in gaps. making HB bigger and more complex to meet the needs of a vocal minority of complainers will only do more harm than good...

Where did i complain that we have to buy something?

you must know this bot has always been provided as a "base" and its normal you might want to purchase or make your own plugins, that is because HB developers dont want to try and do everything!

Oh really? I didn't know...thanks.

Beside the fact that you are wrong, due to the fact that the buddy team itself already tried setting up paid plugins, i know you can't know that, as you haven't been arround when all of this happened. Same goes for your "there has only been 1 banwave" which is also wrong and again you can't know it as you haven't been arround that time....heck.

making HB bigger and more complex to meet the needs of a vocal minority of complainers will only do more harm than good...

No because honorbuddy is capsuled and you can load/delete plugins and botbases you don't want.
There's too much assuming going on to be productive about a way forward. I think we need a statement from a dev regarding bgbuddy. It is in its current state state why? Are the devs too busy? Unsure how to improve it? Problem is too complex and needs another pair of eyes? Nothing to be done, blizzard has made a line in the sand over sanctity of bgs? Etc