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A better HB!

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Im not even sure what the devs are doin, i mean, it seems like they only do updates after wow got updated, some new functions for developers but besides that? Mostly all usesfull stuff to do with bot are from other developers (plugins, botbases and such things).
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Then tell me why we still have a bad battleground bot after MONTHS AND YEARS if we have enough devs for reengineering?
Why do we had to buy external AI for hearthbuddy?

Because the devs don't have time!
That is because it's impossible to make a "safe" bg bot, if you're botting with 29 humans you're going to be spotted no matter what.
That is because it's impossible to make a "safe" bg bot, if you're botting with 29 humans you're going to be spotted no matter what.

We fly to the moon, but are unable to make an AI in a game look like a player ;) ;) ;) ;)

We fly to the moon, but are unable to make an AI in a game look like a player ;) ;) ;) ;)

Finally it might be true. Did the Apollo really land on the moon? :D

Most popular devs earns lot of money from BuddyStore, so i think they can invest time to code this, if it's really good it gonna be very very very popular I think
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That is because it's impossible to make a "safe" bg bot, if you're botting with 29 humans you're going to be spotted no matter what.

I'm not talking about making it safer.

I talk about making it smarter.
Running in a trail with 20 other bots through the battleground is both 0% safe and 0% smart.

There needs to be randomization in decision making regarding where to go to, randomization in path generation, randomization in play style atk/def. All of that applicable for many bots in one battleground.

E.g. client-server architecture and the server tells the client where to go to, based on botbase feedback of other bots that are currently in the same battleground.
Same as autonomous cars managing/communicating and avoiding traffic jams. Not with a continous connection due to lag/network issues, but time-to-time information synced between client and server.

That would be next gen botting.
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There needs to be randomization in decision making regarding where to go to, randomization in path generation, randomization in play style atk/def. All of that applicable for many bots in one battleground.

E.g. client-server architecture and the server tells the client where to go to, based on botbase feedback of other bots that are currently in the same battleground.
Same as autonomous cars managing/communicating and avoiding traffic jams. Not with a continous connection due to lag/network issues, but time-to-time information synced between client and server.

If you have the solution why did you not invest money and go ahead with your idea ?
If you have the solution why did you not invest money and go ahead with your idea ?

Cause this needs to be done by buddy team as client-server communication needs further player data. As far as i know a battleground doesn't have a id or something so you would need encrypted player information between bgbuddy and bgserver.

As this is critical data it shouldn't be done by 3rd party devs.
I will ask the moderators to delete "underratedpost" since he is clearly trolling.
Bringing nothing to the table and just attacking people.

And when other ppl corrects him he just jumps to the next subject he can attack...
Clearly he is defending the product, but by attacking people. "and why are you so greedy and self-entitled..."
Why attack people with ideas to improvement? That is the name of the thread. So ofc. we will throw around ideas about how to improve it.

I am happy you let my initial post be, and I understand your answer. That is honest sharing of information and opinions.
People can read it and make up their own minds.
I understand that you are aiming for a broader base of players with a lower cost a piece. While I and others are asking for a more high end product with better features and better protection.

Me and many others love the bot and routines but I hope you will see the business potential in developing a high end product that allows us to use it on more invested toons.
In the last thread i posted servival ideas, all of them got deleted without an answer. (i replied again after days and asked mod for answer)

So it seems like they DONT WANT TO. Mabye until legal is clear. Which i might understand.

But its not like "its not possible" to reduce banning.
That is because it's impossible to make a "safe" bg bot, if you're botting with 29 humans you're going to be spotted no matter what.
Not really like 60% of bg players are bots. Did you notice that?
I'm not talking about making it safer.

I talk about making it smarter.
Running in a trail with 20 other bots through the battleground is both 0% safe and 0% smart.

There needs to be randomization in decision making regarding where to go to, randomization in path generation, randomization in play style atk/def. All of that applicable for many bots in one battleground.

E.g. client-server architecture and the server tells the client where to go to, based on botbase feedback of other bots that are currently in the same battleground.
Same as autonomous cars managing/communicating and avoiding traffic jams. Not with a continous connection due to lag/network issues, but time-to-time information synced between client and server.

That would be next gen botting.
You are free to do it yourself and then either give it for free to everyone or even sell it on buddystore and earn some money.
If you are a C# coder then you won't have any problem, alltho you have to build your own AI and not to mention you have to map every BG with your own mech and reinvent the navigation system, I'm sure you can do it in a year or so if you spend full time on it.
And no, I'm not being sarcastic, it's fully possible to do, it just take's a huge ammount of time to do it.
You are free to do it yourself and then either give it for free to everyone or even sell it on buddystore and earn some money.
If you are a C# coder then you won't have any problem, alltho you have to build your own AI and not to mention you have to map every BG with your own mech and reinvent the navigation system, I'm sure you can do it in a year or so if you spend full time on it.
And no, I'm not being sarcastic, it's fully possible to do, it just take's a huge ammount of time to do it.

I know but in my oppinion it isn't worth it to start.(doing it yourself). Years ago, sure, but right now...no.
I am a software engineer myself, doing worldwide projects and software rollouts for years, so don't tell me i have no clue about software development or project management.

Cause this needs to be done by buddy team as client-server communication needs further player data. As far as i know a battleground doesn't have a id or something so you would need encrypted player information between bgbuddy and bgserver.

As this is critical data it shouldn't be done by 3rd party devs.

That's not true, it's possible to develop a client/server 3rd party bot or plugin for Honorbuddy.

If you really are a software engineer as you said you should know it.

I know but in my oppinion it isn't worth it to start.(doing it yourself). Years ago, sure, but right now...no.

And why did you respond "no" to me and "yes" to AknA one page later ???
That's not true, it's possible to develop a client/server 3rd party bot or plugin for Honorbuddy.

If you really are a software engineer as you said you should know it.

And why did you respond "no" to me and "yes" to AknA one page later ???

I said it should be done by hb team because would you want that your server + character name is sent to an external server of someone you know nothing about? I wouldn't want that!

Blizz could just come and create a fake botbase and ban everyone.
I said it should be done by hb team because would you want that your server + character name is sent to an external server of someone you know nothing about? I wouldn't want that!

Blizz could just come and create a fake botbase and ban everyone.
Your character name and server will never be sent anywhere, buddystore won't approve it, and if it was open code on the forum it would be removed quite fast and the user would be banned.
And I made a sugestion about a year ago that Bossland would make a "chat channel server" that botbases/plugins could use to anonymously send messages to kinda like the wow built in quest channel. With it you could make 2 (or more) clients talk to each other and it would be easy to make for example a raf bot as 2 (or more) specific clients could send messages between each other to check where the other one is before handing in a quest for example. And I have gave an idea how to make totaly anonymous even if that server was hacked that nothing could be traced back to any specific user, it required users to set up a prefix for their bots in buddyauth (or something similar) so they could recognize each other.
The "chat channel" was something a user would never see it was only going to be used by botbases/plugins to send a command with prefixes, kinda like : "<special prefix 1> <special prefix 2> <botbase/plugin prefix> command". So only bots that has the specific special prefixes would react to it. So no character names or anything would be sent.
However the request was declined, so alot of projects I had planned was scrapped.
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I know but in my oppinion it isn't worth it to start.(doing it yourself). Years ago, sure, but right now...no.
So let me get this right, it's not worth doing it yourself, but it should be worth doing it for Bossland staff because ?
The thing is to make a bg botbase semi safe you would have to totaly recreate everything from scratch and the thing is, it's working like it is now alltho it's not safe because it's WAY too many ppl using it so the bots are too easy to spot.
And sadly the hb bots chat channel (that won't be implemented) could not be used either as a bg don't have a specific id for the ppl in that specific BG, so there is no way to talk to only the bots in your bg without giving out character names (and that makes it unsafe in case of it geting hacked), but teoreticly if you could talk to only the bots in YOUR specific bg then yes a bot chat channel could solve every problem as they could for example first know how many bots are running in this BG atm ? then based on that they could communicate to make tactics, for example if it was 5 bots, then make 2 of em go to 1 base, 3 go to another base, then one of each stay and defend while the other run to next spot etc etc...
So let me get this right, it's not worth doing it yourself, but it should be worth doing it for Bossland staff because ?
The thing is to make a bg botbase semi safe you would have to totaly recreate everything from scratch and the thing is, it's working like it is now alltho it's not safe because it's WAY too many ppl using it so the bots are too easy to spot.

Because i am one person vs a team, i am unskilled regarding botbase programming vs. extremely experienced team, as already mentioned by myself and you, they would never allow a botbase communicating char name +server information. As there are no bg ids i guess there is no chance to realize it as 3rd party dev.