это в логе:
[ArchBuddy v1.1.0.404]:Searching for digsites...
[ArchBuddy v1.1.0.404]:Found digsite Fields of Blood Fossil Bank [Distance: 6963.987 yards]
[ArchBuddy v1.1.0.404]:Found digsite Southmoon Ruins Digsite [Distance: 1631.434 yards]
[ArchBuddy v1.1.0.404]:Found digsite Ethel Rethor Digsite [Distance: 9319.711 yards]
[ArchBuddy v1.1.0.404]:Found digsite Nazjvel Digsite [Distance: 13715.8 yards]
[ArchBuddy v1.1.0.404]:Selected "Southmoon Ruins Digsite" as the next digsite.
[ArchBuddy v1.1.0.404]:Solving "Статуя кошки с глазами-изумрудами"
*Totemic Recall
[ArchBuddy v1.1.0.404]:Solving "Статуя кошки с глазами-изумрудами"
это в дебаге:
[14:27:19:676] Activity: Searching for digsites...
[14:27:19:691] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[14:27:21:535] Activity: Solving artifact
[14:27:25:738] Rarekiller Part Keypresser: Move around
[14:27:25:910] % Totem Recall CheckForSafeDistance(57.0): no hostiles/profile mobs in range - took 0 ms
[14:27:25:910] % Need rest: TotemsWereSet and recall CheckForSafeDistance(57.0)= true
[14:27:25:910] % Need rest: true, recall totems: no current target so looks good to recall
[14:27:25:910] % GRDSTAT Enter REST [-me-]: h/m:100.0%/93.8%, combat:N, melee:1, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N,memoving:N,facing:N,metarg

null) at (null) yds
[14:27:25:910] % GCD: remaining: 0, lag: 144
[14:27:25:926] % WaitForCurrentCastOrGCD: no cast or gcd in progress
[14:27:26:098] % GCD: remaining: 0, lag: 144
[14:27:26:113] % WaitForCurrentCastOrGCD: no cast or gcd in progress
[14:27:26:144] Spell_C::CastSpell(36936, 0, 0x0, 0) [649]
[14:27:26:176] % GCD: remaining: 1249, lag: 144
[14:27:26:254] % WaitForCurrentCastOrGCD: waiting until gcd and/or cast are complete
[14:27:26:254] % GCD: remaining: 1249, lag: 144
[14:27:27:441] % GRDSTAT Exit REST [-me-]: h/m:100.0%/96.5%, combat:N, melee:1, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N,memoving:N,facing:N,metarg

null) at (null) yds
и даже последнего моба полутать не может
как только собрал вручную, сразу полутал другого моба и полетел дальше по маршруту.
[14:29:44:238] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [6g8s25c]
[14:30:14:910] Rarekiller Part Keypresser: Move around
[14:30:57:894] % NeedRest: aborted since casting
[14:31:03:238] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[14:31:03:519] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ядошкурый плеватель
[14:31:06:769] InteractDebug:508879688
[14:31:06:785] Interact Done:508879688
[14:31:07:754] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[14:31:07:754] Cleared POI
[14:31:13:629] Activity: Moving to the digsite
[14:31:14:441] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [650]