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- Nov 5, 2010
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Hey all! Have anyone done challenge mode as ele shaman with this cr? If so, any tip of setup to send over or share? ty
i had time today to test the elemental shaman with diagnostic turned on.
it still has the problems i reported in my older post but now with a new log, i did first min of testing standing still and the other half with moving so both situation are in there
PS: PLS add a on demand cooldown HOTKEY so i can decide when to use my CDs![]()
I can confirm the same problem here! Dont have a log atm tho.Hey, just wondering if this is a bug or not. with enh shaman, if you have aoe enabled, and don't have the required number of mobs from the options, it seems to not run the rotation at all. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
Hi ghost,
[12:56:02.428 D] [YRB] GetNearbyUnitsCount() updated: 6
[12:56:06.673 V] [YRB] AoENumber: 3
This means when you are running it in Auto or Semi-Auto mode, it will use AoE instead of Single-Target. Since there's 5 and 6 units around the currenttarget (38-40 yard check), it would be best if you could test it in a Heroic Scenario / Instance / LFR / Flex.
Regarding the Hotkey, you would be required to run Hotkey Mode for this or Semi-Auto mode (Semi-Auto mode has Auto AoE but Cooldown hotkey).
Best luck!
but those are in no way going to get hit by any AoE spell cast on main target and i'm not in combat with them.
i will try again later on a boss fight in SoO just to see the effect.
another question: does leaving the diagnostic option on have any significant effect on preformance?
\|\|\|\| Windwalker \|/\/|\|
Added Auto SEF (Earth,Storm and Fire) Thanks Tuan!
Added FoF (Fists of Fury) Hotkey as Specialkey
\|\|\|\| Shaman \|/\/|\|
Fixed up Enhancement AoE
Fixed up Elemental AoE
Hi Xcesius, as WW.Hi sileNtzM,
Chi Burst as which spec? WW / BM?
New beta is up, will be tested before released -->
Hi Xcesius, as WW.
Ok, thanksHi sileNtzM,
Going to be added in to release after beta is finished testing. ETA : Tomorrow / later tonight
There's no HonorBuddy version for WoD atmIts posible test Mage or Rogué in WOD beta?
There's no HonorBuddy version for WoD atm
No its true, i am testing others CC for others developers
I would still wan't you to include manual use of Focus Fire like i could in PR2. It's far from simcraft with that thing on Auto.![]()
Hi Xcesius,
Is-it possible to disable "earthquack" for my elemental shaman ?
Windwalker Monk Changes ::
- Added Chi Burst to Single-Target and AoE. Will be used on Cooldown as Chi Wave does
- Added Automated SEF usage (Thanks Tuan!)
- Added FoF Hotkey (SpecialKey) When enabled, it will use FoF right away when it can. Rotation will continue normally until it can use it.
- Added FoF ExcludeUnits Setting. It currently does not use FoF on following units : Embodied Fear, Embodied Despair and Embodied Doubt.
This is the FoF in the Rotation not on the hotkey. Hotkey will not exclude these units.
Core Shaman Changes ::
- Added new way of Stormlash Totem usage, you can now decide if you want it enabled under following options.
Offensive means it will use Stormlash Totem as a cooldown on Boss only / when you enable the cooldown key
AoE means it will use Stormlash Totem in the AoE Rotation
Single-Target means it will use Stormlash Totem in Single-Target Rotation.
You can enable all 3 if you want, or disable them as you like.- Stormlash Totem Setting Mode works as following
OnSpeedBuffsOnly means it will only use Stormlash Totem on Bloodlust,Heroism or similar
Always means it will use Stormlash Totem on cooldown
As per cation I added a check if we don't have the Stormlash Totem aura, we use Stormlash Totem. This should help if there's other shammies in the group / raid group and they use Stormlash Totem before you do.
Enhancement Shaman Changes ::
- Fixed up the AoE for Enhancement.
Elemental Shaman Changes ::
- Added setting to Enable/Disable Thunderstorm in AoE.
- Fixed up AoE for Elemental Shaman
Hunter Beastmastery Changes ::
- Added a setting to Enable / Disable Focus Fire (True is default)