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[PAID] YourRaidingBuddy V2 Premium

mh which log? that singular loads? sorry i can post it if you want

Does it load for other classes?

Have you just bought it?

Did you enable streaming in the Buddy Auth shop?

Without any information there is nothing we can do to help you.
Does it load for other classes? -> yes

Have you just bought it? -> yes

Did you enable streaming in the Buddy Auth shop? -> yes

Without any information there is nothing we can do to help you.


i posted logs above
disabled all of the buddy store and enabled only raidingbuddy & tyrael
doesn´t work either :/ on a clean install :) i´m sorry when i annoy you just raid startet and uhm yeah
I play a Frost DW DK, and since last night the routine just stand there doing nothing. HB is started and everything looks normal, but when I enter combat, no abilities are getting used at all. I have tried a couple other routines with the same char, and using Tyrael (Buddystore version), and there are no problems there.

Anything changed that should lead to this problem? Attached the log from starting HB to starting the CR, to pause and then resume. I go into combat before the first pause, just tried pause and resume to see if it had any change. This started last night, not had a problem with it since I bought the CR.


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hello:) i was wondering if anyone could post the best settings for an elemental shaman:) im quite new to the rotation, so i dont know them yet:(

Edit: after trying this out in a dungeon, ive noticed that the routine doesnt automaticly apply weapon enhancements such as flametongue..i checked my settings and it is enabled.

Edited again: i found the settings used for the weapon enhancements. Enable pre-combat buff was disabled. so that works now:) im still waiting for the best raid settings for an ele shaman!:D
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Hey! Been using the routine, pretty good except I am not seeing an option for it to use Plague Leech DK for DK's. Keep up the good work
I play a Frost DW DK, and since last night the routine just stand there doing nothing. HB is started and everything looks normal, but when I enter combat, no abilities are getting used at all. I have tried a couple other routines with the same char, and using Tyrael (Buddystore version), and there are no problems there.

Anything changed that should lead to this problem? Attached the log from starting HB to starting the CR, to pause and then resume. I go into combat before the first pause, just tried pause and resume to see if it had any change. This started last night, not had a problem with it since I bought the CR.

Hi HBNotNo,

Could you enable diagnostic logging in HB settings and in General Settings on the routine GUI? then re-test?

I don't know how to use Light's Hammer on me hotkey. Is it working?

Hi histo,

I'm looking into the Light's Hammer hotkey issue.

Hey! Been using the routine, pretty good except I am not seeing an option for it to use Plague Leech DK for DK's. Keep up the good work

Hi Wtbram,

Plague Leech is being used automatically when you have Plague Leech specced.
Urgrent fix is up for approval. The routine won't properly load on some classes..

Please be patient!
Urgrent fix is up for approval. The routine won't properly load on some classes..

Please be patient!

Thanks Xcesius :)

Been wondering all day what was going on. Restarted HB serveral times, sometimes it loaded sometimes not. Im playing Retri Paladin btw.
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Hi Xcesius.
The routine sometimes stops for no reason. It's showing this error :
Bot stopping! Reason: Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
à Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[](UInt32 )
à YourRaidingBuddy.Core.Managers.EventsManager.AttachCombatLogEvent()
à YourRaidingBuddy.Core.Managers.EventsManager.Initialize(Boolean reinitialized)
à YourRaidingBuddy.Root.HookBehaviors(Boolean reinitialized) - Triggered by Exception in HookBehaviors()
Logs attached.
View attachment 2140 2014-09-08 20.56.txt
Hi gbreivik,

Will be added though, I feel that you are wrong about it's far from simcraft as many of my hunter heroic testers have gotten top 10-50 ranks on 10/25man heroic. The bot will respond A lot faster than a human possibly can.

I would say this is false. Trinket procs, blastington, and additional haste is not counted for when using it. During bloodlust and i get 5 stacks of Frenzy it uses it instantly, this should not be done as pet is not affected by the hunter's trinket procs.

From Azortharion;

Q: When do I use Focus Fire?

TL;DR Use the WeakAura in the bottom of this post and it'll tell you when to use it.

Focus Fire should be used outside of TED/BW when:

BW is 10+ secs of coming off CD.
Nothing else with higher priority is off cooldown (anything except Arcane Shot/Cobra Shot)

Are both true.

Focus Fire should be used inside of BW when:

You are under 20 focus.
BW is 3+ secs off expiring.
Nothing else with higher priority is off cooldown.

Are all true.

Focus Fire should be used inside of TED when:

You are under 25 focus.
BW is 10+ secs of coming off cooldown.
Nothing else with higher priority is off cooldown.

Are all true.

(But why?!)

The reason you do not want to use Focus Fire when BW is about to come off cooldown is that your pet will benefit more from the attack speed than you will from the Haste. Because of how BW works, you will be spamming Arcanes mostly anyway, which negates Haste's value of giving you more focus/lower Cobra Shot cast time to play around with for more focus dumps.

Focus Fire should be used inside Bestial Wrath under certain conditions, namely when Cobra Shot is the only other option. The reason for this is that Focus Fire will do more damage for you in this window by giving your pet a surge of focus that it can use to perform a "WH-Basic", which is a Basic Attack that does 100%+ more damage because of how Bite/Claw/Smack works (if used at 50+ pet focus, do double dmg) - doubling the damage of a pet's Basic Attack is more damage gained than a Cobra Shot, and then there's the bit of Haste that you get, auto-shots etc, but that's not as big of a deal. The reason that the 3+ BW duration requirement is set, is because you want to absolutely guarantee that WH-Basic happening, and with its cooldown being 3 seconds, if you use Focus Fire to get it at 2 seconds, and its 3 seconds left on the Basic Attack cooldown, you do not get the 20%+ pet damage bonus on that WH-Basic, and you would probably have been better off using a 20%+ damage Cobra Shot instead. The same logic applies to the TED example, except here there is no 3+ duration requirement because of its deprecating-agility nature.
We are aware of how Azor suggest FF to be used in YRB2. That is exactly the process it follows. If you use Azor's WA in that thread, you will see that the majority of the time it follows the correct conditions. The only exception would be TED tracking. This would most likely require an entirely new function JUST for hunters with TED, as not every hunter has one.

I am one of the above testers he has mentioned. 589 14/14H, I do not believe that adding an additional function for a trinket that has 6 weeks worth of use left is not really worth the it, but that is up to the developer in the end.

edit: looks like this may be easier to do than I thought, I'll wait for dev to reply
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Hey! Hunter rotation is using explosive trap no matter what i put for cleave/AOE target number. I don't believe this should be the case. Thanks for your hard work
hey guys im still wondering what the best settings are for elemental shaman.. i have to raid tomorrow so id like to have an answer by then so i can max my dps:)

thnx for the great routine though:D