- Joined
- Dec 20, 2012
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- 641
А как вы думаете будет ли отличный разгон фуриков в рейдах на данном СС в патче 5.2? Просто читая форум пишут что армсы будут лучше Фуриков правда это или нет?
правда это или нет?
Alrighty,@nomnomnom, in regards to you asking about 5.2 Fury rotation, I submit this. Rage management will still be god's way of determining who fills all GCDs and who is good. Only potential changes are to put SB on the map for TG fury, or at least close a bit of the gap from it to bloodbath, and to put free bloodsurge procs back into use for aoe heavy situations, as well as execute range.
So one thing you want to look at is having the free bloodsurge procs tie into heavy aoe situations and execute
Yes this is the correct folder for 5.2. If you want to checkout --> Delete yourbudyd folder, create new Yourbuddy MoP BT folder, rightclick, checkout with the release SVN url.
Thanks!@nomnomnom, some more posts I've collected to give you some insight into the expected rotation for dps warriors in 5.2,
*** Not much is changing. Due to increased crit and free wildstrikes now we will be dumping rage with heroic strike more often. A few more heroic strikes will likely do a little for our dps
*** The only rotation changes, as mentioned, are the free wild strikes being used during execute, and the possibility of storm bolt not being terrible
Yes.Are you going to fully support arms? I'd appreciate that very much =P
I'm very busy with updating the routine and fixing bugs.Уважаемый(ая) не могли ли вы перевести данный скриншот выше на русский язык?
[17:07:33.615 N] Internal revision: 154Hi i have no idea if its me doing something wrong, but if I run YBMoP with framelock set to 30 my fps drops from around 100 to between 11 and 21, if I disable the framelock in tyrael then the fps goes back upto 88-90.
(all testing is done on Dummies in SSS, I have attached 2 logs, log1 is without framelock, log2 is with framelock set to 30, both tests were run for just 1 minute. no other changes were made to the settings and I left 5+ mins between logs so all cooldowns were off CD)
Any ideas what/where i'm going wrong?
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Profile Changer loaded
[LogMeOut!]: Loaded (Ver.1.2.5)
Team Random presents ...
YPMoP BT Warrior - Protection by nomnomnom & alxaw
Internal revision: 140
Thanks Apoc, Dagradt, Weischbier, Highvoltz, Redhood, uzi2k4, panYama & Pipedreams
Your current specialization is WarriorProtection
Your current race is Dwarf
Initialization complete.
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Tyrael
Changing current profile to valley of four winds
[Tyrael] Tyrael by PureRotation Team v5.0.1 initialized!
[HonoBuddy] Current TPS is 15 TPS
[Tyrael] has been started!
[HonorBuddy] TreeRoot 30 TPS
[LogMeOut!]: Started successfully !
[LogMeOut!]: -------------------------------------------------
[LogMeOut!]: The bot will stop on the following triggers :
[LogMeOut!]: + On Time Elapsed (05h21)
[LogMeOut!]: + On number of deaths (5 max)
[LogMeOut!]: + On Stucks (3 max)
[LogMeOut!]: + On whispes received (2 max)
[LogMeOut!]: + On Inacitvity (12 minutes)
[LogMeOut!]: + On 5 minutes after a player follows the bot
[LogMeOut!]: + On 3 minutes after a player targets the bot
[LogMeOut!]: -------------------------------------------------
[Tyrael]: Interface opened!
[HonorBuddy] Chat Output enabled!
[HonorBuddy] LockSelektor enabled!
[HonorBuddy] Plugin Pulsing enabled!
[Tyrael]: Interface saved and closed!
Casting: Battle Shout
Casting: Berserker Rage
Casting: Berserker Rage
Casting: Berserker Rage
Casting: Berserker Rage
Casting: Recklessness
Casting: Recklessness
Casting: Recklessness
Casting: Recklessness
Casting: Skull Banner
Casting: Skull Banner
Casting: Deadly Calm
Casting: Deadly Calm
Stopping the bot!
Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[HonorBuddy] TreeRoot 30 TPS
[Tyrael] has been stopped!
[Tyrael]: Interface opened!
YPMoP BT Warrior - Protection Graphical User Interface.
Protection is currently not supported.
[HonorBuddy] Chat Output enabled!
[HonorBuddy] LockSelektor enabled!
[HonorBuddy] Plugin Pulsing enabled!
[Tyrael]: Interface saved and closed!
YPMoP BT Warrior - Protection Graphical User Interface.
Protection is currently not supported.