Loaded profile [Goblin Hunter v2.01.90]
Chose Trinity as your combat routine
[Trinity 2.50.231] Inserting GoldInactivity into TreeStart
[Trinity 2.50.231] Inserting XPInactivity into TreeStart
[Trinity 2.50.231] Inserting GoldInactivity into TreeStart
[Trinity 2.50.231] Inserting XPInactivity into TreeStart
Bot started. Reloading item rules.
[Items] Loaded Item Rules: Weight Based Item Rules
[Trinity 2.50.231] Bot Starting
[Trinity 2.50.231] Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[Trinity 2.50.231] Replacing Combat Hook
[Trinity 2.50.231] Replacing VendorRun Hook
[Trinity 2.50.231] Replacing Loot Hook
[Trinity 2.50.231] Replacing Death Hook
[Trinity 2.50.231] Inserting GoldInactivity into TreeStart
[Trinity 2.50.231] Inserting XPInactivity into TreeStart
[Trinity 2.50.231] Bot Starting, Resetting Gold Inactivity Timer
[QuestTools][ProfileSettingTag] Setting Condition=Falcon to False
[QuestTools][ProfileSettingTag] Setting Condition=Cosmic to True
[QuestTools][ProfileSettingTag] Setting Condition=Lily to True
[QuestTools][ProfileSettingTag] Setting Condition=Safty to False
[QuestTools][ProfileSettingTag] Setting Condition=LilyOnly to False
[QuestTools][ProfileSettingTag] Setting Condition=Multi to False
[QuestTools][WhenTag] Initializing 'Portal' with condition=ActorExistsNearMe(405590,500)
Stopping the bot.
Why do nothing and stopping the bot? ;/