Does anyone else have the issue that the bot tries to get unstuck a dozen times at the "Outer Ring 2" waypoint?
After 5-10 tries he manages to go on. The rest from the profile runs pretty good
Rather encouraging that is reset its 0 nodes[QuestTools][GridRoute] Generated new Weighted Nearest Minimap Visited Route with 0 nodes in 0ms
[QuestTools][GridRoute] Generated new Weighted Nearest Minimap Visited Route with 0 nodes in 0ms
[QuestTools][<>c] Visited all nodes but objective not complete, forcing grid reset!
[QuestTools][GridRoute] Generated new Weighted Nearest Minimap Visited Route with 20 nodes in 0ms
[QuestTools][GridRoute] Generated new Weighted Nearest Minimap Visited Route with 19 nodes in 0ms
[QuestTools][GridRoute] Generated new Weighted Nearest Minimap Visited Route with 18 nodes in 0ms
[QuestTools][GridRoute] Generated new Weighted Nearest Minimap Visited Route with 17 nodes in 1ms
I multibot, so does xjvz....both of us stopped using yar
Once db is started it v. rarely dies these days.
The issue is that yar plugin tromps over parts of the adventurer code, in order to get those pretty and rather useless graphs
So when your internet goes down, what happens?
Just because you and one other guy don't use YAR, doesn't mean it isn't extremely useful to others!
Anyway, sucks to hear about that, I will use the profile without YAR on that particular bot then. I haven't had the wings in 15 days, I guess that explains it(2 bots farming for them)
Im not happy about it, and xzjv is working on it, but its not high at the time its was not worth using.....the new adventurer ive not tested with yar tbh...
15days is nothing.....I have 2 bot running constant...I worked it out, roughly 1 in 10000 games will drop wings
Ill spin up a test of yar shortly with updated adventurer and let you know
[Adventurer][ExplorationLogic] Couldn't find any unvisited nodes. Current AdvDia.LevelAreaSnoIdId: 19787, ZetaDia.CurrentLevelAreaSnoId: 19787, Total Nodes: 0 Unvisited Nodes: 0 Searching In [19787] HasNavServerData=True