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Please don't set any imaginary deadlines for us!

It'll be ready when it's ready. We have a whole new approach to just about everything.

Also; Nesox has joined me :)

Are you taking any beta testers? I also have a few suggestions for the bot coming from Demonbuddy.

- Make a button to recompile a plugin individually. Recompiling on file change is very buggy and people don't necessarily want to recompile every file change. Restarting the bot is too slow.
- Open source the C# stuff like the dungeon explorer so it can be improved on.
I've been playing it since launch, at lv 15 so far. It's pretty fun! I can see this being VERY good for botting. You guys will get so many sales from casual botters... you can buy a monthly sub with ingame gold!
I've been playing it since launch, at lv 15 so far. It's pretty fun! I can see this being VERY good for botting. You guys will get so many sales from casual botters... you can buy a monthly sub with ingame gold!

I was going to get the game but not get to serious about it. Then this was announced....balls deep.
More updates!

We have a brand new ASM assembler in our libraries (one that supports x64! Say goodbye to FASM!). It works great, however, it's slower than FASM (by 10x). We're working on an "AsmCache" type thing. Most users/developers won't need to worry about any of it, it's just to help us with not re-assembling things constantly.

I now have the ability to start the bot up in x64, attach to the game (again, in x64), and there are no crashes!

Ok I lied, there's tons of crashes. But that'll be solved soon enough! (x64 calling convention is... tricky...)

Just recently fixed our pattern finder to properly support x64, as well as relative address tracing (thanks to mov reg, cs:faraway_address)

I'm still looking through movement and casting stuff. I'm fairly certain I can now dump info about active abilities, etc. However, more work to be done on that front.

I spent a lot of time working on terrain stuff, which was well worth the effort, so I'm a bit behind on "other duties". Hopefully, we'll be ready to start implementing logic within a week. (Very... very basic logic)

Oh, did anybody want some Lua event support?

				GameManager.Lua.Events.RegisterEvent("PlayedTime", HandlePlayedTime);

Or maybe you wanted some of your own custom stats on the UI?

	        var mySimpleLabel = StatisticsPanel.CreateLabel();
	        StatisticsPanel.UpdateLabelText(mySimpleLabel, "Yay! Text!");

But I know what you're saying... "I don't want to call that method every time I update the text!"

Well, fine, how about some dynamic bindings?

        class MyStatsClass : NotificationObject
            private int _value;

            public int Value
                get { return _value; }
                    if (value == _value) return;
                    _value = value;
                    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => Value);
	        var stats = new MyStatsClass();
			// Keep "myLabel" around if you want to remove it from the UI later.
	        var myLabel = StatisticsPanel.CreateBoundLabel(StatisticsPanel.CreateBinding(stats, "Value"));

	        stats.Value = "So you wanted easier updating to the UI?!";
Which part gave you problems, i'll dumb it down for ya.

You missed the point. Let ME dumb it down.
WoW king of subscriptions, bottable.
Rift f2p 1-500.000 max ( I am assuming, could be less ), non bottable.

Despite all its shortcomings, it had huge potential ( or better, the most potential amongst the other ). But bots are needed to keep the market supply running, the gold sellers keep farming gold, etc etc. The ecosystem is in "relative" balance. Lazy Joe Smith can visit the AH and get the mats he needs for a reasonable price. If everyone farmed their own mats to sell, supply would be down, prices would be up. Excessive botting is bad, pvp botting is bad because it affects directly humans. Also, bots give the impression of more people to the uneducated masses, which might convince them that the game is good :P

Sorry for some parts not having proper syntax, but my brain is running on fumes atm because of Wildstar. Level 32 and going up.

More updates!

We have a brand new ASM assembler in our libraries (one that supports x64! Say goodbye to FASM!). It works great, however, it's slower than FASM (by 10x). We're working on an "AsmCache" type thing. Most users/developers won't need to worry about any of it, it's just to help us with not re-assembling things constantly.

I now have the ability to start the bot up in x64, attach to the game (again, in x64), and there are no crashes!

Ok I lied, there's tons of crashes. But that'll be solved soon enough! (x64 calling convention is... tricky...)

Just recently fixed our pattern finder to properly support x64, as well as relative address tracing (thanks to mov reg, cs:faraway_address)

I'm still looking through movement and casting stuff. I'm fairly certain I can now dump info about active abilities, etc. However, more work to be done on that front.

I spent a lot of time working on terrain stuff, which was well worth the effort, so I'm a bit behind on "other duties". Hopefully, we'll be ready to start implementing logic within a week. (Very... very basic logic)

Bonergasm activated. I keep throwing money on the screen, fingers crossed!
This game literally just came out calm your tays and let them work on something if they feel the need to.
I've been playing it since launch, at lv 15 so far. It's pretty fun! I can see this being VERY good for botting. You guys will get so many sales from casual botters... you can buy a monthly sub with ingame gold!

This game oozes gold farming potential that I haven't seen for a few years, perhaps since the release of diablo 3.

Extremely excited to say the least.
Yeah, we're making a bot for Wildstar. (Specifically, I'm kinda working on it by my lonesome!)

And of course, we'll have nav meshes out of the box.


With that said, I'm going quite a different direction than our other bots. Our Wildstar bot is going to be sitting on a brand-spanking-new framework. Hopefully, that means that 3rd party developers will have a much easier (and much more maintainable) development experience.

I even have a new AI engine in the works. (However, I'm not 100% sure it will even be totally usable, so I'll be working on it as a "back burner" type of project)

As usual, early days will be rough, at best.

I've been spending quite a lot of time porting our tools from x86-only, to support x64. (Our Wildstar bot will probably be the first, and only, bot we make to support both) However, x64 support at this time, is just speculation. If absolutely necessary, we can create a "Wildstar Launcher" of sorts to allow you to run the x86 client. However, that's a last-resort as far as I'm concerned.

I've been hoping for this, hoping for this sooooo much. Thank you <3
Just a question, is it possible for this bot to have an Assist mode?

I just dont find it possible seeing that some classes are a mix of just needing to stand still to cast a skill and moving - for instance, Spellslingers
Just a question, is it possible for this bot to have an Assist mode?

I just dont find it possible seeing that some classes are a mix of just needing to stand still to cast a skill and moving - for instance, Spellslingers

If the bot knows that a certain spell has to be cast while standing and another can be used while running it is absolutely no problem. I'm pretty confident we will see/get pretty sweet stuff here.

I don't want to create a new thread, but share this awesome addons:


TapThat - Miscellaneous - WildStar Addons - Curse

TapThat will complete Client Side Interactions (CSIs) automatically when you start them.
A CSI is a Rapid Tap, Press And Hold, Metronome, Memory, or Keypad event.




ProcsHUD - Buffs and Debuffs - WildStar Addons - Curse

ProcsHUD is a more visible interface for the spells associated to a proc. Seeing your spell available in your Limited Action Set is tough during a fight.
With ProcsHUD, you have an icon popping right now to your character reminding you that you can use your proc.


CheatSimon - Miscellaneous - WildStar Addons - Curse

This addon will automatically detect when a memory game is active and automate the process. In the default mode (fullauto) all input is done for you, just hit start and sit back and watch! If you turn off fullauto the addon will instead list all the inputs required in the order they are required, just enter the buttons manually.



InstantQuestAccept - Quests and Leveling - WildStar Addons - Curse

Auto accept and complete any quest, skipping all NPC dialog.
If there is a quest reward to choose, pauses the auto turn in to let the player pick their reward.

TrackMaster & Trackmaster Objectives

TrackMaster - Boss Encounters - WildStar Addons - Curse

TrackMaster: Objectives allows you to easily track Quest, Path Mission & Challenge objectives by drawing a line to the next nearest objective.

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I definately approve of this :cool:! Looking forward to botting in WS as this game is fecking awesome! Its vanilla all over again I am loving it!
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