Millz - would it be easy to add some functionality to the "burst hotkey?" it seems limited to just the specific abilities selected for "use with hotkey," but specifically for Demo, there are plenty of times you can and need to medium burst without CD's just by dumping resources (fury and MC procs). There are a fair number of PVE mechanics that won't always line up with major CD's and if there were an option to "dump resources for X seconds after burst hotkey enabled," it would be universally useful for a long, long time for this CR. Plenty of PVE and especially PVP circumstances could use this as there is a pretty high chance in any given arena match, you WON'T get the kill during a major CD because most decent teams can counter with defensives, kite, etc. when they see a huge demon blowing everything they have together. A good portion of matches are won blowing your offensives to force trinkets and defensives, then landing kills outside the heavy CD periods.
It's not hard to manually do by just setting fury and MC limits high and manually spamming meta + SF or TOC to override the CR when you need it, but having it automated would be a very nice touch. At any given time we could have several seconds of on demand semi-burst at the touch of a button when DS/pots/other major triggers are not available (I know you can have it resource dump with these through Aura list, but there's still utility outside of the CD periods to resource dump on demand).