(CurrentBurningEmbers >= 1 && (!Me.HasAura(SpellId.Backdraft) && ChaosBoltAura)) || CurrentBurningEmbers >= Settings.Destruction_ChaosBoltValue;
This line should be fine.
The CR will cast Chaosbolts when you have at least one ember and some kind of crit/damage-increasing aura (but not on Backdraft) or when your embers reach the amount in the settings.
Sparkuggz explains this nice and easy:
We want to save 3-3? ember for whenever we get ?procs?, thus preferably not using Embers on non-buffed CB?s unless it?s really nessecary.
Procs to look out for
- Intellect procs from trinkets
- Dark Soul (30% Critical Strike chance -> Increases CB damage)
- Skull Banner (20% Critical Strike Damage -> Inceases CB damage)
- 4P (15% Critical Strike -> Increases CB damage)
- Jade spirit, tailoring cloak encahnt etc. (minor)
You always want to try to line up CB?s with as many of the posted buffs, but else you prioritize them in the order listed above. Don?t ever cap on embers, rather cast a chaosbolt with minor procs and smoothen them out than ending up sitting on 4 embers.