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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

(CurrentBurningEmbers >= 1 && (!Me.HasAura(SpellId.Backdraft) && ChaosBoltAura)) || CurrentBurningEmbers >= Settings.Destruction_ChaosBoltValue;

This line should be fine.
The CR will cast Chaosbolts when you have at least one ember and some kind of crit/damage-increasing aura (but not on Backdraft) or when your embers reach the amount in the settings.

Sparkuggz explains this nice and easy:

We want to save 3-3? ember for whenever we get ?procs?, thus preferably not using Embers on non-buffed CB?s unless it?s really nessecary.
Procs to look out for

- Intellect procs from trinkets
- Dark Soul (30% Critical Strike chance -> Increases CB damage)
- Skull Banner (20% Critical Strike Damage -> Inceases CB damage)
- 4P (15% Critical Strike -> Increases CB damage)
- Jade spirit, tailoring cloak encahnt etc. (minor)

You always want to try to line up CB?s with as many of the posted buffs, but else you prioritize them in the order listed above. Don?t ever cap on embers, rather cast a chaosbolt with minor procs and smoothen them out than ending up sitting on 4 embers.
There's currently a bug with synapse springs where it won't do the CR if you have it enabled.
It pops all the CDs like usual, pops synapse springs, and then says this:
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 88.5] [Using Item: Gloves of the Horned Nightmare]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 87.9] [Using Item: Gloves of the Horned Nightmare]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Using Item: Gloves of the Horned Nightmare]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 99.4] [Using Item: Gloves of the Horned Nightmare]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Using Item: Gloves of the Horned Nightmare]
and stops working.

It starts working again when I disable synapse springs
This is the free version
Just recently dinged 90. I wanted to do Arenas and BG how are you supposed to know when to stop moving to caST UNSTABLE AFFLICTION?
I also have a request, Would it be possible to have pet's move to scatter shot team mates to attempt to eat the incoming traps in CC chains? :)
I have an issue with bgs and the paid version of demonic. When the bot goes in to attack someone it doesnt stop with the rest of the casters back when in range to attack but it moves on melee range or moves past them or random things like that. It doesnt dismount when it gets in range to attack. If I dismount myself and stop the movement by pressing W or S for example then it engages normally. is there any issue to fix that?

Post a log please

I still can't get multidotting while leveling to work.. AoE is enabled (alt+'A')
my warlock is lvl 42 now :(

hope log helps:

Ah I see what you mean. It's only doing full affliction AoE once you get soul swap.

I'll add some multi dotting in for level < 79

Still casting Sacrifice with grimoire talent, even when it is unchecked.

Post a log please

When questing paid version of demonic seems to have issues with enemies that turn friendly at low health, it keeps trying to attack them and for as long as I could be bothered to observe never gave up even though no casts were successful. Also I don't know if this is combat routine, the bot, profile or whatever, but it also sticks hard to evading mobs as well.

Evading -> I'll add some checks for that.

Turning friendly -> You should drop out of combat, and then it would stop attacking (providing force combat isn't enabled). Otherwise it would stop attacking after 15 seconds once it had re-evaluated whether the target is an enemy or not. If not, then I'll need log files.

Just caught it blowing chaos bolts on a monk with the 100% dodge shit they get from being stunned, then after a CoS'd rogue it doesn't do this all the time usually it just casts on another target

Log attached

Edit: Also when it finds a target it seems to auto run past everything but i guess thats a BGBuddy issue

Which dodge aura? Need details.

Cloak of Shadows? It does check for that, but depends what point in the cast it detects the aura (i.e. the cast has already been completed in the game client so can't be cancelled).

Running past -> There's code in the routine to force dismounting as best it can, but if the bot doesn't hand control to the routine, then it can't activate that code. Some plugins can cause issues with it too.
Free version of demonic: cast Chaos bolt with min 3.5 embers, still casting CB whenever i have more than 1. So it basically never reaches 2 embers to cast DS:i.
And looking at code, i can't find where is uses this setting at all :D

View attachment 117889

EDIT: Looking it over again, i think you have a ")" misplaced.
Your line:
(CurrentBurningEmbers >= 1 && (!Me.HasAura(SpellId.Backdraft) || ChaosBoltAura)) || CurrentBurningEmbers >= Settings.Destruction_ChaosBoltValue;
Shouldnt it be like this?:
(CurrentBurningEmbers >= 1 && (!Me.HasAura(SpellId.Backdraft) || ChaosBoltAura) || CurrentBurningEmbers >= Settings.Destruction_ChaosBoltValue);
Or maybe even like this?:
(CurrentBurningEmbers >= 1 && (!Me.HasAura(SpellId.Backdraft) || ChaosBoltAura || CurrentBurningEmbers >= Settings.Destruction_ChaosBoltValue));

Ok, since i had nothing else to doo, and could not sleep, i messed around with your code and found this:
(CurrentBurningEmbers >= 1 && Spell.GetSpellCooldown(SpellBook.DarkSoulInstability).TotalSeconds > 20 && (!Me.HasAura(SpellId.Backdraft) || ChaosBoltAura || CurrentBurningEmbers >= Settings.Destruction_ChaosBoltValue));

Works only if you DON'T have Archimondes' Darkness talent.
Is there a way to check if a spell has more charges than 1?

Dont know, im not a programmer :D

Will fix it.

Honorbuddy can't detect spell charges, we need to use lua to do it :(

There's currently a bug with synapse springs where it won't do the CR if you have it enabled.
It pops all the CDs like usual, pops synapse springs, and then says this:

and stops working.

It starts working again when I disable synapse springs
This is the free version

Usually happens if you have 2 sets of the same gloves, and its trying to use the ones in your bags. I'll fix it.

I also have a request, Would it be possible to have pet's move to scatter shot team mates to attempt to eat the incoming traps in CC chains? :)

Can't be done with Honorbuddy. Can't detect the 'Move To' pending cursor, so doesn't click at the location. Have reported it multiple times :(
Dematerialize - Spell - World of Warcraft Dematerialize gained after being stunned, It tossed 3 chaos bolts at him in the log, As for the rogue it cast a few incinerates. the running thing is odd it targets a player then dismounts and auto runs there is no mouse click icon while moving forward unless it clicks far into the distance, If you get gripped/stunned/rooted it will then resume while stood with all the enemys :P It's like it finds the target but isnt forcing combat so it continues to run forward, kinda hard to discribe but should be in my previously posted log along with the other person who mentioned the issue.

Edit: i have only been doing AB so i cannot vouch for any other bg with the auto run i'll test another one at some point and let you know (this is with afk/movement/targeting) One other issue is DK's have an talent Purgatory - Spell - World of Warcraft where they stay at like 1hp for 3s the bot will unload all it's embers on shadow burns into the dk

Edit2: :P Solar Beam - Spell - World of Warcraft it makes no attempt to run out of this even when not rooted/votex to pull back in, will stand there derping (with move/target options) can't even force it to move as the routine will keep it locked down unless suspend move is checked but kinda pointless if afking ;)
Dematerialize - Spell - World of Warcraft Dematerialize gained after being stunned, It tossed 3 chaos bolts at him in the log, As for the rogue it cast a few incinerates. the running thing is odd it targets a player then dismounts and auto runs there is no mouse click icon while moving forward unless it clicks far into the distance, If you get gripped/stunned/rooted it will then resume while stood with all the enemys :P It's like it finds the target but isnt forcing combat so it continues to run forward, kinda hard to discribe but should be in my previously posted log along with the other person who mentioned the issue.

Edit: i have only been doing AB so i cannot vouch for any other bg with the auto run i'll test another one at some point and let you know (this is with afk/movement/targeting) One other issue is DK's have an talent Purgatory - Spell - World of Warcraft where they stay at like 1hp for 3s the bot will unload all it's embers on shadow burns into the dk

Dematerialize - Spell - World of Warcraft <- it's this one ;) I've added it. Will take effect the next time you reload the bot.

Purgatory -> Will need to look into this one in game.
Should i post a fresh log in the honorbuddy support section in regards to the auto walking past enemy's?
[20/Jan/2014 - Free]
- Fixed engineering gloves.
- Changes to Chaos Bolt usage.
Again with the CoS continues to cast fight just before the dk kills 1 rogue (i manually feared/stunned the rogue on me while cc killed other) let cc fight the 2nd rogue CoS continued to cast
Again with the CoS continues to cast fight just before the dk kills 1 rogue (i manually feared/stunned the rogue on me while cc killed other) let cc fight the 2nd rogue CoS continued to cast

Doh! It wasn't in the list. Sick.

Okay, reload the bot. Should work now.
<3 I'll keep reporting pvp stuffs as the routine is allready far more capable than i am with reactions! soon it will be unbeatable, If bg buddy didn't derp and try solo full horde team every bg afk would be 30+ kb's it's insane when manually playing with the routine sniping kb's while i move tele/los kite :D
Also shadow fury and war's is buggy warrior will charge cc will shadow fury seemingly on my toon as if the CC register's the war already on me but ultimately missing the war.
Touch of Karma - Spell - World of Warcraft not sure which to link had a monk karma me and cc continued to cast (can u set to change target/stop casting if twilight ward is on CD and you are being targeted and not to use shadowburn/chaos bolt under say 50% hp) if friendly player has the karma directed at them to also stop casting? :P
Also shadow fury and war's is buggy warrior will charge cc will shadow fury seemingly on my toon as if the CC register's the war already on me but ultimately missing the war.

Will remove this. It reacts too quick.

Touch of Karma - Spell - World of Warcraft not sure which to link had a monk karma me and cc continued to cast (can u set to change target/stop casting if twilight ward is on CD and you are being targeted and not to use shadowburn/chaos bolt under say 50% hp) if friendly player has the karma directed at them to also stop casting? :P

Aware of this, but it's much more difficult to handle this correctly than you'd imagine. For instance if your partner casts ToK on the target you're attacking, it's a good touch of karma - you'd want to continue DPS. There's no easy way to detect who cast the buff, and whether or not that was a friendly/enemy player. I did add the code to handle it, but it kept making wow crash.

It's still on my list to fix.
Usually happens if you have 2 sets of the same gloves, and its trying to use the ones in your bags. I'll fix it.

Ah yes, that was exactly the problem because I DID have another set of the gloves in my bag. Never thought about that.