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Ofcourse he is top, demonic rocks and these are random bg's where on every server more then half in every bg is either clueless or botting with another
routine. Nothing beats demonic warlock wise. Thats a fact.
Still have some questions.
Testing it out again on the target dummies in the vale and it swaps 2 times to 2 dummies before using malefic grasp on the original one.
so f.e swap on and then a mg on 3.
Ill add a log, you might see it there. Also i see it canceling and starting / canceling malefic grasp quite some times without any reason.
For example, all dummies are dotted, then it should use malefic grasp at least 1 full duration on original dummy, but 90 % of the time it
doesnt and it only starts reswapping or starts, cancels and starts/ cancels a malefic grasp before it starts to redot again. Rarely it pulls out a
full duration of it. Yes aoe is on and burst as well.
View attachment 108998
Is this a setting i can turn off? I turned off auto cancel drain soul already but thats not it.
Am i correct, for those that play rated bg, random bg doesnt even matter, that you swap to the max, and thats all you do and need to do. Put pressure on
team with your dots. Or do you swap from aoe to non aoe and burst when taking one or 2 down?
Did a rated one last night, popped 12 mill when not doing my job aka fearing . coiling . silencing. So it rocks. Rbg leaders that tell me i need to do more at 510 ilvl when im fearing etc, aka doing my job, i tell em to gtfo. 8-10 mill is normal depending on the fight. Always in top3 so im good enough with this. I know im cc ing the hell out of everyone and everything in a rbg by hand. So the bot works awesome!
I dont know why, but the bot still summons a pet in fight, even when ticked that it shouldnt, only on instant casts. I cant get it to do anything different. Pet
dead, it resummons. Im standing there looking like a fool summoning a pet while we are about to kill a efc or cap a base. Also still, when porting / even sometimes when dismounting, it summons a new pet. Seems to me the checks to see if the pet is there or not , are way to fast. Im not lagging on that account, since im on 15 ms home and 20 world. I dont know why this keeps happening.
Still would love for someone to post his good / working affliction settings. Been fiddeling around a lot with it, but seems im missing something. Also a good tip was to turn of what you dont have as talents or use. It improves as well.
Thanks for keeping tis routine to the max, its rocks!
when you desable the use of curse and adjust your CC to do it less you well pull much more dmg as affli , i did this with only fear the heal per focus target for fullDurtion or desable this automate settings for CC and do it per hotkeys you well pull more, good pvp geared at 516 between 40-49 milon as affli
atleast look which settings are working good for you ,
thats my setup for less gloabl and hold the dots as much possibel up to do pressure on the hole team , my team setup is dot cleave:, in my rbg bommy shadow 2 warriors with bloodbad and bladestorm unholy dk firemage me affli