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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Ofcourse he is top, demonic rocks and these are random bg's where on every server more then half in every bg is either clueless or botting with another
routine. Nothing beats demonic warlock wise. Thats a fact.

Still have some questions.

Testing it out again on the target dummies in the vale and it swaps 2 times to 2 dummies before using malefic grasp on the original one.
so f.e swap on and then a mg on 3.

Ill add a log, you might see it there. Also i see it canceling and starting / canceling malefic grasp quite some times without any reason.
For example, all dummies are dotted, then it should use malefic grasp at least 1 full duration on original dummy, but 90 % of the time it
doesnt and it only starts reswapping or starts, cancels and starts/ cancels a malefic grasp before it starts to redot again. Rarely it pulls out a
full duration of it. Yes aoe is on and burst as well.

View attachment 108998

Is this a setting i can turn off? I turned off auto cancel drain soul already but thats not it.

Am i correct, for those that play rated bg, random bg doesnt even matter, that you swap to the max, and thats all you do and need to do. Put pressure on
team with your dots. Or do you swap from aoe to non aoe and burst when taking one or 2 down?

Did a rated one last night, popped 12 mill when not doing my job aka fearing . coiling . silencing. So it rocks. Rbg leaders that tell me i need to do more at 510 ilvl when im fearing etc, aka doing my job, i tell em to gtfo. 8-10 mill is normal depending on the fight. Always in top3 so im good enough with this. I know im cc ing the hell out of everyone and everything in a rbg by hand. So the bot works awesome!

I dont know why, but the bot still summons a pet in fight, even when ticked that it shouldnt, only on instant casts. I cant get it to do anything different. Pet
dead, it resummons. Im standing there looking like a fool summoning a pet while we are about to kill a efc or cap a base. Also still, when porting / even sometimes when dismounting, it summons a new pet. Seems to me the checks to see if the pet is there or not , are way to fast. Im not lagging on that account, since im on 15 ms home and 20 world. I dont know why this keeps happening.

Still would love for someone to post his good / working affliction settings. Been fiddeling around a lot with it, but seems im missing something. Also a good tip was to turn of what you dont have as talents or use. It improves as well.

Thanks for keeping tis routine to the max, its rocks!

when you desable the use of curse and adjust your CC to do it less you well pull much more dmg as affli , i did this with only fear the heal per focus target for fullDurtion or desable this automate settings for CC and do it per hotkeys you well pull more, good pvp geared at 516 between 40-49 milon as affli

atleast look which settings are working good for you ,

thats my setup for less gloabl and hold the dots as much possibel up to do pressure on the hole team , my team setup is dot cleave:, in my rbg bommy shadow 2 warriors with bloodbad and bladestorm unholy dk firemage me affli
anybody else having problems with the new HB and framelock? i could use it before with tyrael at 60-100tps with framelock now i get low fps (or 2 seconds of picture in picture wow) even at 30tps.
when you desable the use of curse and adjust your CC to do it less you well pull much more dmg as affli , i did this with only fear the heal per focus target for fullDurtion or desable this automate settings for CC and do it per hotkeys you well pull more, good pvp geared at 516 between 40-49 milon as affli

atleast look which settings are working good for you ,

thats my setup for less gloabl and hold the dots as much possibel up to do pressure on the hole team , my team setup is dot cleave:, in my rbg bommy shadow 2 warriors with bloodbad and bladestorm unholy dk firemage me affli

Hai and thanks for your response.

First of all, you will never do 40-49 mil in a rated bg, thats something different then a random bg, lets get this out of the way first. Im only talking about rated ones :) if you do 15 mil against a 2 k rated team i
will be impressed, or they are boosted :)

Then i think i misunderstand you when you say "disable the curse" so you mean, dont let the bot use curse in bg. i could try this, thanks.

I always fear by hand even tho the settings to fear a healer / any used cooldowns and then allow half duration is on from time to time, i prefer to fear manually.
The bot has enough to do already and since fears can make or break a kill / cap / game, i prefer to do it manually.

Last but not least i disabled all i am not using as well, like howl of terror / health funnel, even talents i dont use, to be sure, are disabled.

One thing i notice is that i keep doing the same amount of dmg, 503 or 509, not really a change on the dummy's. Cant talk about rbg cause that is situational.

Maybe you could pm me a masked armoury link so i can check you out, if you google for it, you can make one easily and its safe, i will never know who you are.

Think the cr still has a few hickups as described above. The pet summoning, the malefic grasp and double swap dot thing. Might be whats keeping the dmg the same.

Gonna spend a while tomorrow to figure out and completely strip that gui, to make sure i got all set the right way.

Thanks again for your response.
Canceling spells act with a 1-2 second delay before you can Shadowburn targets. Taking a step forward removes this delay for the bot it seems. Don't know if that would be a quicker response for the bot for cancel casting. I manually do this all the time for your CR and am at 2.2k in RBGs atm and this isn't my main :)
While i'm questing and the bot pulls multiple targets, the cr cast drain soul, then soul swap non stop, wasting a lot of globals.

[00:36:06.964 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] 
[00:36:06.964 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] ====== Demonic Settings ======
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableMovement: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableTargeting: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFacing: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SuspendMovement: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SuspendMovementDuration: 3000
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AllowRestBehavior: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EatHPPercent: 75
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DrinkManaPercent: 50
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CreateHealthstones: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHealthstones: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyHealthstoneWithDarkRegen: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthstoneHPPercent: 35
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseTrinket1: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseTrinket2: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1Condition: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2Condition: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1LowHPValue: 30
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1LowManaValue: 30
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2LowHPValue: 30
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2LowManaValue: 30
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSynapseSprings: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SynapseSpringsCond: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseLifeblood: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + LifebloodCond: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + LifebloodLowHPValue: 25
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + RacialUsage: 2
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ForceOutOfCombatPulse: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ScanAndBreakStealthedUnits: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkIntent: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHealthFunnel: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthFunnelMyHPGreaterThan: 50
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthFunnelPetHPLessThan: 30
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDrainLife: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DrainLifeHP: 60
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulburnDrainLife: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SoulburnDrainLifeHP: 80
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + TwilightWardCond: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CurseSelection: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CurseSelectionCond: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UseSoulburnWithCurse: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnendingResolve: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingResolveHPValue: 40
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnendingResolveTargetLowHP: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingResolveTargetHPValue: 30
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingBreath: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_RootedSnared: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_LowHP: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DemonicCircle_Soulburn: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_LowHPValue: 65
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonDemon: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonSelection: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonDoomguard: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonCombatInstantAbilitiesOnly: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomguardCondition: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonInfernal: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + InfernalCondition: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseBanish: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BanishCondition: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonTarget: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonFocus: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonHealer: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulshatter: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearTarget: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearFocus: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearAny: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearAnyUsedCooldowns: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearHealer: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyFearFullDuration: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AllowFearHalfDuration: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + KillTotems: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSymbiosisRejuventation: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SymbiosisRejuvenationHealthPercent: 80
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkRegeneration: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DarkRegenerationPercent: 45
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHowlOfTerrorHPLessThan: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HowlOfTerrorHPLessThanValue: 80
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHowlOfTerrorUnitsInRange: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HowlOfTerrorUnitsInRangeValue: 3
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDemonicBreath: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDemonicBreathOnlyWhenTargetNotSlowed: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMortalCoil: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + MortalCoilHPValue: 45
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMortalCoilHealer: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfury: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryUnitsInRange: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ShadowfuryUnitsInRangeValue: 2
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryOnCooldown: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulLink: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSacrificialPact: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactMyHPBelowValue: 40
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactPetHPAboveValue: 65
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactOnlyUseOnLossOfControl: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkBargain: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DarkBargainHPBelowValue: 70
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyDarkBargainOnLossOfControl: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BloodHorror: 2
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseBurningRush: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BurningRushCancelHPBelowValue: 50
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnboundWillOnLossOfControl: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + GrimoireOfServiceCondition: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + GrimoireOfServiceTargetLowHPValue: 20
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseGrimoireOfSacrifice: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Talent_DarkSoulSecondCharge: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMannorothsFury: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AgonyRefresh: 11000
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CorruptionRefresh: 8000
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnstableAfflictionRefresh: 6000
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_EnableAoEAbilities: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AoEHighUnitCount: 5
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_MultiDoTPriority: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UseDarkSoulMisery: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DarkSoulMiseryCondition: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DarkSoulMiseryLowHPValue: 40
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_EnableCancelCasting: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CancelCastHPPercent: 19
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CancelCastShardCount: 2
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTarget: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFEverythingInRange: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseHavoc: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_OnlyHavocWithCB: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_FlamesOfXoroth: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseEmberTap: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_EmberTapHPValue: 25
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseDarkSoulInstability: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_MinimumEmbersForDarkSoul: 20
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_DarkSoulCondition: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_DarkSoulLowHPValue: 40
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ChaosBoltValue: 30
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseAoEAbilities: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_AoEUnitCount: 5
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_EnableCancelCasting: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelTimeRemaining: 500
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelCastHPPercent: 19
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelCurrentTarget: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelAnyTarget: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateRefresh: 7500
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseRoFToPull: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_MinimumEmbersForHavoc: 20
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_EnableAoEAbilities: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_AoEUnitCount: 5
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_FuryCancelValue: 400
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_FuryCastValue: 650
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseDarkSoulKnowledge: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_DarkSoulKnowledgeCondition: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_DarkSoulKnowledgeLowHPValue: 40
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseImpSwarm: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseCarrionSwarm: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_DoomRefresh: 30000
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseSoulFireInDemonForm: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseSoulFireInNormalForm: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseCustomCanCast: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFramelockAntiLag: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFramelockAntiLagStage2: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HasGivenRep: 2
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AttackOutOfCombat: True
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UsePotion: False
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + PotionCondition: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Modifier: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Movement: 13
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Targeting: 20
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Facing: 6
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_AoE: 5
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Burst: 2
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Cooldowns: 17
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearTarget_Modifier: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearTarget_Key: 17
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearFocus_Modifier: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearFocus_Key: 17
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearMouseover_Modifier: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearMouseover_Key: 6
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilTarget_Modifier: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilTarget_Key: 29
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilFocus_Modifier: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilFocus_Key: 29
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilMouseover_Modifier: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilMouseover_Key: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryTarget_Modifier: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryTarget_Key: 31
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryFocus_Modifier: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryFocus_Key: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryMouseover_Modifier: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryMouseover_Key: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_HowlOfTerror_Modifier: 0
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_HowlOfTerror_Key: 28
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Soulstone_Modifier: 1
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Soulstone_Key: 27
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] ==============================
[00:36:06.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] 
[00:36:30.172 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 91.5] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Harala the Firespeaker @ 100.0%]
[00:36:30.172 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:36:30.172 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:36:30.172 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:36:31.655 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 92.9] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Harala the Firespeaker @ 100.0%]
[00:36:35.824 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96.9] [Mana: 90.1] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Harala the Firespeaker @ 84.2%]
[00:36:40.718 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 87.6] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Harala the Firespeaker @ 57.7%]
[00:36:40.718 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9385332] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:36:40.718 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9385332] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:36:40.718 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9385332] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:36:42.160 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 88.6] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Harala the Firespeaker @ 56.2%]
[00:36:46.681 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 86.7] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Harala the Firespeaker @ 31.5%]
[00:36:50.104 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 85.4] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:37:03.199 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 97.9] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Musaan the Blazecaster @ 100.0%]
[00:37:03.199 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:37:03.199 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:37:03.199 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:37:06.328 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Musaan the Blazecaster @ 97.7%]
[00:37:10.275 N] [Demonic] [HP: 97.8] [Mana: 95.9] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Musaan the Blazecaster @ 69.9%]
[00:37:13.354 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 93.8] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:37:14.371 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 93.8] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Musaan the Blazecaster @ 36.4%]
[00:37:14.371 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9325656] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:37:14.371 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9325656] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:37:14.371 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9325656] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:37:15.784 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 95.9] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Musaan the Blazecaster @ 19.4%]
[00:37:19.140 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 94] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:38:01.476 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Ordo Warrior @ 100.0%]
[00:38:01.476 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:01.476 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:01.476 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:01.973 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Disarm] [On: Ordo Warrior @ 100.0%]
[00:38:02.951 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Disarm] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:38:02.982 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Dark Soul: Misery] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:38:03.399 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 95] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:38:03.399 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.7546242] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:03.399 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.7546242] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:03.399 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.7546242] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:04.570 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 96.1] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:38:07.909 N] [Demonic] [HP: 90.6] [Mana: 93.9] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 90.9%]
[00:38:10.848 N] [Demonic] [HP: 95] [Mana: 90.5] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 67.7%]
[00:38:11.500 N] [Demonic] [HP: 95] [Mana: 90.2] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:38:11.578 N] [Demonic] [HP: 95.5] [Mana: 90.2] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:38:11.889 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96.6] [Mana: 88.7] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 58.6%]
[00:38:12.034 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96.6] [Mana: 88.5] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:38:13.181 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96.6] [Mana: 88.7] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 45.5%]
[00:38:13.181 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.6877669] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:13.181 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.6877669] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:13.181 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.6877669] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:14.242 N] [Demonic] [HP: 97.7] [Mana: 91] Casting: Soul Swap (Inhale)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 41.4%]
[00:38:15.295 N] [Demonic] [HP: 98.3] [Mana: 85.6] Casting: Soul Swap (Exhale)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:38:15.295 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.6877669] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:15.295 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.6877669] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:15.295 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.6877669] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:16.339 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96.6] [Mana: 88] Casting: Soul Swap (Inhale)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:38:17.400 N] [Demonic] [HP: 93.5] [Mana: 82.6] Casting: Soul Swap (Exhale)] [On: Ordo Warrior @ 40.5%]
[00:38:17.400 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.6877669] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:17.400 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.6877669] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:17.400 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.6877669] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:18.451 N] [Demonic] [HP: 95.1] [Mana: 84.9] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 90.8%]
[00:38:19.005 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DRTracker] Removed 1 entries. Tracker contains 0 entries.
[00:38:21.064 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 83] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:38:21.185 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 81.9] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 69.3%]
[00:38:26.186 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 80.7] [Casting: Unstable Affliction] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 20.4%]
[00:38:26.187 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:28.005 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 80.6] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 16.2%]
[00:38:28.005 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:28.005 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:28.005 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:29.486 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 81.2] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 9.2%]
[00:38:51.472 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Akonu the Embercaller @ 100.0%]
[00:38:51.472 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:0] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:51.472 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:0] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:51.472 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:0] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:52.984 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Akonu the Embercaller @ 100.0%]
[00:38:55.143 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96.3] [Mana: 98.2] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:38:55.332 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96.3] [Mana: 96.4] Casting: Soul Swap (Inhale)] [On: Akonu the Embercaller @ 88.0%]
[00:38:56.765 N] [Demonic] [HP: 93.1] [Mana: 92.5] Casting: Soul Swap (Exhale)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:38:56.765 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:0] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:56.765 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:0] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:56.765 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:0] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:58.197 N] [Demonic] [HP: 89.3] [Mana: 92.5] Casting: Soul Swap (Inhale)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:38:59.601 N] [Demonic] [HP: 87.8] [Mana: 88.7] Casting: Soul Swap (Exhale)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 93.9%]
[00:38:59.601 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:0] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:59.601 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:0] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:38:59.601 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:0] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:00.961 N] [Demonic] [HP: 85.2] [Mana: 90.9] [Casting: Haunt] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 94.9%]
[00:39:02.866 N] [Demonic] [HP: 86.8] [Mana: 93.6] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 65.3%]
[00:39:02.866 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:02.866 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:02.866 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:03.951 N] [Demonic] [HP: 87.4] [Mana: 93.6] [Casting: Disarm] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:39:04.532 N] [Demonic] [HP: 88.5] [Mana: 95.4] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:39:04.532 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:04.532 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:04.532 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:05.886 N] [Demonic] [HP: 89] [Mana: 95.5] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 100.0%]
[00:39:06.383 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Switching to Ordo Marauder!
[00:39:09.907 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 92.9] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 56.9%]
[00:39:09.907 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:09.907 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:09.907 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:11.286 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 94.7] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 54.4%]
[00:39:12.661 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 94.7] Casting: Soul Swap (Inhale)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 53.7%]
[00:39:14.017 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 89.2] Casting: Soul Swap (Exhale)] [On: Akonu the Embercaller @ 61.0%]
[00:39:14.017 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:14.017 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:14.017 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:15.383 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 91] Casting: Soul Swap (Inhale)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 47.1%]
[00:39:16.823 N] [Demonic] [HP: 90.4] [Mana: 87.1] Casting: Soul Swap (Exhale)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 60.8%]
[00:39:16.823 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:16.823 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:16.823 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.894097] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:18.568 N] [Demonic] [HP: 93.7] [Mana: 89.3] [Casting: Soul Swap (Soulburn)] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 34.2%]
[00:39:18.568 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9385332] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:18.568 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9385332] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:18.568 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9385332] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:20.003 N] [Demonic] [HP: 94.3] [Mana: 89.3] [Casting: Malefic Grasp] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 30.6%]
[00:39:20.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DRTracker] Removed 1 entries. Tracker contains 0 entries.
[00:39:22.064 N] [Demonic] [HP: 97] [Mana: 89.2] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:39:22.289 N] [Demonic] [HP: 94.2] [Mana: 87.5] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 17.0%]
[00:39:22.423 N] [Demonic] [HP: 94.2] [Mana: 87.2] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:39:23.792 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96.4] [Mana: 87.4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 7.5%]
[00:39:23.970 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96.4] [Mana: 87] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:39:25.295 N] [Demonic] [HP: 97.5] [Mana: 87.3] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 4.1%]
[00:39:25.468 N] [Demonic] [HP: 97.5] [Mana: 86.8] Canceling Cast - Soul Swapping!
[00:39:26.804 N] [Demonic] [HP: 94.8] [Mana: 87.5] [Casting: Unstable Affliction] [On: Ordo Marauder @ 1.6%]
[00:39:26.804 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:27.289 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Switching to Ordo Marauder!
[00:39:29.362 N] [Demonic] [HP: 98.4] [Mana: 89.6] [Casting: Unstable Affliction] [On: Akonu the Embercaller @ 29.9%]
[00:39:29.362 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Unstable Affliction] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:30.868 N] [Demonic] [HP: 99.5] [Mana: 90.3] [Casting: Corruption] [On: Akonu the Embercaller @ 28.0%]
[00:39:30.868 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:32.365 N] [Demonic] [HP: 99.5] [Mana: 89.4] [Casting: Agony] [On: Akonu the Embercaller @ 28.0%]
[00:39:32.365 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DoTManager Added - Agony] [Int:5568] [SP:9384] [Crit:13.66195] [Haste:0.9810114] [Mast:16.70811]
[00:39:33.876 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 90] Casting: Soul Swap (Inhale)] [On: Akonu the Embercaller @ 23.4%]
[00:39:37.023 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 88.1] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Akonu the Embercaller @ 17.6%]
[00:39:59.446 N] Stopping the bot!
[00:39:59.446 D] Stop called!
log is too big to upload.
While i'm questing and the bot pulls multiple targets, the cr cast drain soul, then soul swap non stop, wasting a lot of globals.

Deleted Wall-O-Text
log is too big to upload.
You can zip (compress) your log file and then attach it. You can use WinZip or the Windows Compression Tool to zip it. You can only use .zip, not .rar.
Lots of posts today and I'm super busy at work. Will reply to them all in time !

Ofcourse he is top, demonic rocks and these are random bg's where on every server more then half in every bg is either clueless or botting with another
routine. Nothing beats demonic warlock wise. Thats a fact.

Still have some questions.

Testing it out again on the target dummies in the vale and it swaps 2 times to 2 dummies before using malefic grasp on the original one.
so f.e swap on and then a mg on 3.

Ill add a log, you might see it there. Also i see it canceling and starting / canceling malefic grasp quite some times without any reason.
For example, all dummies are dotted, then it should use malefic grasp at least 1 full duration on original dummy, but 90 % of the time it
doesnt and it only starts reswapping or starts, cancels and starts/ cancels a malefic grasp before it starts to redot again. Rarely it pulls out a
full duration of it. Yes aoe is on and burst as well.

View attachment 108998

Is this a setting i can turn off? I turned off auto cancel drain soul already but thats not it.

Am i correct, for those that play rated bg, random bg doesnt even matter, that you swap to the max, and thats all you do and need to do. Put pressure on
team with your dots. Or do you swap from aoe to non aoe and burst when taking one or 2 down?

Did a rated one last night, popped 12 mill when not doing my job aka fearing . coiling . silencing. So it rocks. Rbg leaders that tell me i need to do more at 510 ilvl when im fearing etc, aka doing my job, i tell em to gtfo. 8-10 mill is normal depending on the fight. Always in top3 so im good enough with this. I know im cc ing the hell out of everyone and everything in a rbg by hand. So the bot works awesome!

I dont know why, but the bot still summons a pet in fight, even when ticked that it shouldnt, only on instant casts. I cant get it to do anything different. Pet
dead, it resummons. Im standing there looking like a fool summoning a pet while we are about to kill a efc or cap a base. Also still, when porting / even sometimes when dismounting, it summons a new pet. Seems to me the checks to see if the pet is there or not , are way to fast. Im not lagging on that account, since im on 15 ms home and 20 world. I dont know why this keeps happening.

Still would love for someone to post his good / working affliction settings. Been fiddeling around a lot with it, but seems im missing something. Also a good tip was to turn of what you dont have as talents or use. It improves as well.

Thanks for keeping tis routine to the max, its rocks!

That is one incredibly long post !

Soul Swapping -> It works on the duration of the dots remaining on the off targets compared to the current target. It's basically trying to maintain DoTs on all targets with a little bit of MG'ing in between - but the priority is keeping all of those DoTs up. Are you sure it didn't cast (for example) an Unstable Affliction on the current target, and then re-swap onto the other targets (in your example, 1 and 2)?

I'm changing the whole DoT system in Demonic at the minute. It's confusing as hell for new users to understand what's going on, and there's so much stuff hard coded which completely goes against what I wanted to create from the routine. I've changed all of the core code, removed SB:SS and Doom from the Aura Procs list, and changed Demonology. Affliction is a bitch, so will take a lot longer. Missus is away at the weekend, so planning on getting lots done then.

Quick example of what I mean - the blue link captions give explanations as to what the settings mean;


Cancelling MG is required to keep the DoT up time. Given that MG isn't a huge portion of our DPS, it's more important to keep UA on all units than it is to get MG on our current target.

I've not seen any of the portal/dismounting issues since I put the code change in a couple of weeks back. Will need to find a way to replicate it. As for summoning in combat -> I've never been able to replicate this one. Will try and get some testing in for all of this over the weekend.

Mine is still using Potions on bosses with no Heroism popped :(


Post a full log please - Ensure you're on the latest version too.

Hai and thanks for your response.

First of all, you will never do 40-49 mil in a rated bg, thats something different then a random bg, lets get this out of the way first. Im only talking about rated ones :) if you do 15 mil against a 2 k rated team i
will be impressed, or they are boosted :)

Then i think i misunderstand you when you say "disable the curse" so you mean, dont let the bot use curse in bg. i could try this, thanks.

I always fear by hand even tho the settings to fear a healer / any used cooldowns and then allow half duration is on from time to time, i prefer to fear manually.
The bot has enough to do already and since fears can make or break a kill / cap / game, i prefer to do it manually.

Last but not least i disabled all i am not using as well, like howl of terror / health funnel, even talents i dont use, to be sure, are disabled.

One thing i notice is that i keep doing the same amount of dmg, 503 or 509, not really a change on the dummy's. Cant talk about rbg cause that is situational.

Maybe you could pm me a masked armoury link so i can check you out, if you google for it, you can make one easily and its safe, i will never know who you are.

Think the cr still has a few hickups as described above. The pet summoning, the malefic grasp and double swap dot thing. Might be whats keeping the dmg the same.

Gonna spend a while tomorrow to figure out and completely strip that gui, to make sure i got all set the right way.

Thanks again for your response.

As ginuwine12 said, disabling curses does a lot more damage in battlegrounds. Curses are more useful in arenas, but it's just a waste of GCD's in BGs.
As ginuwine12 said, disabling curses does a lot more damage in battlegrounds. Curses are more useful in arenas, but it's just a waste of GCD's in BGs.

Depends, it would be cool to have the options as they are now, but additionally have an option to only cast it on healers in bgs -or? just a small suggestion the 25% casttime increase has its perks

Soul Swapping onto low HP units is the biggest issue there. As posted above I'm overhauling all of this type of logic. It's just attempting to keep DoTs up on all targets though.

Would like to see a DOD check on Shadow Fury for Bladestorm and Gylph of Ice Block.


am i able to turn off OPTICAL BLAST so it doest auto do it or slow the ms of it???

Disable 'Command Demon'

Depends, it would be cool to have the options as they are now, but additionally have an option to only cast it on healers in bgs -or? just a small suggestion the 25% casttime increase has its perks

Yeah nice idea.
hello i?m user of the special edition of demonic. i play not long a warlock in pvp (arena,rbg), know i?ve some questions. all questions relating to this cr!!! what ist the best spec in 2v2 arena(with heal or dd mate)? there are special talents and glyphs that must be? the most essential question is what I need to adjust so that I survive if I focus target? I also like to take a pm, fals something not to be discussed publicly. thank you in advance for the help hopefully coming. ;-)

ps milz really amazing CR!!!!!!!
hello i?m user of the special edition of demonic. i play not long a warlock in pvp (arena,rbg), know i?ve some questions. all questions relating to this cr!!! what ist the best spec in 2v2 arena(with heal or dd mate)? there are special talents and glyphs that must be? the most essential question is what I need to adjust so that I survive if I focus target? I also like to take a pm, fals something not to be discussed publicly. thank you in advance for the help hopefully coming. ;-)

ps milz really amazing CR!!!!!!!

This is all down to each individual person. If there was a perfect setup, then there'd be no need for settings and options. You need to set it all up for how you want it to run.
ok i understand this. but work all 3 specs with this cr as good? when i take a guide that tell me what the best combo are in 2v2, is it automatic the best 2v2 combo for this cr? i hope you understand what i mean? I thought there are "must have settings" for this cr? that they work really good.
ok i understand this. but work all 3 specs with this cr as good? when i take a guide that tell me what the best combo are in 2v2, is it automatic the best 2v2 combo for this cr? i hope you understand what i mean? I thought there are "must have settings" for this cr? that they work really good.

There's no must have settings, it just depends on how you want it to run. All 3 specs are designed to work in PvP though, but tend to find most warlocks in arenas use affliction.

Personally I like to blow all cool downs (offensive, and defensive at 95% hp) straight away, so that they're off cool down and ready to use again. Again though, it's personal preference.
Hi Millz!

On Nazgrim, CR automatically stops attacking the boss when it enters on def stance. But sometimes we need zerg him on def stance, when he's with 5% and enter on def stance. Can you configure the Burst Mode to continue attacking the boss?

Thank You!
Can you make it so that it works with a renamed HB
It seems silly that it doesnt work because of the name. Ive asked in the past and you said now; however since they are taking, basicly, screen shots of window processes that are running I dont want honorbuddy to be there.