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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Important things to be interrupted in SoO are: Dragonmaw Tidal Shamans casting Chain Heal, Mind Controls on Garrosh casting: Touch of Y'Shaarj, Kor'kron Warshamans casting Empowered Chain Heal, Manifestation of Pride casting: Mocking Blast. If i missed anything, let me know.
Хотел спросить как купить данную рутину и какой максимальный дпс она может выдать в pve рейдах?
Через Paypal. Напиши в ПМ Миллзу, он тебе всё расскажет. Он знает только английский.
Дпс зависит только от тебя) босс/спек/одетость/рефордж/настройка CR.
Interesting. I've added some sanity checks to the code which should resolve it. Update and try again.

i am sorry Millz ... i received today new HB Version > v2.5.8461.698 maybe released this night.
you can go to your normal SVN release > will post if i have furhter issues.

btw: th@nks for your nice effort on this cr
By Questing i hope you meant -WithPlayerAssistedMovement- because the bot is dumber than singular and wont move by itself. I have to do everything, including targeting. And its mostly casting drain life.

Shame the singular improved version crashes honorbuddy and the vanilla singuar that comes with hb doesnt use the pet, its passive 24/7.
By Questing i hope you meant -WithPlayerAssistedMovement- because the bot is dumber than singular and wont move by itself. I have to do everything, including targeting. And its mostly casting drain life.

Shame the singular improved version crashes honorbuddy and the vanilla singuar that comes with hb doesnt use the pet, its passive 24/7.

Hey - The free version doesn't support movement/targeting/facing etc - it can be used for questing, but only via manually controlled botbases (or 'Questing' with a little help).

The pet being made passive thing is actually a quest behaviour doing it. The routine's can change the behavior, but the Quest Behavior just turns it straight off again. There isn't really a solution from a routine developer perspective - need to either ask the developer of the questing pack you're using to change it, or use a different set of profiles.
I swear there's nothing more fun that absolutely obliterating people in PvP. Nice results :D

one team face him on rbg there was a holy priest i know him , he say too me dude i and the athores healers was so scary wtf we couldnet despel cause your dots most of the time are up ! come to our team ? . i just lold
Yeah i do more damage as Affliction in rbg's but i never get that many killing blows.
thats right :p with destru you get this much faster , but ho care about the kills

edit next week i well test the destru in rbg
thats right :p with destru you get this much faster , but ho care about the kills

edit next week i well test the destru in rbg

Affliction is only good with the right setup, destro is one of the highest on demand burst classes at the moment.
one team face him on rbg there was a holy priest i know him , he say too me dude i and the athores healers was so scary wtf we couldnet despel cause your dots most of the time are up ! come to our team ? . i just lold

Affliction is only good with the right setup, destro is one of the highest on demand burst classes at the moment.

Yeah, affliction is great for putting out pressure, healers just can't cope with not being able to dispel the DoTs, but destruction (with shadowburn on low HP units) is best for the killing blows. Really depends what you're wanting to do in the BG.
is any1 got problem with ROF on single target?
yes i have checked checkbox in options but it seems that doesnt work
all fight with imperius and 0 ROF ://
is any1 got problem with ROF on single target?
yes i have checked checkbox in options but it seems that doesnt work
all fight with imperius and 0 ROF ://

It only casts when under a major haste effect now (as that's the only way it's a DPS increase now). I'll be changing the options soon though so it can be toggled and used with aura/trinket procs.
I just want to know does anyone have any testimonials about how well it does in raids because I noticed its great on pvp but I would want to pve on it a little to.
random question is there an option to let the toon kite a few targets and then AOE them???? doing some rep farming and it would be a nice option to have rather than 1 by 1

thank you in advance
I just want to know does anyone have any testimonials about how well it does in raids because I noticed its great on pvp but I would want to pve on it a little to.

I know of people getting pretty good World of Logs rankings with it (mainly destruction spec). Obviously can't link them here though.

random question is there an option to let the toon kite a few targets and then AOE them???? doing some rep farming and it would be a nice option to have rather than 1 by 1

thank you in advance

There isn't, sorry. Phelon has a plugin called ultimate combat helper? That's designed to pull a number of mobs at once, could be worth trying for what you need - haven't got any details or tested personally though.
Important things to be interrupted in SoO are: Dragonmaw Tidal Shamans casting Chain Heal, Mind Controls on Garrosh casting: Touch of Y'Shaarj, Kor'kron Warshamans casting Empowered Chain Heal, Manifestation of Pride casting: Mocking Blast. If i missed anything, let me know.

yea would be nice ...