Aight Millz, thanks for your response.
Im sure it wasnt a cancel and the soulswap was double to 2 of the dummy's.
For the errors:
I can see this in a log where i tried to reproduce it :
You can see here if i get this correct ( coding noob ) that in almost the same millisecond it casts mg / cancels it and re-dots with ss.
That cast - cancel gives almost a 1 sec pause where it looks "bottish" Sometimes it does something else in between of it, i tried looking
at the other log i posted previously and found this :
This shows it casts- cancels - cancels - starts - cancels and swaps. And all of that in 2 secs. I think this comes as close as the
error i tried to reproduce for 30 min now.
Its hard to find this in a log i guess, but im sure, since i was watching the bot, that it double dots 2 of the 4 dummy's with a soul swap.
I have a feeling, since in game its no different then on dummies, this happens inside a bg as well.
As for the pet thing, i dont know whats causing it, but you can see in the logs provide previously, that it is happening. The summoning on
portal / leaving entering bg aka loading screens is less annoying then the hardcasted summon inside a fight.
As for the curses and the dmg done, again, im talking about rated bg's. Ofcourse people do more in random ones, you wont get focussed, you dont
have to move as much and you wont get cc'd as much. But to agree on this end, 40 + mill in a random bg for this routine effin rocks ! As someone else
allready replied, it would be nice to have a option like the fearing one, healers / cd only etc. But then on the curse, like casting speed reduction, to set this on or off. Only
thing that comes to mind already as being a problem would be the soulburn curse. To spread it. But yes, as suggested already, i think this would be a nice
Aight, now its time to do some rated ones, tried to reproduce what went wrong, hope you have some use of it, and cant wait to see what you will do while
ur misses is absent

best things come to life when the wife is away
Set everything i dont need, off now. Spend a good 20 min checking and rechecking all to make sure that i got the best possible settings for a rbg without
the need for the routine to take to much into consideration. So it will run even more smooth and less intensive.
Thanks, as before, for keeping this routine top notch, hope you will have just as much success with the other ones that you made already.