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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Have you updated after the changes I made?

It can't re-summon a pet within 6 seconds, and (with my haste) the cast time is 4.6s - so thats 1.4s after the cast end for it to realise that you have a pet again.

What's the log saying when at the GY? Nothing should be happening when you're dead.

Hard summoning in combat -> I can only presume that's happening because Honorbuddy is returning the incorrect value for Me.Combat

Ok, still going rbg's so my expl might be a bit brief.

When im joining a bg, it starts to summon the pet, even when its there already. Right after it is summoned, it starts
to summon it again. hardcasting both ways.

Whenever im dead, you can hear the pulsing sound, that it is trying to cast something every second, and if i look in the
honorbuddy window, it says that its trying to resummon the observer, as ticked in the gui.

I am on the "fix" but its not changing anything for me.
Ok, still going rbg's so my expl might be a bit brief.

When im joining a bg, it starts to summon the pet, even when its there already. Right after it is summoned, it starts
to summon it again. hardcasting both ways.

Whenever im dead, you can hear the pulsing sound, that it is trying to cast something every second, and if i look in the
honorbuddy window, it says that its trying to resummon the observer, as ticked in the gui.

I am on the "fix" but its not changing anything for me.

If the toon is summoning and you already have an alive pet - it should cancel the cast - this only really triggers upon zoning. It shouldn't be able to cast the summon twice in a row either as there's a 6 second delay allowed between attempts.

Summoning while dead -> I'll add checks into the top level behaviors to ensure the toon isn't dead before doing anything.
Hi Millz, is it possible to add an option to set a minimum number of embers before casting Shadowburn and another option to use Havoc only with Chaos Bolt and Shadowburn, not only CB?

Woops missed this question last night.

The routine attempts to use Havoc with Shadowburn by default.

Why would you need a minimum ember count before using Shadowburn? You need to cast that as much, and as often as possible.
I know what it should do, but its not doing that. It summons uppon entering bg. Re-summons when dead and keeps resummoning it for 2-3
times untill it sees that its there. Just tried a bg for a log and it tried to summon and re-summon the pet over and over on the gy when just ressing.
Didnt had any sound on ( morning coffee and shit ) but im pretty sure the puls sound is also still there, trying to ress while you are dead. Log added.

View attachment 107428

Also it seems that the log is getting more and more filled with errors all over the place. This was a 10 min kotm bg and i got a 1.6 mb logfile.
Shortened it to make it fit here.

Edit: And just to add, mentioned it before. Its not using haunt as much as it should tbh. 3 min fight on dummy, 1 haunt. And all
shards are full. Its a huge dps loss, esp at a burst.

I can't help but think you've got something setup wrong. After 10m damage done on the dummy;



That's 9x Haunts.

The errors in the logs are all memory read/write errors - Honorbuddy issues not the routine - can't help that.

I'll join a BG now and see what's going on with the pet.

*Edit* Just saw your edit - doh! Well at least things are working again for you.
Meh dont wat to be a drag here, but hearthstone to vale is cool. Taking portal after to
IF summons a pet. Joining bg summons a pet. Only once, but the zoning makes it summon one.

[09:49:43.912 N] Not in game ( HS TO VALE )
[09:49:47.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DRTracker] Removed 2 entries. Tracker contains 1 entries.
[09:49:54.124 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DRTracker] Removed 1 entries. Tracker contains 1 entries.
[09:50:02.865 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [DRTracker] Removed 1 entries. Tracker contains 0 entries.
[09:56:25.561 N] Not in game ( PORTAL TO IF )
[09:56:28.754 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 691, KnownIndex: 90
[09:56:28.773 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Summon Felhunter] [On: Me @ 100.0%]
Woops missed this question last night.

The routine attempts to use Havoc with Shadowburn by default.

Why would you need a minimum ember count before using Shadowburn? You need to cast that as much, and as often as possible.

My fault, i mean a minimum ember count before using Havoc! T_T
Meh dont wat to be a drag here, but hearthstone to vale is cool. Taking portal after to
IF summons a pet. Joining bg summons a pet. Only once, but the zoning makes it summon one.

Yeah it happens because the game zones your character in a second or 2 before your pet. It makes the routine see that you don't have a pet and begin to summon it. Just pause the routine using LazyRaider/Tyrael's hotkeys when you're walking around town/zoning.

Singular has a method to get around that issue, but it's so much bloated code to add for such little gain it's not worth the effort.

My fault, i mean a minimum ember count before using Havoc! T_T

Yeah I can add this.
Thought you guys might want to see what kind of DPS the Destruction CR does with average ilvl gear.
This test was on the 3 Dummys in Org. Its single target except for the fact that it was using havoc. No fire and brimstone though, if anyone cares.

@Millz - I noticed that sometimes the CR will cast havoc for CB (which is great obviously), but its just before DS comes off CD, so havoc is missing out on the dramatic buff of DS. Is there anyway to rectify that? maybe adding a slight delay or a check to see the CD on DS?

Thought you guys might want to see what kind of DPS the Destruction CR does with average ilvl gear.
This test was on the 3 Dummys in Org. Its single target except for the fact that it was using havoc. No fire and brimstone though, if anyone cares.

@Millz - I noticed that sometimes the CR will cast havoc for CB (which is great obviously), but its just before DS comes off CD, so havoc is missing out on the dramatic buff of DS. Is there anyway to rectify that? maybe adding a slight delay or a check to see the CD on DS?

Yeah I can add a check to wait. How many seconds to wait for though... 5? 8?

*Edit* Also - nice results :)
thank you for the quick response as always millz. And thank you for adding the check.

i think 8 should work fine.

also, if you ever need anyone for testing or just would like some Number results with my ilvl, id be more than happy to help. just PM me about it. If not, NP

thx again.
I was PM'd asking about my setup for raiding - here's my talents/glyphs;



...and my settings file (you may need to edit this - won't fit everyone's preferences); https://www.dropbox.com/s/hqh785hny5bceky/Destro PvE.xml

...and my aura list; https://www.dropbox.com/s/egwafi1xe5gouom/AuraList.xml

ilvl 504 (equipped);

May not be the most optimal settings - but it's what I use. Do with it what you wish.
Millz, with my "setup" of talents, glyphs, auras (standard list shipped with Demonic), and my settings in Demonic I pull 91-93k DPS, depending on procs and syncing of engi gloves and procs. My ilvl is 501/501, with very few (if any) BiS items, all LFR gear/Timeless Isle 496s. The pet I generally use is my Fel Imp since there are bosses that tend to move around more than my Observer can keep up with.

My talents:
Soul Leech
Soul Link
Burning Rush
Grimoire of Supremacy
Kil'jaeden's Cunning

My glyphs:
Glyph of Demon Training
Glyph of Siphon Life
Glyph of Conflagarate
Glyph of Unending Breath
Glyph of Health Funnel
Glyph of Verdant Spheres

My "raid" settings file has also been attached. First time I've ever attached a settings files, so if it needs to be scrubbed for names, please let me know. These change slightly, depending on encounter, but they're a generalized set.


Settings files are fine to be shared. Nothing identifiable in them.

Current change list for today;

- Changed how units are scanned to do it's rebuilding while busy casting/channeling/GCD.
- [Destruction] Cancel cast -> Shadowburn will no longer cancel to cast on boss units. Bosses will be handled under the standard rotation.
- [Destruction] Havoc is now cast when Dark Soul not on cooldown, Dark Soul is active, or the cooldown time remaining on Dark Soul is greater than 8 seconds.
- [Destruction] 'RoF Single Target' is now only used when Bloodlust/Heroism (See: Icy Veins).
- [Destruction] 'RoF Everything In Range' is now only used on units affected by Immolate (+50% damage to those targets).
- [Destruction] When not in full AoE mode, but AoE abilities activated, routine will multi-DoT with Immolate. DoTs are handled by the DoTManager.
- [Destruction] When not in full AoE mode, but AoE abilities activated, routine will Shadowburn any units at < 20% HP.
- [Destruction] Shadowburn with Havoc is now favoured over Chaos Bolt when the current burning ember count is equal to, or greater than the stacks of Havoc remaining.
- [Destruction] Conditions on scanning for Shadowburn units changed to favour the lowest value HP unit instead of our target.
- [Destruction] Shadowburn units are now sorted by the actual current health value, rather than the health percentage.
- Fixed PotJS usage.
Hey man have some work for u, the bots goes crazy and wont attack Pirates in Tanaris at lvl 46-47. It just spams target mob and walks all the way up to it, not attacking.


Hey man have some work for u, the bots goes crazy and wont attack Pirates in Tanaris at lvl 46-47. It just spams target mob and walks all the way up to it, not attacking.

You may want to disable Suspend Movement, it'll make the character jerk towards the target - but other than that the routine isn't called while it's trying to move closer.

[14:17:24.814 D] PullDistance: 0

You probably want to increase your pull distance too in the bot's settings.
Settings files are fine to be shared. Nothing identifiable in them.

Current change list for today;

- Changed how units are scanned to do it's rebuilding while busy casting/channeling/GCD.
- [Destruction] Cancel cast -> Shadowburn will no longer cancel to cast on boss units. Bosses will be handled under the standard rotation.
- [Destruction] Havoc is now cast when Dark Soul not on cooldown, Dark Soul is active, or the cooldown time remaining on Dark Soul is greater than 8 seconds.
- [Destruction] 'RoF Single Target' is now only used when Bloodlust/Heroism (See: Icy Veins).
- [Destruction] 'RoF Everything In Range' is now only used on units affected by Immolate (+50% damage to those targets).
- [Destruction] When not in full AoE mode, but AoE abilities activated, routine will multi-DoT with Immolate. DoTs are handled by the DoTManager.
- [Destruction] When not in full AoE mode, but AoE abilities activated, routine will Shadowburn any units at < 20% HP.
- [Destruction] Shadowburn with Havoc is now favoured over Chaos Bolt when the current burning ember count is equal to, or greater than the stacks of Havoc remaining.
- [Destruction] Conditions on scanning for Shadowburn units changed to favour the lowest value HP unit instead of our target.
- [Destruction] Shadowburn units are now sorted by the actual current health value, rather than the health percentage.
- Fixed PotJS usage.

You are the man Millz!
Always searching for the best rotation, seeking the best code for the CR, answering everybody quickly.
If every Dev of CR were like you, we would be in paradise of bots.
That's the true imo!
You are the man Millz!
Always searching for the best rotation, seeking the best code for the CR, answering everybody quickly.
If every Dev of CR were like you, we would be in paradise of bots.
That's the true imo!

+1 Testimonial for my site haha.

Thanks - glad you're enjoying it!