Seeing alot of talk about Affliction and Destro atm, but is Demo supposed to be completely shit?
Was testing on dummies earlier, Demo is running a stable 80k while destro sits at 115k with 515 ilvl.
AoE disabled for both tests?
Demo has had some tuning today. There were issues with refreshing doom on aura procs, and HoG wasn't working correctly. The opener has been changed too.
In fact.. Here's the change list for today so far. Subject to change - not on the SVN - still needs work etc.
- [Affliction] Soul Swap Exhale will now prioritise units without any of the 3 auras over those that are expiring.
- [Affliction] No longer cast the double Soulburn + Soul Swap, instead the second will come from trinket procs via aura list.
- [Affliction] Removed multi-DoT enable/disable setting in GUI - handled via normal AoE setting.
- [Affliction] Fixed MG/DS cancel cast for Soul Swap.
- [Destruction] Fixed opener to match Sparkuggz guide.
- [Destruction] Fixed a major flaw with the Havoc logic.
- [Destruction] Will now attempt to use Havoc charges for only Shadowburn or Chaos Bolts.
- [Destruction] Minimum embers for Havoc setting ignored when target below 20% HP.
- [Demonology] If 'Facing' disabled - will no longer face targets to cast ToC. Will instead re-cast corruption on units which we aren't facing.
- [Demonology] Added Soul Fire to the aura proc list. Will allow Soul Fire to be used in Metamorphosis form when an aura procs (i.e. for +haste)
- [Demonology] No longer cast Soul Fire out of Demon form when Dark soul will be active in the next 10s.
- [Demonology] Doom should now obey the aura procs settings.
- [Demonology] Will now switch to Metamorphosis form before the second stack of HoG lands.
- [Demonology] Opener is now following Sparkuggz guide.
- [Talent] New setting -> Archimonde's Darkness -> Store second charge for Heroism.
- [Hotkeys] Toggle modifiers can now be switched between Alt/Control/Shift.
- Added legendary meta gem to default aura procs.
- Re-Added setting for Twilight Ward -> Target Casting Shadow/Holy Spell