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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Possible to scan current talent tree and auto disable unnecessary settings in the CR for "maximum performance" and no effort to the user?

Premium request for a premium CR. :)

I changed most of the code to do this - doesnt show on the GUI but it's doing it in the background.
Does anyone else has the problem with free version that he is randomly interrupting spellcast even if its not selected in the settings?

You got a log file? Don't think there is any cancel cast logic in the free version
I have updated it seeing I get emails when its updated :D

Anyway back to the topic.

Repaired my framework see if that was the issue, restarte pc logged ingame and started HB.
Initially it worked untill as mentioned earlier when ever get a loading screen it stops working afterwards.

Im clueless ..
Hi Millz, the routine seems dont want to cast incinerate when FnB is active. It's a big problem on fight like Immerseus HC.
hmm i have some lag issues with this routine. Does anyone else have his issue? And routines stop casting is really annoying but maybe honorbuddy team fix that reading issue someday.
Anyone else having a problem with the paid version not doing ROF or Havoc? After the update its not doing either and I can get it to work.
Big problem with free version casting rain of fire on nearby mobs and on training dummys if they are nearby. great for dps meters but bad for tank and looks suss on training dummys.
Anyone else having a problem with the paid version not doing ROF or Havoc? After the update its not doing either and I can get it to work.

It will only RoF immolated targets.. 5.4 RoF is actually a DPS loss if the target is not immolated, and if you don't have a haste buff.
I have updated it seeing I get emails when its updated :D

Anyway back to the topic.

Repaired my framework see if that was the issue, restarte pc logged ingame and started HB.
Initially it worked untill as mentioned earlier when ever get a loading screen it stops working afterwards.

Im clueless ..

It's the bot that's at fault - issue should be fixed in the new version;

System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 2B83BA70, Size: 4

Hi Millz, the routine seems dont want to cast incinerate when FnB is active. It's a big problem on fight like Immerseus HC.

It's definitely working here. Try deleting <Honorbuddy>/CachedAssemblies/*

Anyone else having a problem with the paid version not doing ROF or Havoc? After the update its not doing either and I can get it to work.

As already mentioned - will only cast RoF on Immolated targets, and in single target - only when hasted.

Big problem with free version casting rain of fire on nearby mobs and on training dummys if they are nearby. great for dps meters but bad for tank and looks suss on training dummys.

Why is it bad for tanks? It'll only cast on units which are attacking you or your party members, or training dummies (for testing).
| Sparkuggz

Apparently there was a bug in Simulationcraft not accurately giving a flat 10% to Nightfall procs and shard regeneration. That meant that Affliction was performing above what it should, and now that it?s fixed it actually turns out Affliction is 28-30k behind the two other specs in BIS conditions.

[FONT=Open Sans, Arial, sans-serif]Moral of the story, don't trust SimulationCraft kids ;)[/FONT]
I found what was the problem ..
It was that the new keybind modifier changed from shift to alt .. this made my hotkeys (shift + z / shift + x) into them with alt.
This it self is not was not the issue.. but my keybind from Tyreal to pause the rotation was also alt + x so it just paused the casting :D and I missed the chat output ingame .. silly me.

Imo I prefere shift because I use my Alt as push to talk on mumble :D if possible can you make it so that people can choose if they want shift / alt / ctrl ?
I found what was the problem ..
It was that the new keybind modifier changed from shift to alt .. this made my hotkeys (shift + z / shift + x) into them with alt.
This it self is not was not the issue.. but my keybind from Tyreal to pause the rotation was also alt + x so it just paused the casting :D and I missed the chat output ingame .. silly me.

Imo I prefere shift because I use my Alt as push to talk on mumble :D if possible can you make it so that people can choose if they want shift / alt / ctrl ?

Ha it's a nightmare trying to please everyone !

Okay, I've added it. Will be in tonight's update (which is proving to be a pretty major release so far!).
| Sparkuggz

Apparently there was a bug in Simulationcraft not accurately giving a flat 10% to Nightfall procs and shard regeneration. That meant that Affliction was performing above what it should, and now that it?s fixed it actually turns out Affliction is 28-30k behind the two other specs in BIS conditions.

Moral of the story, don't trust SimulationCraft kids ;)
Heh, I only believe the numbers I see on screen. Currently, Affliction does way more dmg than Destruction on my Warlock, tested on HC dummy (dummies). Both specs only reforged and glyphed by Icy Veins. ilvl sub 500 though. Probably Destruction will pick up when ilvl gets higher? It's about 15-20K dps behind Affliction right now. (Affliction 75K DPS steady, Destruction 58K dps). Did a 50M test.
Heh, I only believe the numbers I see on screen. Currently, Affliction does way more dmg than Destruction on my Warlock, tested on HC dummy (dummies). Both specs only reforged and glyphed by Icy Veins. ilvl sub 500 though. Probably Destruction will pick up when ilvl gets higher? It's about 15-20K dps behind Affliction right now. (Affliction 75K DPS steady, Destruction 58K dps). Did a 50M test.

Surprised Affliction is doing higher DPS - this single target or AoE?

Take a look at; | Sparkuggz

Depends on how you're geared/gemmed/reforged etc - but I'd be surprised that affliction can be performing better !
Seeing alot of talk about Affliction and Destro atm, but is Demo supposed to be completely shit?
Was testing on dummies earlier, Demo is running a stable 80k while destro sits at 115k with 515 ilvl.
Seeing alot of talk about Affliction and Destro atm, but is Demo supposed to be completely shit?
Was testing on dummies earlier, Demo is running a stable 80k while destro sits at 115k with 515 ilvl.

AoE disabled for both tests?

Demo has had some tuning today. There were issues with refreshing doom on aura procs, and HoG wasn't working correctly. The opener has been changed too.

In fact.. Here's the change list for today so far. Subject to change - not on the SVN - still needs work etc.

- [Affliction] Soul Swap Exhale will now prioritise units without any of the 3 auras over those that are expiring.
- [Affliction] No longer cast the double Soulburn + Soul Swap, instead the second will come from trinket procs via aura list.
- [Affliction] Removed multi-DoT enable/disable setting in GUI - handled via normal AoE setting.
- [Affliction] Fixed MG/DS cancel cast for Soul Swap.
- [Destruction] Fixed opener to match Sparkuggz guide.
- [Destruction] Fixed a major flaw with the Havoc logic.
- [Destruction] Will now attempt to use Havoc charges for only Shadowburn or Chaos Bolts.
- [Destruction] Minimum embers for Havoc setting ignored when target below 20% HP.
- [Demonology] If 'Facing' disabled - will no longer face targets to cast ToC. Will instead re-cast corruption on units which we aren't facing.
- [Demonology] Added Soul Fire to the aura proc list. Will allow Soul Fire to be used in Metamorphosis form when an aura procs (i.e. for +haste)
- [Demonology] No longer cast Soul Fire out of Demon form when Dark soul will be active in the next 10s.
- [Demonology] Doom should now obey the aura procs settings.
- [Demonology] Will now switch to Metamorphosis form before the second stack of HoG lands.
- [Demonology] Opener is now following Sparkuggz guide.
- [Talent] New setting -> Archimonde's Darkness -> Store second charge for Heroism.
- [Hotkeys] Toggle modifiers can now be switched between Alt/Control/Shift.
- Added legendary meta gem to default aura procs.
- Re-Added setting for Twilight Ward -> Target Casting Shadow/Holy Spell
Surprised Affliction is doing higher DPS

Depends on how you're geared/gemmed/reforged etc - but I'd be surprised that affliction can be performing better !

I'm at ilvl 554 with T16 2-Set-Boni and Legendary Meta Gem at the Moment.

I tested Affli with haste soft cap and then full mastery in SOO Flex 1-4 and I tested Destru with full mastery build in Flex 1-4 too.

Affli worked better for me! Had about all over ~8-10k more dps. Destru is also good but I can get a little better results with affli

Today I finally get my legendary cloak :) I'm very curious how it will work then
AoE disabled for both tests?

Yes, I made sure to sort settings before hand, as Demo first tried to Hellfire the dummies that wasn't in range of it.
Also I was noticing the Demo didn't always manage to refresh corruption in Meta form, and often/never refreshed Doom with procs, even tho I've set it to do so with up to 45seconds left (45.000MS).

I've been wondering about this before, but is there a treshold for when it overwrites dots because of procs? I've got affdots installed, and see it ignoring a 70% increase on Immolate during destro's opener.

*Running 10/16 update 3 atm*
Millz, I deliberately set the settings the same in Demonic Premium last night for both specs. High AoE rating at 5 (there are 4 dummies, 2 HC and 2 normal so it should nog get into high AoE).
Turned everything off I did not have (talents etc). Left the rest default. It did the RoF spam too. Did not use Doomguard.
Not gemmed/enchanted at all btw, ilvl 490. Only reforged; Mastery --> Crit --> Haste.
Used an Observer for Affliction, used Sacrifice for Destruction. (Sacrificed a felhunter).

You need to disable AoE completely to get a true single target rotation. Destruction using havoc is nothing like affliction having dots up on 4 dummies.

Either way though, whatever works best for you !

I'm at ilvl 554 with T16 2-Set-Boni and Legendary Meta Gem at the Moment.

I tested Affli with haste soft cap and then full mastery in SOO Flex 1-4 and I tested Destru with full mastery build in Flex 1-4 too.

Affli worked better for me! Had about all over ~8-10k more dps. Destru is also good but I can get a little better results with affli

Today I finally get my legendary cloak :) I'm very curious how it will work then

That's interesting. I was under the impression affliction was a fairly broken spec at the moment, but maybe not when it comes to fights with more than 1 target.

Yes, I made sure to sort settings before hand, as Demo first tried to Hellfire the dummies that wasn't in range of it.
Also I was noticing the Demo didn't always manage to refresh corruption in Meta form, and often/never refreshed Doom with procs, even tho I've set it to do so with up to 45seconds left (45.000MS).

I've been wondering about this before, but is there a treshold for when it overwrites dots because of procs? I've got affdots installed, and see it ignoring a 70% increase on Immolate during destro's opener.

*Running 10/16 update 3 atm*

Hellfire's range is 13 yards (i.e. 12 + 1 hit box). The routine is checking 10 yards (because units move in and out of range, and we'd look obvious as fuck if it was casting and cancelling every half a second). So it shouldn't be hitting any units it's not in range of.

Yeah, Doom was broken. It's fixed in the new build.

Immolate -> It overwrites when the current stats are at least 10% stronger then those applied, and when the remaining duration is less than the setting on the destruction tab in the GUI. If you want to refresh very early and loose DoT ticks, then you can set the value higher. It'll force refresh once the remaining duration is less than 4 seconds (to prevent it dropping).
Immolate -> It overwrites when the current stats are at least 10% stronger then those applied, and when the remaining duration is less than the setting on the destruction tab in the GUI. If you want to refresh very early and loose DoT ticks, then you can set the value higher. It'll force refresh once the remaining duration is less than 4 seconds (to prevent it dropping).

Currently running it in lfr, and while it's performing quite well, there just still somethings which aren't working as intended from what I can see.

Immolate is currently set to overwrite at 7500ms or less, but I'm still seeing it waiting till 3s> to refresh even tho affdots is showing 140% from 12s>.

I'm also seeing it casting RoF single target, even tho I'm not under any other haste effects than my 4k haste rating and +5% raid buff.