Only if you want it to be.
They added a VERY nice variable to turn that off if you don't like it. Just edit the .cc file and turn useRaidIcons to false.
Didn't see it in the following section. Kinda of a moot point now as I just deleted or commented the section with the raidtarget code. Decided to play my lock again so wanted to give this a go and i am to busy to write a simple cc for my lock. Overall I like the CC only issue i see right now is the raid target and the meta/immo aura but a patch fix for that has been posted above this.
#region Editable Vars
public int maxShards = 30; // maximum amount of shards to keep
public int healthStoneUsePercent = 40; // use healthstone if health is this low
public int healthPotionUsePercent = 30; // use health potion if health is this low
public int manaPotionUsePercent = 5; // use mana potion if mana is this low
public int restHealth = 30; // eat if health is this low out of combat
public int restMana = 30; // drink if mana is this low out of combat
public int deathCoilHealthPercent = 60; // cast death coil if health is this low in combat
public bool useFearPvp = true; // use fear in PvP
public bool useUnendingBreath = false; // use unending breath (when farming in areas with water)
public int wandHealth = 10; // use wand if health gets this low [this and below must be true to wand]
public int wandMana = 10; // use wand if mana gets this low [this and above must be true to wand]
public int fearCount = 2; // number of times to fear a target in PvP
public bool fightAdds = true; // whether or not to fight adds
public bool petAttack = true; // whether or not to attack with pet
public bool useHealthstone = true; // whether or not to use healthstones
public string pet = "Auto"; // leave this set to auto unless you want to override the pet selection - acceptable values are "Auto" "Imp" "Voidwalker" "Felhunter" "Succubus" "Felguard"
public bool useFearPVE = false; // use fear in PvE
public bool useDetectInvisibility = true; // use Detect Invisibility
public bool useManaFeed = false; // "Mana Feed" talent, lifetap to feed pet mana
public int manaFeedPetManaPercent = 50; // LifeTap at Pet mana percent - useManaFeed must be true
public bool useSoulstone = false; // Use Soulstone? Hell yes!
public bool UseDrainSoulAsFinisher = false; // Used to Drain Soul a target to death when target HP is below 'drainSoulMaxHealthPercent', very useful if you have Imp. Drain Soul
public bool massPull = false; // enable mass pulling
public int massPullMaxAdds = 6; // max number of adds to pull at once
public int massPullMinAdds = 1; // min number of adds to pull
public int massPullMinInCombatHealth = 40; // don't mass pull if health gets this low
public int massPullMinInCombatMana = 40; // don't mass pull if mana gets this low
public bool massPullWithSpell = true; // pull with spell, will pull with pet if false