Anyone using this as Enhancement at high ratings?? Could you PM me your settings please??? or even what do you have your MW5 Heal Friend set to for the amount of health and also what do you have on self heal??
I do not use it myself ( simply because my experience as enhance surpass botting. However let me fill u in on some tips how to set it up )
First of all, u can set up different profiles depending on what setups you will play. I will not talk about 2v2 since that rather irrelevant. I will focus more about on the 3v3 part.
First of all, go on the first page and read the "small" tutorial i posted the other day about enhancement.
Now for the setup. Put maelstrom healing on 5 ( u dont want to heal on 3 or 4 maelstroms because you will move alot)
Put the heal on 90%
Set Lightingbolt on 0
Put elemental blast on 5 maelstrom
go for capacitor totem + project and put it on healer focus
have frost shock enabled if target further then 6 yards
Enable the purging part
Put tremor totem for healer ( u can tremor yourself IF both you and the other dps sit full fear, because healer cant dispell 2 people at same time)
Remove Shamanistic rage + trinket +ascendance + stormlash ( i highly reccommend you to atleast do this your self) Keep in mind the bot does not do miracles for you. You have to cooparate with the bot ( help the bot)
I am currently levling a warrior so i can not go into the shaman combat routine ( i will continue this post tomorrow when i wake up and try explain more detailed about how to set it up for more detailed team composition)
Also i will try go through how the different choices will end up in arena, and how it will affect your playstyle.
Will go to bed now and continue this tomorrow. Good night!
Sincerly Prolifik