What settings do you guys use for Resto Shaman and which spec and settings do you use for Enhancement? I'm trying to get higher in 2v2 and 3v3 but my Enhancement doesnt seem to do much damage atm... I don't think it's the routine, I just don't know how to set it up correctly.
First of all :
Enhancement isnt a primary dps class but a support class. ( you should be setting up the bot to use most of the maelstroms on offhealing rather then LB etc)
But when it comes to the damage.
Make sure you have the correct talents suited your playstyle. That being said, do you preffer a root or a freedom? Projection over reset of totems etc.
To perform well in arena it comes down to a few things :
- Syn energy with your partners.
You dont want to overlap defensive cooldowns. Take an example: Lets say you play hunter enhancement holypaladin in 3v3. You dont want the hunter to use Roar of sacrifice on you when you use shamanistic rage. This is considered a waste of cooldown management.
- Crowd Control : The same applies here, it is a waste to use 2 Crowd control abilities on a target at the same time. You want the target to sit as long as possible inside CC, so you can force a trinket and make the opponents to use their defensive cooldowns. And then you will repeat it later on and set up a kill. Here you have to be smart to track down diminishing returns and so on, as a shaman you dont have much CC. You have Capacitor totem + hex. Try to get a full stun into a full hex for example. To avoid mistakes setting up your CC i reccommend going frost shock root and then project capacitor totem on to the target, so your safe it will land. And use ur NS for the hexes. As NS does not apply healing increase the same way MW does.
This combat routine should execute the damage rotation for you wich basicly is to make sure you have a searing totem down/ fire ele stormstrike and lavalash when having 5 searing flames and unleash element before using elemental blast and to use the shocks on cooldown. If you have good uptime on a target then Earth shock is better since ur much more likely to crit with nature spells then fire/frost ( because of stormstrike debuff). If you have trouble with uptime then frost shock is ofcourse better.
What i said in the start about enhancement being a support class rather then a dps class :
When you play 3s you are most likely suited to play with a warrior+ healer for example.
- So your job is to make sure the target you are on are being purged alot ( you want him very clean. Read about buffs and debuffs on wowhead to get a better understanding).
- You want to provide your warrior with freedoms/roots to make sure he will have 100% uptime
- You want to use your tremors for the healer at all times, unless both you and the other dps get feared ( healer cant dispell 2 people since dispell is 8 sec)
- You want to stop CC over damage ( For example you want to interrupt a polymorph instead of a frostbolt) However this is situational, there is moments where you have to stop the damage output.
- A good rule is to always use your maelstroms for heals when elemental blast is on cooldown ( your a support class, dont forget that)
Now ill just take a random 3v3 setup and explain how you want to execute it. And then you will get a decent understanding overall on how the games are supposed to be played inside arena :
Warrior enhancement resto druid versus warrior mage resto druid :
You open mage, interrupt his first cast ( you dont want mage to get a good setup from the start)
purge purge purge mage while you sit on the mage. Try to force mage to use blink and then warrior will shock wave mage while you hex the druid ( so mage cant dispell hex). Now mage will block or druid will trinket. If druid trinket then you will swap to druid and force barskin and then you go back mage. When barskin is over you swap back druid and hex mage and shockwave druid and pop ur cooldowns.
This is a normal cycle ( alot can happen but that is " the way") Force defensive cooldowns + trinket and try go for kills while you cross cc.
If you and your partners execute this properly you will do significant pressure. ( it doesnt have to show on the damage, your purges are VERY strong but does not show as damage)
If you still feel underpowered, then may i ask you. Is your gear good? You need to have good gear in WoW. Without the new weapons and full gear you will feel week.
If you want to use the Combat routine inside arena, make sure you disable Shamanistic rage/trinket/ and your other major cooldowns. You want to use them your self at the right moments. A bot cant predict what will happen, but you can. And turn off wind shear ( that will get you banned if you use it in arena at higher rating)
cdewx - Interrupt Hacker - Twitch Here is a clip of a guy using interrupt bot inside arena. It is very obvious and will get you banned.
If you have a good understanding on how enhancement works then feel free to ask for tips and i can explain the more advanced parts. But ask more detailed. Dont ask " how to do damage" or " how to get high rating". Ask me more specific and i will give you very detailed information about enhancement.
Sorry for this messy post ( im not good at writing post)