I have run SVN update multiple times. I even ran it before running honorbuddy to guarantee I had the most recent version.
[14:58:15.713 N] Compiler Error: e:\Game Files\MercGroup\MercNet\Routines\TuanHAShamanPublicRelease\THHelpers.cs(2223,29) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read<TuanHA_Combat_Routine.Classname.IncomingHeal>(System.IntPtr, bool)' has some invalid arguments
[14:58:15.713 N] Compiler Error: e:\Game Files\MercGroup\MercNet\Routines\TuanHAShamanPublicRelease\THHelpers.cs(2223,85) : error CS1503: Argument 2: cannot convert from 'int' to 'bool'
[14:58:15.713 N] Compiler Error: e:\Game Files\MercGroup\MercNet\Routines\TuanHAShamanPublicRelease\THHelpers.cs(2224,24) : error CS1061: 'TuanHA_Combat_Routine.Classname.IncomingHeal' does not contain a definition for 'Where' and no extension method 'Where' accepting a first argument of type 'TuanHA_Combat_Routine.Classname.IncomingHeal' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
And for good measure here is a snapshot of the directory.
As mentioned I have run all the other routines you have produced with no issues. This one generates the compiler error every time I run the blasted bot. I have checked and rechecked the file structure, and downloaded fresh installs of the routine itself (as well as the bot a few times).
I LOVE the other routines you have made. They are by far the best out there, and I keep hoping to get my Shaman up using this.