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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

Does the special edition smoke bomb on deepfreeze ? ty

VERY good point! it seems like smoke bomb is only on self use, or? im using the special edition but smoke bomb is greyed out ;-(

also it would be nice if it wouldnt use stuns on monks :>
Revision 032:
  • Improve range check logic
  • Add more spell to dot blacklist (84747, //Deep Insight | 84746, //Moderate Insight | 84745, //Shallow Insight are not dot as HB report)
  • Fix rogue combat Blade Flurry
first of all, very awesome CR :D
somehow it seems that auto racial doesnt work in arenas, im undead but it doesnt usw wotf in full fear? auto racial in ur monk cr doesnt work too

also he doesnt use tricks of the trade in arena ;-( have set it to any unit but he doesnt use it

would be really really nice if u could look into this

this CR is so pure awesome...i love it :>

sap on focus doesnt work too in arena, if i have a focus, and the options activated sap on focus and stealth (but NOT any unit) it doesnt sap the focus

also it doesnt SPAM shuriken toss when the target is not in melee range, it seems like it is stop spamming it when my energy is full...u can test it on a puppet

perhaps u could tweak burst of speed a bit, atm it rebuffs always before the buff is running out, but it seems like it doesnt use it to remove slow effects, is this possible to be an option? use on slow?

would be really nice if u could look into this ;-)
thanks in advance

p.s.: why is the smoke bomb option greyed out? coming feature?
So I'm posting because the bot seems to use hemorrhage as on opener and then spam a consistent stream of backstabs and more hemorrhages with an occasional shuriken toss throughout combat. Is something wrong with my version or am I just stupid?
Trick of the Trade redesigned:
Will cast on Friend Unit within 100 yard (not 30 yard in old logic). However, CR will check if unit in combat, targeting enemy and not in healing spec. If you run 2v2 with healer, CR will never Trick of the Trade him as that pointless.

Sap redesigned:
I'm proved logic give higher chance to sap Rogue/Druid
Fix sap Focus logic
thanks for the response and the quick updates! ;-)
btw. i played your rogue cr with healmonk who used your cr..and he does more dmg in healspecc then my rogue with same ilvl...cant get it :D your heal monk cr does an awesome dmg! in 100 fights almost everytime he wasnt the lowest "dmg"dealer..wow xD

the rogue in some rare cases stops doin anything but autohits...but dont know yet why. will report again if i find out more

one question: is there a given reason to not shadowdance in combination with shadow bladeS? think its an insane dps or?
thanks for the response and the quick updates! ;-)
btw. i played your rogue cr with healmonk who used your cr..and he does more dmg in healspecc then my rogue with same ilvl...cant get it :D your heal monk cr does an awesome dmg! in 100 fights almost everytime he wasnt the lowest "dmg"dealer..wow xD

the rogue in some rare cases stops doin anything but autohits...but dont know yet why. will report again if i find out more

one question: is there a given reason to not shadowdance in combination with shadow bladeS? think its an insane dps or?

Maybe you don't have enough energy to do other things than auto attacks?
Maybe you don't have enough energy to do other things than auto attacks?

nope, sorry i mean he stands there with energy capped...full energy but does nothing...very rare seen this in a few games and one time i had this on a puppet while shadow blades...130 energy but doing nothing
Hmm, I don't know what wrong with your HB since there's no log.

Make sure use right pvp spec, it make huge difference: [Subterfuge] [Combat Readiness] [Cheat Death] [Cloak and Dagger] [Paralytic Poison] [Marked for Death] is my talent of choice for PvP
I actually noticed while leveling my rogue with the basic version that if enemy is low hp and it has 2 combo points it will keep letting energy build up and do nothing, if it happens to have 4 combo points it will do something, maybe it's due to something missing in the leveling, will see how it is with the special version, will get a log when i log back into wow later.
Hmm, I don't know what wrong with your HB since there's no log.

Make sure use right pvp spec, it make huge difference: [Subterfuge] [Combat Readiness] [Cheat Death] [Cloak and Dagger] [Paralytic Poison] [Marked for Death] is my talent of choice for PvP

TuanHA, do you think you can add an option to refrain using Cheap Shot when Paralytic Poison is at 4 stacks? The bot tends to waste Kidney Shot while the Paralysis goes off, effectively wasting a 4 sec stun.
Trick of the Trade redesigned:
Will cast on Friend Unit within 100 yard (not 30 yard in old logic). However, CR will check if unit in combat, targeting enemy and not in healing spec. If you run 2v2 with healer, CR will never Trick of the Trade him as that pointless.

Sap redesigned:
I'm proved logic give higher chance to sap Rogue/Druid
Fix sap Focus logic

sap on focus still doesnt work in arena, u need a log for this?
i have set focus on heal and a dd as target...when in range it shadowsteps the target and does dmg without a sap before
also after a blind i vanished , blind target was out of combat but he didnt sapped him, also did shadowstep to my target
i am so tempted to try this currently using your hunter to level and will purchase special when 5.4 is updated :) got a rogue at at 90 tho and i often forget things like trick etc played at 1850 rating really tempted to see if this will improve me loving the saps of fear (do them anyway but pro its in this cr)
im playing mut in pvp and sometimes its pro then sometimes it just refuses to hit. I was just doing an rbg and for the last 5mins it was just auto attacking so i had to manual.


its really broken for me, keeps trying to dps quest givers, randomly goes into untarget/retarget loops etc.

there also needs to be an option for it not to pool energy at 5cps, like i have kidney shot disabled and yet it still waits at 5cps as though its trying to stunlock
Hi Tuanha

I'm using your Rogue CR Special Edition (latest Revision 35) and I'm playing 2s Arena as Mutilate Rogue teamed up with a BM Hunter.

I really wonder what settings you use, because the default "Arena"-Settings don't work well for me.
If i check sap on focus and stealth units, Sap on focus does not work.
Also the CR does not use Blind or gauge on Arenaenemy1 if I stick on Arenaenemy2, even if there's more than enough energy. I have to manage the usage of Blind with macros instead.
Dismantle on enemy cooldown on the untargeted player works pretty well.

I also have a problem with the opener. If I leave "auto enter combat" un-checked, I need to use the opener on my own, but the CR uses vanish offensive and I have to use the opener manually again. That sucks with Subterfuge talent, so i checked the settings-box to auto enter combat, but that's no solution, because of the Sap Focus issue. If I want to sap the focus-target manually and I target him, the CR starts using the opener on the guy I want to sap and enters combat, using cheap shot, garrote and so on.

It's a little bit weird, so I hope you can post the settings you are using for Arena, Tuanha.
And maybe you can explain to me, what the "pool energy"-setting is for.
New rev 36:
Improved Sap Focus logic
Improve GCD tracking base on your latency, it more accurate therefore improved total dps

@gerhardsteiner: You should disable Auto Entering Combat in PvP, WHEN to open as rogue instealth/after vanish is the most important user decision, combat routine can't do that well (on predict situation like wait your mage partner move to right posision before start cheap shot...)

There's no code on Blind as it's also an important user decision spell

Pool Energy mean a good rogue don't use all his energy when it's available in PvP, he prefer pool it so when your target is stun use all available energy when he's most invulnerable.

For example it's really bad to kidney shot enemy when you have zero energy left because you have to watch him in stun and nothing you can do because no energy left for hermo, backstab, mutilate, sinister strike...
im playing mut in pvp and sometimes its pro then sometimes it just refuses to hit. I was just doing an rbg and for the last 5mins it was just auto attacking so i had to manual.
There's a bug on GetUnitAttackASAP (Kill totem, gouge Psyfiend...) new rev fixed it.