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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

if you know that your supposed to do and when, then "hotkey" is the way to go. if you are not sure "enemy health below 70%" is a valid choise, too

How long it will try to burst then, does it mean cr will stop bursting if enemy has 71% hp?
And how long cr will burst if i use hotkey or offensiv cooldown mode

Please reply me, need to know that =)

#edit revision 38 whats updated?
How long it will try to burst then, does it mean cr will stop bursting if enemy has 71% hp?
And how long cr will burst if i use hotkey or offensiv cooldown mode

Please reply me, need to know that =)

#edit revision 38 whats updated?
Once the condition activated it will last 15 sec. For example if enemy below 70%, it will enter Burst Mode and use all available cooldown set to use in Burst Mode within 15 second.

The Burst 15 seconds duration is can not be cancelled, it still bursting when enemy got healed back to 71% or bubble...

Only Burst Mode activated by Hotkey can be cancelled by hit the hotkey again. For example if you Ctrl + B for burst and enemy bubble, you can Ctrl + B again to stop bursting.
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Once the condition activated it will last 15 sec. For example if enemy below 70%, it will enter Burst Mode and use all available cooldown set to use in Burst Mode within 15 second.

The Burst 15 seconds duration is can not be cancelled, it still bursting when enemy got healed back to 71% or bubble...

Only Burst Mode activated by Hotkey can be cancelled by hit the hotkey again. For example if you Ctrl + B for burst and enemy bubble, you can Ctrl + B again to stop bursting.

Thanks for respond, one more question, when will be PvP rotation fully supported?

I did 2.200 Rating easily with ur hunter cr in 2s and 3s, but its ALOT harder with ur rogue cr =(
Thanks for respond, one more question, when will be PvP rotation fully supported?

I did 2.200 Rating easily with ur hunter cr in 2s and 3s, but its ALOT harder with ur rogue cr =(
Rogue is not strong in this season, they have little working comp (R+SPriest, R+Ret, R+Hunter) and it's rare to see them above 1900.

The rogue CR fully supported, only smoke bomb and blind that highly user decision base spell and no CR can do that better therefore they are not coded.
Lately I did pretty decent as sub with moonkin.
The overheal spamming from moonkin as well as cyclone is nice to help you out better than shadowpriest. But I think hunter/rogue is much stronger, especially bm hunter with camo glyph :]
I think sub spec need a little bit more work, burst is very low for me with max gear.
Assa is pretty good.
in the Full AFK mode the char moves only behind the target , but didnt attack him , until he gets detected. I'm using Combat
A Demo Lock and I took this CR to 1870 in 2's, with the Demo never having been over 1900 in his life. The comp was hard to play, but I found him in trade and we trolled our way to a 14-0 record. We started to lose a lot when we started facing 2100+ teams of actual comps, and I wasn't full tyr geared either.

Series of events:
Hit 90 6 days ago.
Spent next 6 days capping my 22000+ conquest cap
Missing 4 pieces of Tyr
This CR carried all of my arena teams to almost undefeated records all the time. Never lost to a team under 1900 MMR.

All it takes is a few macros and understanding of how to play rogue.

I play Assassination with Subterfuge, Deadly Throw, Elusiveness, Cloak and Dagger, Paralytic poison, and Marked for Death.
Glyphs: Blind, Cheapshot, Garrote

Demo lock/ Rogue shouldnt go very far in 2's. but with Frost Mage and Rogue or any of the other comps Tuanha listed, I can see this CR going 2200 easily.

So far I've done 2k+ arenas on all the characters I use Tuanha for.

Great work Tuanha.
A Demo Lock and I took this CR to 1870 in 2's, with the Demo never having been over 1900 in his life. The comp was hard to play, but I found him in trade and we trolled our way to a 14-0 record. We started to lose a lot when we started facing 2100+ teams of actual comps, and I wasn't full tyr geared either.

Series of events:
Hit 90 6 days ago.
Spent next 6 days capping my 22000+ conquest cap
Missing 4 pieces of Tyr
This CR carried all of my arena teams to almost undefeated records all the time. Never lost to a team under 1900 MMR.

All it takes is a few macros and understanding of how to play rogue.

I play Assassination with Subterfuge, Deadly Throw, Elusiveness, Cloak and Dagger, Paralytic poison, and Marked for Death.
Glyphs: Blind, Cheapshot, Garrote

Demo lock/ Rogue shouldnt go very far in 2's. but with Frost Mage and Rogue or any of the other comps Tuanha listed, I can see this CR going 2200 easily.

So far I've done 2k+ arenas on all the characters I use Tuanha for.

Great work Tuanha.
Thank TopTen to point out the strong and weakness of rogue.

Rogue is a very player decision dependent class. If you know when to open, when to burst... you can solo most class. But this class take skill to play, well most skill of all wow class and you just can't tunnel-vision to kill someone using perfect dps rotation... you need more than that.

Rogue is totally different from "facerolling" class like warrior or dk, their only job just do more damage... rogue need damage, position, synchronization with partner, interrupt, cc... the list go on.

TBH it's very hard to play a rogue event with CR assisting you.
Is it me or do 5.4 rogues look... stronger?
Vid from ptr, subject to change and personal skill.
Thank TopTen to point out the strong and weakness of rogue.

Rogue is a very player decision dependent class. If you know when to open, when to burst... you can solo most class. But this class take skill to play, well most skill of all wow class and you just can't tunnel-vision to kill someone using perfect dps rotation... you need more than that.

Rogue is totally different from "facerolling" class like warrior or dk, their only job just do more damage... rogue need damage, position, synchronization with partner, interrupt, cc... the list go on.

TBH it's very hard to play a rogue event with CR assisting you.

All it takes is a few macros to use the CC properly on healer, knowing when to bomb, and other understand that comes with watching youtube videos of pro rogues playing and explaining.
Hey all, can some one explain me how is burst option working. For example i set it on hot key and make dessision to start burst. I press CTRL+E (for example) and what?

- Will bot pool energy and start burst or it will use all CD immideatly?
- When I allready got 3-4 combo points on target will it any way use mark of death or first of all bot will spend it for burst preparation cheap shot etc?
- Will bot make stun (cheap shot) or shiv with paralitic poison preparation or it will be a waste of CD and target will just run away?

PS: Is CR got buildin DR system?