A Demo Lock and I took this CR to 1870 in 2's, with the Demo never having been over 1900 in his life. The comp was hard to play, but I found him in trade and we trolled our way to a 14-0 record. We started to lose a lot when we started facing 2100+ teams of actual comps, and I wasn't full tyr geared either.
Series of events:
Hit 90 6 days ago.
Spent next 6 days capping my 22000+ conquest cap
Missing 4 pieces of Tyr
This CR carried all of my arena teams to almost undefeated records all the time. Never lost to a team under 1900 MMR.
All it takes is a few macros and understanding of how to play rogue.
I play Assassination with Subterfuge, Deadly Throw, Elusiveness, Cloak and Dagger, Paralytic poison, and Marked for Death.
Glyphs: Blind, Cheapshot, Garrote
Demo lock/ Rogue shouldnt go very far in 2's. but with Frost Mage and Rogue or any of the other comps Tuanha listed, I can see this CR going 2200 easily.
So far I've done 2k+ arenas on all the characters I use Tuanha for.
Great work Tuanha.