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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

i find public release way better then the special edition, I can one shot anything using public release and do 120k dps substain with default settings with special edition no comment about pvp still good but pve sucks
TuanHA, so a buddy of mine, and I, were looking to go double Rogue in Arenas. Before we decide to buy the Special Edition, I am wondering if there is logic built into the CR to keep from stacking a stun on the target(wasting the CD), but stagger the stuns instead...so it is not uselessly putting CCs on CD, and maximizing the lock on the target. In a perfect world, I envision a target being global'd between two rogues, with a proper chain of CC. As long as one rogue opens up, before the other. =P
TuanHA, so a buddy of mine, and I, were looking to go double Rogue in Arenas. Before we decide to buy the Special Edition, I am wondering if there is logic built into the CR to keep from stacking a stun on the target(wasting the CD), but stagger the stuns instead...so it is not uselessly putting CCs on CD, and maximizing the lock on the target. In a perfect world, I envision a target being global'd between two rogues, with a proper chain of CC. As long as one rogue opens up, before the other. =P

The CR has Diminishing Returns logic in it yes, one rogue would have to be designated lock down, the other would be dpser - you would un-tick the "cheap shot" and "kidney shot" boxes on the DPSer's settings and you're opener would always be garrotte (assassination) or ambush (sub), and the lock down rogue would do the normal CC rotation (open with garrotte against casters, CC will take over and cheapshot just before coming out of "Subterfuge" > kidneyshot).

If you are going to run double rogue, I highly recommend one rogue be Assass, the other Sub. Assass should be the damage dealer / sub the lock down rogue, the strat I have been using to get 1800 with an undergeared hunter buddy of mine is, Open on one target, CC the other - when the CC target trinkets, you both reset (cloak / vanish etc), wait for stun dr's to fade (about 10-15 secs), open up on the CC target that trinketted (preferably the healer) and blow ALL your CD's...can solo healers quite easily with this as assassination.
The CR has Diminishing Returns logic in it yes, one rogue would have to be designated lock down, the other would be dpser - you would un-tick the "cheap shot" and "kidney shot" boxes on the DPSer's settings and you're opener would always be garrotte (assassination) or ambush (sub), and the lock down rogue would do the normal CC rotation (open with garrotte against casters, CC will take over and cheapshot just before coming out of "Subterfuge" > kidneyshot).

If you are going to run double rogue, I highly recommend one rogue be Assass, the other Sub. Assass should be the damage dealer / sub the lock down rogue, the strat I have been using to get 1800 with an undergeared hunter buddy of mine is, Open on one target, CC the other - when the CC target trinkets, you both reset (cloak / vanish etc), wait for stun dr's to fade (about 10-15 secs), open up on the CC target that trinketted (preferably the healer) and blow ALL your CD's...can solo healers quite easily with this as assassination.

thats what ive been doing too, Im assasination ..running with a mage however ..I have had to adjust and play with the settings a bit to optimize my burst and control but its been really fun...I might go Combat however come 5.4
I get my rogue to 1800 yesterday with a bad druid resto.

I've made some adjustment on DR Tracker so everything served me well

I get full Tyra gear and now in BG I can kill anyone I want if I cooldown Shadowblade is up :D
Hey Tuanha. Do you think you can add an option to use a last minute Rupture to gain Energy after killing a mob? Like set the CR to cast Rupture at a certain percentage of mob health. This would be extremely helpful for leveling and keeping up the momentum!
This is awesome. My rogue is melting faces with just average gear on. While questing he uses stealth at weird times, though.
Hello TuanHa, I have brought: Special-Edition & have to say why is no ability in the CC for jaws installed? And this function SAP is also not properly used in the Arena. I have this special edition set as described on your homepage.And in the arena of the or the a player is stunned + blinded and we go to the other players, but that is exactly what those functions which is very important in the Arena (SAP) is not used.
Can you give me more detail and log?

I sap very well for me in arena. It can do some amazing sap like open cheap shot on dps and sap healer next to him during 3 second subterfuge...

Only a log or more detail can help me know why.
Just so both of you guys know rogues can't sap people that are in combat. So don't be expecting it to sap a healer if the healer is actively healing. I've had this CR shadowdance and sap a healer after a fear that caused the healer to leave combat so the CR does use sap as it should.
Just so both of you guys know rogues can't sap people that are in combat. So don't be expecting it to sap a healer if the healer is actively healing. I've had this CR shadowdance and sap a healer after a fear that caused the healer to leave combat so the CR does use sap as it should.

yeah sure, in shadowdance he will sap the enemy. It's the opening, if I play against any invis enemy it won't sap them I've enabled "Sap on Stealh Units". Maybe there is a dependency to some other options that I don't know.
Hello, here's the screenshot of the routine (settings)

Because if the enemy player a healer and a Mage is used on the healer is no sap. The bot is where my player is going to the target and the healer can heal without any problems. Looking Please my Settings...thank you :)

And what I had for a button in the Select routine, Full AFK, PvP, apply?! If I want to make a duel against other players? And with what Botbase duels run best?

first of all: Thanx for this awsome Routine.
But i got some problems in Combat with Blade Flurry. It doesnt kill the Buff after a Group and enter a single target combat etc with it.
Second, i tried Sub Rogue and the routine start/stop working in combat all the time. It does not run smoothly and sets out for a few seconds.


P.S. Sorry for my english^^
P.P.S. I owne the paid version

first of all: Thanx for this awsome Routine.
But i got some problems in Combat with Blade Flurry. It doesnt kill the Buff after a Group and enter a single target combat etc with it.
Second, i tried Sub Rogue and the routine start/stop working in combat all the time. It does not run smoothly and sets out for a few seconds.


P.S. Sorry for my english^^
P.P.S. I owne the paid version
I'll fix it tomorrow.
Hello, here's the screenshot of the routine (settings)

Because if the enemy player a healer and a Mage is used on the healer is no sap. The bot is where my player is going to the target and the healer can heal without any problems. Looking Please my Settings...thank you :)

And what I had for a button in the Select routine, Full AFK, PvP, apply?! If I want to make a duel against other players? And with what Botbase duels run best?
You've uncheck "sap any"

Sap Any mean it will sap ANY target that get out of combat and in sap range.

Sap Stealth Unit mean it will look for stealth rogue/druid to sap... it not always work because you can only see them when they are very close to you.

CR do not duel ppl in your group, leave group before dueling.

Best botbase is Tyrael

More in installation guide on my website :D
Great routine so far. Just one suggestion for lvling. Below 81 we don't have re direct something dies with combo points i have been manually using them for slice n dice. Maybe a check box or something to use any combo points on a dead target for s'n'd.

Edit: It also always tries to restealth with dots on.
first of all, very awesome CR :D
somehow it seems that auto racial doesnt work in arenas, im undead but it doesnt usw wotf in full fear? auto racial in ur monk cr doesnt work too

also he doesnt use tricks of the trade in arena ;-( have set it to any unit but he doesnt use it

would be really really nice if u could look into this

this CR is so pure awesome...i love it :>