Don't want my previous questions of: "Shouldn't it open with Garrote?" to be over looked.
But you can put this on the front page and quote it, "Just downloaded the trial version of Sushi, Balls Deep. On The Butcher- Normal, this CR was about 3-4k higher. When you consider my ilvl (not known atm as not at main computer), and that the difference is 14k(sushi) to 18k(tuanha), that is about 25-30% difference."
Using Enyo, manual movement, I have slightly tweaked the settings as I see fit for both profiles. Anyone familiar with the fight knows Butcher is a very consistent fight on Normal, meaning DPS was probably not heavily affected by events throughout the fight.
I also find better success in PVP with this profile, but I think Sushi is specifically for PVE, and this profile, as you can see, is yielding better results in PVE.
EDIT: I am also using PAID profile for TuanHa, Trial for Sushi (the same as paid)