^ThisThe subtlety rotation is wrong.
It's opener isn't correct. Doesn't pool energy for SD, needs to optimized to keep expose weakness up as much as possible. {Ambush, SD, Vanish, Prep Vanish} It doesn't make use of kidney shot very well, especially if you're speced for it. Doesn't use shadow reflection that well, part of the opener.
Is the paid version any different than this? Doesn't look like it from your website. What am I paying for?
and hits harder + grants more points (higher Seal Fate proc) + may proc Blinside (free Dispatch)because mutilate cost 5 energy less then ambush.
It does with me, pools to about 10 or something from max to prevent cap then blows the cdsIs it just me or is the routine not pooling energy for dance / reflection?