can anyone tell me why he does not perform the "AoE Rotation" correct? (Combat PvE)....CR NEVER use Crimson Tempest...and yes it`s enabled!
2. Multiple Target Rotation↑top
When fighting 2, 3, or 4 enemies, turn on Blade Flurry and proceed with your single-target rotation on one of the enemies. Maintain the Crimson Tempest DoT.
When fighting 5 or more enemies, Crimson Tempest should replace Eviscerate as your primary Finishing Move.
If your main target will die in less than 1 minute and you have chosen Marked for Death as your Tier 6 talent, then use it on cooldown.
Combat Rogue DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities (WoD 6.0.3) - Icy Veins)