Ah, lol nvm.
I've made a work around Vanish on dummy fight and Sub doing the same (abit more) dps on dummy vs Assa on new rev.
Thank w8ing4ban
Edit: Hmm I don't know what really happen, Import simcraft, disable option for food/flash/potion (because I don't use it) and run simulate...
Simcraft say I can do 13-14k dps on Dummy
I actually do 15-16k dps (maybe I pick the wrong dummy? I'm testing on the level 85 one in Stormwind)
Ah, lol nvm.
I've made a work around Vanish on dummy fight and Sub doing the same (abit more) dps on dummy vs Assa on new rev.
Thank w8ing4ban
Edit: Hmm I don't know what really happen, Import simcraft, disable option for food/flash/potion (because I don't use it) and run simulate...
Simcraft say I can do 13-14k dps on Dummy
I actually do 15-16k dps (maybe I pick the wrong dummy? I'm testing on the level 85 one in Stormwind)
The latest changes have definitely improved my sub DPS, my burst has gone from ~22K to ~28K and overall DPS is about 3K higher than it was. Keep up the good work!
Thank w8ing4ban for the detail help and pinpoint out the problemOk Tuanha I have tested the new revision. Sub is still roughly 2k under were it needs to be compared to sim dps for me. I did some study of the Sub routine on Icy veins and from what I can see there are a few major issues. 1) Rupture is refreshing roughly 3-5 seconds after it has fallen off. Due to a talent called sinister calling this is a massive dps loss as sinister calling pushes a bleed forward 2 secs in its tick. Rupture needs to be reapplied with 8-6 seconds left on it. 2) When using Shadow Reflection the rotation is using shadow dance before it casts Shadow Reflection wich is incorrect it should always cast Shadow Reflection > Rupture > Shadow Dance. 3) The open sequence also seems off and or slow. The trinkets are used a full 3-4 seconds before it seems to start the opening sequence. The opening sequence should look like this (this is a direct copy from icy viens)
1.A few seconds before the pull, get Slice and Dice up, using the Combo Points that healers will have generated for you through Honor Among Thieves.
2.1 second before the pull, use your Draenic Agility Potion and get in Stealth.
3.Cast Premeditation and Ambush until stealth is removed.
4.Cast Hemorrhage.
5.Cast Shadow Reflection and use on-use trinkets and racials at the same time.
6.Apply Rupture.
7.Cast Shadow Dance.
8.Spam Ambush and cast Eviscerate whenever you reach 5 Combo Points.
9.Start the regular rotation.
This opening rotation assumes that you are using the tier 1 talent Subterfuge (which you should be).
I hope this helps Tuanha let me know what you think
(P.S Your Assassination routine seems absolutely flawless now!)
Ilvl is 639. Talents: Shadow Focus, Combat Readiness, Leeching Poison, Burst of Speed, Prey on the Weak, Marked for Death and Shadow Reflection. Glyphs: Ambush, Cloak of Shadows, Hemorrhaging Veins. Glyphs aren't what's recommended for raiding but suit my play style.what ilvl are you and what are your talents/ glyphs?
Thank w8ing4ban for the detail help and pinpoint out the problem
I've update new version that renew Rupture a bit earlier as you point out.
For the Shadow Dance + Shadow Reflection combo, I think it's doesn't matter what need to cast first because the 2 spell are off GCD and Shadow Reflection only copy the damage during Shadow Dance (Garrote/Ambush/5CP Finished spell, if it copy the Shadow Dance, the spell itself do no damage)
Just lets work for the perfect sub then, some people may hate Assa spec ^.^
Garrote should never be used in a pve raid situation garrote is only for pvp. I believe the reason you pop Shadow Reflection > Rupture > Shadow Dance is because once you pop shadow dance you want to spend the remainder of the cd spamming ambushs. Then once your clone begins casting it will renew the next rupture for you so that is more energy saved. I will test the new revision shortly I'm just leveling my ele shaman atm![]()
Something is definitely wrong if you're only getting 10K at 644 ilvl. You'll need to provide info on your spec, talents and CR settings.do you use any settings?
i do only 10k dps with 644 gear, dont know why.
21k dps assa spec ; 13k dps sub spec both whit shadow reflection and 634 lvl gear
assa. win
right; now im using to reboot the boot every time i change talents from assa sub and viceversa.You're doing something wrong in your setup the dps difference should not be that big.
Don't touched the settings by any way except, dissabled Attack out of Combat, Auto Movement.... something like this.Something is definitely wrong if you're only getting 10K at 644 ilvl. You'll need to provide info on your spec, talents and CR settings.