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Rupture uptime on assassin is fine on sub it is still not being refreshed early enough.
I couldn't see any problems with rapture on my sub rogue. Could you please attach a log?
Rupture uptime on assassin is fine on sub it is still not being refreshed early enough.
Rupture uptime was fixed as far as i can see.
Assa DPS: Warcraft Logs actually says i have 11k dps, recount sucks.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/g0dp2787mk9yxfp/Screenshot 2014-12-23 04.51.22.jpg?dl=0
Sub DPS: Around 12k for Sub on Warcraft Logs.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/dt6n95ypkvpm0go/Screenshot 2014-12-23 04.33.39.jpg?dl=0
I tried SimC and Sub DPS with my current getup is right around that mark.
You should try logging your fights with Warcraft Logs for more accuracy.
Rupture uptime on assassin is fine on sub it is still not being refreshed early enough.
Please make sure you've enable "current fight" in recount. Could you upload a better screenshot it's hard to read your ilvl :<
I'm not attaching a log. The person above me has confirmed it with warcraftlogs.I couldn't see any problems with rapture on my sub rogue. Could you please attach a log?
I'm not attaching a log. The person above me has confirmed it with warcraftlogs.
Can you check my log. Its on raid dummy.
I should be able to make 20k dps+ i have both 660 weapons from conquest points... 643 iLvl but i make only 14k dps!!! (tested with assasination)
View attachment 159886
PLEASE NOTE, and this is to ALL fellow rogues, those that CAN play and those that CANT, i have played rogue for almost 9 years and have worked closely with Tuanha to make this combat routine the best you can get, on all 3 specs i can do about 500-1000 dps MORE then the bot, but when i look at the sims from simulationcraft or shadowcraft im doing 6k less then simmed... seems wierd right? NO! before simming and saying "the bot is doing X less then i should be" make sure your simming right, default sim settings are set for a raid situation, all buffs, flask food potion pre test and 1 minute into the fight, spend the time to instead of flaming on the forums and such that your simulationcraft is set up CORRECLTY! with the most up to date version, and be happy.
and as a side note im seeing an increase of dps between the paid and free versions, this may be unintentional but if you raid mythic like i do, you want the most out of your class.
sub is broken atm and that is a fact i have a 657 rogue doing 16k fully buffed flask food and prepot at any given boss dummy fix it i have the paid version.
assasination 21k dps at the dummy sub 16k at the dummy with 670 and 655 weapons in both specs assasination spec in fact is at 651 ilevel and no 657 .
vanish offensive set ald all defensive shit are off .....something is wrong after the 650 version where i was making 23k with sub fully buffed and prepot and even that is low
go to icy veins or noxxic, pull the optimum rotation off of either of them ( i think icy represents it better) and see if you can beat the routine , if you can then MAYBE theres an issue, if you cant, i say its working as intended
If you had even read the last 6-8 pages Tuanha is aware of the issue I have been testing each revision for him for the past week. Im sure he's just busy with Christmas stuff atm. To everyone saying that the routine got worse after rev 50 I don't see how I'm now almost pulling unbuffed sim dps with sub. The Sub rotation is now almost perfect. The rupture uptime needs to be tweaked further and crit weak also needs some work. Everyone else that is saying they are doing FAR LESS then there sim dps using the routine you ARE doing something wrong.
Press raid button. Change burst to cooldown. Change vanish to cooldown, remove any form of auto move, auto face, auto behind, auto target. Remove start aoe rotation unless aoe is needed for your fight. Remove fan of knives, remove crimson tempest, unless both are needed for your fight. These are the settings I use for DUMMYS to test my dps. In an actually raid environment I change them for what I need in the situation.Hey man! Could you please share some settings to get most of the CR? thanks in advance!