First off Tuanha, I love your holy pvp combat routine. My issue is that the framerate spikes I'm playing with when your CC is running makes the game almost unplayable. I'm not sure what is causing this, and would like your input (or anyone elses). I have run it from both LazyRaider and Tyrael, both produce similar results.
WoW runs at around 85-100 fps when Im not running HB. When I activate HB without your CC, it runs about the same, maybe 10fps slower. When I activate your CC, as soon as I get close to another player, my framerate will jump from 90fps to ~10fps and alternate between the two every 2 or 3 seconds. So I will be running fine for 2 seconds, screen frozen for two, then back to 90fps, then back to a frozen screen.
As you can imagine, this doesn't help much with survival.
My PC isn't top tier by any means, but it definitely shouldn't be struggling with this. ANY feedback would help, I'd like to get this fixed soon
Attached is a log from a few arena games last night iirc.
The reason CR always use Divine Shield instead of Lay on Hands is both caus Forbearance, the debuff that prevent you from using DS, LoH and HoP for next 1 minute.I have two points:
1. Logic for Retribution is way off. If Health-percentage of Lay on Hands is set way over Divine Shield, it still uses ALWAYS Divine Shield. Divine SHield plus Flash of Light as Retribution could be usable as last resort after Lay on Hands but not as a replacement.
2. If all Flash of Light percentages are set to 0 it still uses it to heal myself. Selfless Healer is a selected talent.
Both points do not count toward "extreme pvp"
I am using the Special Edition.
The reason CR always use Divine Shield instead of Lay on Hands is both caus Forbearance, the debuff that prevent you from using DS, LoH and HoP for next 1 minute.
If you LoH, you got 100%hp
If you DS, you got 10 sec immunity (equal to 100% HP with 3 heal + 3 sec to dps)
Therefore DS > LoH
For FoL cast when i set to off i because of no combat reason. Most people rather FoL to top up HP than sit down and eat. Disable eat and you will never see it cast FoL
I have some problems when I run this, it que upp for like 2-3 bgs then it stops and just stand still looking into a wall outside bg...... It's only when I have this combat rout. If I use singular it wount do soo.
But if I buy the other version, you said I should install LazyRaider too, i have never ever used it and I do just wanna bot my pvp honor gear then I woun't bot anymore unless some daliys. Do LazyRaider work in bgs and moving etc?