Can you tell me more on detail? What botbase are you using LazyRaider/Questing/Grinding...
I don't have 2 account so I can't test and I do not know how to add feature without testing properly
and how could i donate?
Based on what was said, the routine should concentrate on your MT if you have him/her targeted, then concentrate on your OT as long as you have him/her focused, then it will heal you if you need it, then it will heal anyone else as long as your two tanks, and yourself, do not need healing.Sorry i dont understand this
"• I'm assigned to heal tank, what should I do?
Combat Routine have build-in heal priority logic. It will heal target (if below 95%) > Focus (if below 70%) > You (If below 70%) > Everyone else. So just target your tank and set focus on your off tank, Combat Routine will heal them first."
If my first jobs are heal tank and off tank, how i can configure this?? My pala heal all time raid and no tanks![]()
Based on what was said, the routine should concentrate on your MT if you have him/her targeted, then concentrate on your OT as long as you have him/her focused, then it will heal you if you need it, then it will heal anyone else as long as your two tanks, and yourself, do not need healing.
I don't believe you can make the routine heal ONLY your tanks and no one else. Its priorities are Target > Focus > Self > Everyone else. So (MT = Target), (OT = Focus), and let the routine do everything else it needs to do. If I'm wrong then I'm sure one of the more experienced routine users will correct me and tell you how to alleviate your issues.
@Blinkpoolz2 Me and a buddy are both running it , Mostly him Ret (on tuanha donor) me on Frost Mage playing manual . Id say its not rollface sitback and watch .. You will still need to somewhat know the class as well as cooldowns just in case. But for the most part provided it goes as expected we pull wins with little to no effort . We ran ret pal / ret pal , both running Tuanha Donor and pulled 1500 rating in 2s with just AH PVP gear sitting back laughing on skype ... Not that , thats awesome or anything but for just laughing at people as the Bots pwned them I thought it was good . I have a hard time dueling him on my frost mage playing manual while he just lets the bot run (Granted im no Glad , so take my skill at a grain of salt)
google a bit more
tuanha paladin or something
Hey Guys.. i tried the pvp set eternal flame Guide and have a problem..
My eternal flame heal is under 10% in the recount list of my heals .. is that ok? i thought eternal flame is with that setup one of the highest heals?
sorry for my english