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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Love this CC. Question about the free version. The stuff that is grayed out does it still work? Also when doing 2's I'm not healing my partner as RET. Is there a setting or something I need to do to make it work? Or does the free version not do that?

So I'm just about to hit lvl 90 and I've only done regular dungeons with the Special Edition. I've never once seen it use Avenging Wrath. Is this intended?
Wondering if anybody has improved setting for 3v3 arenas as Holy. Ive been using the guide on page 1 and it's working ok but if anybody has better settings, it would be much appreciated.
Wondering if anybody has improved setting for 3v3 arenas as Holy. Ive been using the guide on page 1 and it's working ok but if anybody has better settings, it would be much appreciated.

I find that there is no "Perfect" settings for Three's (or any arena size) and i use the settings on page 1....however i do alter some settings it really depends on how much defensive skills/utility your team comp has.

Also, To get decent ratings it helps if you assist the CR.. Human intuition for a situation can determine an arena match rather than relying on the CR. Unfortunately the CR cant "Predict" a situation, it can only "React" during/after the situation has started.

The CR is Awesome!!!...... However, assisting the CR is where it truly shines.
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Yes, it true, there's no "perfect setting"

The perfect setting for me is definitively not a perfect setting for you because our gear level is different, our play-style is different, out team mates are different...

The "perfect setting" is the one you try and find yourself, that fit you the most.
Mhh... have to say PvP is lagging like hell again. i will post logs soon. Went to random bg and have not been attacked. Nevertheless it took about 3 secs until cc started to heal (mate dropped from 100% to 30%), cc used holy prism and holy shock after that but then paused again. Looks very strange and is very ineffective in healing. Before i will upload logs, is there any recommendation for another revision? Taking the latest one atm, but it seems to be horrible :(
First off Tuanha, I love your holy pvp combat routine. My issue is that the framerate spikes I'm playing with when your CC is running makes the game almost unplayable. I'm not sure what is causing this, and would like your input (or anyone elses). I have run it from both LazyRaider and Tyrael, both produce similar results.

WoW runs at around 85-100 fps when Im not running HB. When I activate HB without your CC, it runs about the same, maybe 10fps slower. When I activate your CC, as soon as I get close to another player, my framerate will jump from 90fps to ~10fps and alternate between the two every 2 or 3 seconds. So I will be running fine for 2 seconds, screen frozen for two, then back to 90fps, then back to a frozen screen.

As you can imagine, this doesn't help much with survival.

My PC isn't top tier by any means, but it definitely shouldn't be struggling with this. ANY feedback would help, I'd like to get this fixed soon :)

Attached is a log from a few arena games last night iirc.



First off Tuanha, I love your holy pvp combat routine. My issue is that the framerate spikes I'm playing with when your CC is running makes the game almost unplayable. I'm not sure what is causing this, and would like your input (or anyone elses). I have run it from both LazyRaider and Tyrael, both produce similar results.

WoW runs at around 85-100 fps when Im not running HB. When I activate HB without your CC, it runs about the same, maybe 10fps slower. When I activate your CC, as soon as I get close to another player, my framerate will jump from 90fps to ~10fps and alternate between the two every 2 or 3 seconds. So I will be running fine for 2 seconds, screen frozen for two, then back to 90fps, then back to a frozen screen.

As you can imagine, this doesn't help much with survival.

My PC isn't top tier by any means, but it definitely shouldn't be struggling with this. ANY feedback would help, I'd like to get this fixed soon :)

Attached is a log from a few arena games last night iirc.


Hey do you have frame lock on in lazy raider /tyrael?
Why I ask is when I have frame lock ON my game acts just like yours.
So try to turn it OFF if you have it OFF try turning it ON :) also on tyrael I have mine on 200 ticks per sec you might wanna lower it. See if that helps.
First off Tuanha, I love your holy pvp combat routine. My issue is that the framerate spikes I'm playing with when your CC is running makes the game almost unplayable. I'm not sure what is causing this, and would like your input (or anyone elses). I have run it from both LazyRaider and Tyrael, both produce similar results.

WoW runs at around 85-100 fps when Im not running HB. When I activate HB without your CC, it runs about the same, maybe 10fps slower. When I activate your CC, as soon as I get close to another player, my framerate will jump from 90fps to ~10fps and alternate between the two every 2 or 3 seconds. So I will be running fine for 2 seconds, screen frozen for two, then back to 90fps, then back to a frozen screen.

As you can imagine, this doesn't help much with survival.

My PC isn't top tier by any means, but it definitely shouldn't be struggling with this. ANY feedback would help, I'd like to get this fixed soon :)

Attached is a log from a few arena games last night iirc.


I get the same fps drop results if I use Tyrael with framelock on but not with LazyRaider.
Hey do you have frame lock on in lazy raider /tyrael?
Why I ask is when I have frame lock ON my game acts just like yours.
So try to turn it OFF if you have it OFF try turning it ON :) also on tyrael I have mine on 200 ticks per sec you might wanna lower it. See if that helps.

Sorry, I forgot to mention this. I have tried both LazyRaider and Tyrael with framelock both on and off, and with ticks per sec on different values.
Sorry, I forgot to mention this. I have tried both LazyRaider and Tyrael with framelock both on and off, and with ticks per sec on different values.

open up task manager (ctrl alt del) then click start task manager go to processes and find wow.exe right click set to priority high then find honorbuddy.exe and set priority to high.
also try this copy your HB folder and rename it whatever you want "heals".. ect. go in and delete all plugins (don't worry they will still be in your old HB folder.)
i have found that some plugins wont turn off even if you turn them off. and i found that HB runs faster when you just delete them. and you might have to turn down your settings in wow.

if none of this helps I'm sorry i'm all out if ideas :( hope Tuanha will have an answer for you.
tuanha, if im running this for rbg's will the your profile BoP the flag carrier?
No he's never Hand of Protection Flag Carrier, Orb Carrier or Tank.

I found LazyRaider + Framelock = best. I never have frame issue with it (PC Core i5 + VGA Geforce 660)

With Tyrael + Framelock or Tyrael + No Framelock, I got sluggish issue.

Hope it help.
First off Tuanha, I love your holy pvp combat routine. My issue is that the framerate spikes I'm playing with when your CC is running makes the game almost unplayable. I'm not sure what is causing this, and would like your input (or anyone elses). I have run it from both LazyRaider and Tyrael, both produce similar results.

WoW runs at around 85-100 fps when Im not running HB. When I activate HB without your CC, it runs about the same, maybe 10fps slower. When I activate your CC, as soon as I get close to another player, my framerate will jump from 90fps to ~10fps and alternate between the two every 2 or 3 seconds. So I will be running fine for 2 seconds, screen frozen for two, then back to 90fps, then back to a frozen screen.

As you can imagine, this doesn't help much with survival.

My PC isn't top tier by any means, but it definitely shouldn't be struggling with this. ANY feedback would help, I'd like to get this fixed soon :)

Attached is a log from a few arena games last night iirc.


i get this to and i run a asus ati 7950 and 12 gig ram and icore 5 3.4 ghz and 120mb internet but its not only with this cc its also with singular when questing in some situations i have like 150 200 fps and then suddently it goes down to 20 i gues its of hb not the cc its like a lag spike and when its over it goes back up to 150 again and i run also 4 coolers in my pc
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I have no problems with my frames,

my system
Intel core i7 2600k 3,4 ghz (HT on)
16 GB Ram DDR 3
Gforce GTX 680
64 bit windows 7
Windows starts up from a SSD
WoW and HB starts up from HDD

60 FPS in LFR with Vsync on
and no framelock in lazyraider.
Yes, I'm working on it now.

As Paladin Special Edition working stable and more feature added, I'll bring more to public release this week. (Sorry too busy on Monk 2.0 last 2 week :) )

Alright, thanks. I would buy the Special Edition, but I am just a broke college student. I just don't want you to get too caught up in the "donations" that you just forget about improving the public edition. I have been using this paladin CC since the day it was very first released (before when it was just Holy).
While using dungeon buddy it will not move unless I aggro mobs and its not looting either even if I check loot everything in dungeon buddy settings... I have the special edtion
Will this bot work with a low level paladin too, or do you have to be 85-90

should work for all ;)

hey tuanha!

could you make a option so that the pally also casts even if he is on a mount.
resulting in dismounting :P

Great would be an option in the general tab cause sometimes one need the one option,
sometimes it is just great when he dismounts on his own.

I really look forward to that!
