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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Tyrael says it doesn't work with this CR (SE)

it works with the special edition i use tyraels then choose tuanha holy pally cc then just pres on start on honorbuddy it wil work atleast for me did u put tyraels in folder Bots the same as lazyraider
It does if you consume it while wearing 4 PvP set.

I do it all the time.

Hmm I just tested this, and it's not correct. If you have Divine Purpose up with 0 HP and do Eternal Flame, you don't gain a HP.

I just did a little searcing, and it seems it used to be like that, but was nerfed so that PvP gear was not viable for PvE (see this thread Divine Purpose and pvp 4 set - Forums - World of Warcraft). So I guess it's now a choice of casting EF with 1 HP with the purpose of generating Divine Purpose more often, or using EF with 3 HP to generate one extra HP when it's cast.
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Hmm I just tested this, and it's not correct. If you have Divine Purpose up with 0 HP and do Eternal Flame, you don't gain a HP.

I just did a little searcing, and it seems it used to be like that, but was nerfed so that PvP gear was not viable for PvE (see this thread Divine Purpose and pvp 4 set - Forums - World of Warcraft). So I guess it's now a choice of casting EF with 1 HP with the purpose of generating Divine Purpose more often, or using EF with 3 HP to generate one extra HP when it's cast.
So we shouldn't even be using the 4 set PvP bonus in raid anymore eh?

Also, after reading the last few pages I saw that Revision 253 was reported as more stable? Has this been fixed now or should I try using 253 if I'm PvPing tonight?
Tyrael says it doesn't work with this CR (SE)
from the Tyrael.cs botfile
[B]// If user edited you will not recieve any support from Weischbier or other members of CLU or PureRotation! Period.
// Selling CRs on the froum is utter bullshit and I rub my ass in the mods face for tolerating it![/B]

        private static readonly HashSet<string> [B]Blacklisted[/B] = new HashSet<string>
                "TuanHA Paladin The Ultimate Experience [Public Release]",
                "TuanHA Monk The Ultimate Experience [Public Release]",
                "TuanHA Paladin The Ultimate Experience [Special Edition]",
                "TuanHA Monk The Ultimate Experience [Special Edition]",
Peace :)
So we shouldn't even be using the 4 set PvP bonus in raid anymore eh?

Also, after reading the last few pages I saw that Revision 253 was reported as more stable? Has this been fixed now or should I try using 253 if I'm PvPing tonight?

Not the way I see it, depending on your PvE gear ofc. That is unless you will be casting Eternal Flame everytime you have 3 HP (in which case you will only have to generate 2 HP as the first one is free everytime from the 4-set bonus).
Hi, just did lfr with the donator version and i noticed on Grand empress shek'zeer it dosent heal for the first half of the fight.After the boss retreats and returns does the bot start healing.Tried stopping/starting and restarting HB but no dice


[02:20:03.794 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20925, KnownIndex: 64
[02:20:03.807 N] 03:807 HP: 100% Mana: 84 (0 hp) Black Ox Statue 25.33y 91% hp Sacred Shield

Hmm, I don't know why it try to sacred shield Black Ox Statue.

I look at my code, it only try to Sacred Shield PLAYER. It work perfect before .521 unless new HB build API consider Black Ox Statue is a Player xD

Let me find a way to work around this :D
its doenst fix ... have the same problems
my raid flames me hard now -.-

its only on the last boss of HoF

View attachment 5304 2012-12-20 23.55.txt
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This CC only work with LazyRaider.
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given
Changing current profile to Alterac Valley
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to Alterac Valley
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
Update Status on Bot Start
Building Rotation base on current Talents and Glyphs......
This CC only work with LazyRaider.
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given

>>>> Cant do anything ! :s and i dont know why ?
This CC only work with LazyRaider.
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given
Changing current profile to Alterac Valley
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to Alterac Valley
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
Update Status on Bot Start
Building Rotation base on current Talents and Glyphs......
This CC only work with LazyRaider.
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given

>>>> Cant do anything ! :s and i dont know why ?

If you use public version, then CR will works only with lazyraider.
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This CC only work with LazyRaider.
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given
Changing current profile to Alterac Valley
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to Alterac Valley
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
Update Status on Bot Start
Building Rotation base on current Talents and Glyphs......
This CC only work with LazyRaider.
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given

>>>> Cant do anything ! :s and i dont know why ?

then u using public version i use special edition with raid bot and tyraels and lazyraider i can use it
Tyrael doesnt work with this CC anymore, just use raidbot/lazyraider if you're gonna raid/rbg/arena for now
This CC only work with LazyRaider.
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given
Changing current profile to Alterac Valley
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to Alterac Valley
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
Update Status on Bot Start
Building Rotation base on current Talents and Glyphs......
This CC only work with LazyRaider.
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given

>>>> Cant do anything ! :s and i dont know why ?

Full log please? i think you are using a really old version? as i am pretty sure even the public release works with all botbase's except BGBUDDY.