You forgot "
Avenging Wrath lasts 50% longer and grants more frequent access to one of your abilities while it lasts."
Or more specifically "grants more frequent access to one of your abilities while it lasts" which is what I'm referring too.
A large part of the talent for ret is the fact that we can use Avenging Wrath at the start of a boss fight to enable the use of Hammer of Wrath.
I didn't mean to nitpick or offend you or whatever, just trying to help

I've even already changed it in mine, it looks like you had the code in there for it just for the wrong/(outdated?) buff
Just changed lines 2206 through 2208 of THCommon to
(Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 20 ||
Me.HasAura("Avenging Wrath") &&
SpellManager.HasSpell("Sanctified Wrath")) &&