Ok, also wanted to report getting heavy stuttering with the latest build off the svn, I reverted back to 253 which is a build from yesterday and it's fine again.
Latest svn w/ latest beta(also tried with latest normal) for me with lazyraider as ret pve doesn't use Crusader Strike or Templar's Verdict at all. It's as if it thinks it's not in range of the boss or something...
edit: Also reverted back to 253 and seems to have fixed this problem too!
Right click -> TortoiseSVN -> Update to Revision -> select the check box and enter 253how did u revert?
Right click -> TortoiseSVN -> Update to Revision -> select the check box and enter 253
I just made slight distance detection to raid boss, please test and let me know.Also, Tuanha, After some more testing it seems as though something as changed with melee range detection.
Some raid bosses it doesn't register that it's in melee range and hence doesn't use Crusader Strike or Templar's Verdict.
Also, Tuanha, After some more testing it seems as though something as changed with melee range detection.
Some raid bosses it doesn't register that it's in melee range and hence doesn't use Crusader Strike or Templar's Verdict.