My appologies for flaming you, I had the older version and that was what the issue was. People were saying there were all these options and I did not have them.. Got the new version and I am very impressed you have gone above and beyond making this CC. I will be donating.
Also with the donated version - anyways to add the ability to beacon the dragon in Terrace? Tried with the older version and it wont heal or leave beacon on it.
We all knew, thanks for confirmation

About your dragon problem, you can set the beacon on him manually by unchecking the box of auto switch beacon of light for that fight. if you are fast enough you can do this only during day phase. nevertheless i leave it unchecked as i /focus tsulong and clear my target, only waiting for sunbreath to trigger all my cd's about 1-2 seconds before it. i have to admit that i do heal manually during sunbreath, so i just pause the cc cause in my mind it could heal more efficiently there. the cc just does not know it has to burst for 5 seconds. so it could start a divine light in 3rd second and it will heal if buff is gone instead of flash of light + holy shock or whatever which will give you about ten times of the amount healed.
as you posted, the older version did not support tsulong, neither valithria (which it is not even now, only tsulong), as there was some kind of problem with programing i do not want to repeat here. so if you donate, it is able to heal tsulong. however, it might be more efficient to do it on your own.
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