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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

My appologies for flaming you, I had the older version and that was what the issue was. People were saying there were all these options and I did not have them.. Got the new version and I am very impressed you have gone above and beyond making this CC. I will be donating.

Also with the donated version - anyways to add the ability to beacon the dragon in Terrace? Tried with the older version and it wont heal or leave beacon on it.

We all knew, thanks for confirmation ;)

About your dragon problem, you can set the beacon on him manually by unchecking the box of auto switch beacon of light for that fight. if you are fast enough you can do this only during day phase. nevertheless i leave it unchecked as i /focus tsulong and clear my target, only waiting for sunbreath to trigger all my cd's about 1-2 seconds before it. i have to admit that i do heal manually during sunbreath, so i just pause the cc cause in my mind it could heal more efficiently there. the cc just does not know it has to burst for 5 seconds. so it could start a divine light in 3rd second and it will heal if buff is gone instead of flash of light + holy shock or whatever which will give you about ten times of the amount healed.

as you posted, the older version did not support tsulong, neither valithria (which it is not even now, only tsulong), as there was some kind of problem with programing i do not want to repeat here. so if you donate, it is able to heal tsulong. however, it might be more efficient to do it on your own.
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hello. for protection there is any way to disable use of consecration on cd? and even light's hammer if is specced is used on cd, even on 1 mob.
Hello! After testing for a long time private version cc, I noticed only one bug - very rare use divine protection. Also can offer only one option better - add an assignable focus control button, which will hammer of justice - the blinding light (if the distance) - repentance. Thanks for. this is amazing cc
Not sure how many of you knew this, but the do not heal list was a little buggy in PVE and now it is working quite well.
Hey TuanHA!

I was bored at work and digged a bit into the code base of the CC and I'm quite amazed. Well done Sir! :)

Last night while I was doing some arena on my pally I found a few problems:

1, It seems that it still casts HP generating moves during Holy Avenger when I have 3 or more HP instead of using TV.

Found this code in the DivineStorm5HolyPower and the TemplarsVerdict5HolyPower methods:

(Me.CurrentHolyPower == Me.MaxHolyPower ||
Me.HasAura("Divine Purpose") ||
Me.CurrentHolyPower == 3 &&
Me.HasAura("Holy Avenger "))

There is a space in the Me.HasAura("Holy Avenger ") and I think that it should be Me.CurrentHolyPower >= 3. I think that an extra pair of parenthesis around the new conditions wouldn't hurt. (not sure if really needed, I usually overuse parenthesis :) )

The hopefully fixed version:
(Me.CurrentHolyPower == Me.MaxHolyPower ||
Me.HasAura("Divine Purpose") ||
(Me.CurrentHolyPower >= 3 &&
Me.HasAura("Holy Avenger")))

2, The CC is not casting HotR in PvP to debuff enemies. I think that it's caused by a missing ! before this condition (in the HammeroftheRighteousRetArena method):
Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Weakened Blows")
I think that it would be a good idea to let the CC use HotR for debuffing melee outside of arena as well (in PvP).

Not sure if the fixed code above is correct, can't try it because I'm at work and not sure if I'll get home anytime soon. I hope that they are and I could help fixing them faster(so you can have some well deserved sleeping.) :)
Thank, im gonna fix the "Holy Avenger " typo.

For weakened blow, I still think it worth on arena, on BG it all about "Who Burst Who" faster so I don't think we should add it.

Edit: Fixed all problem just now with Ret.
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Class Config --> General --> Hammer of Justice Cast Ms Left 0
Class Config --> General --> Blinding Light Cast Ms Left 0
Class Config --> General --> Repentance Cast Ms Left 0

You're welcome.

PS: Another thing that has already been mentioned on the FIRST PAGE.
The thing is, i do have them set to 0, the problem is i never noticed the "crowd control" bit which the next person mentioned. Thank you for being a dick and not even quoting the right fix and then telling me "go first page"
In General tab cooldown section the top option "Crowd Control Enemy My if HP Below xx"

You have this set to 40-50% and the CC is trying to crowd control for you, set it to 0 and it wont happen.
Thank you, i should have noticed this earlier and didn't. This will make it a lot better. Thanks.
hello. for protection there is any way to disable use of consecration on cd? and even light's hammer if is specced is used on cd, even on 1 mob.
The new protection rotation don't require to save Consecration on add (MoP is different on Cata now), paladin have way more AoE spell to keep aggro so just use it when nothing else to do. If you still want to change it, find the <SConsecration>True</SConsecration> in an .xml file and change it to <SConsecration>False</SConsecration>

For Light Hammer, there a lot of time it need to use on 1 mob (boss for example) and sometime it better use on 2 or more add... So i suggest you use it manually if you want (set use talent 90 on enemy to 0)

Hello! After testing for a long time private version cc, I noticed only one bug - very rare use divine protection. Also can offer only one option better - add an assignable focus control button, which will hammer of justice - the blinding light (if the distance) - repentance. Thanks for. this is amazing cc
The divine protection work fine for most ppl and don't work at all for some... but no log so far and I can't find out why.

I've already have the function "use interrupt cooldown on focus only" on Cata CR, not sure if it worth bring back to MoP... let me thing if it really needed.
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So i've been using this with Recruit a friend annd im using it on the character that is following mine. ( Holy paladin and im a Warrior tank) Sometimes it wants to not heal, i do not know why, sometimes the bot just stand there casting nothing using nothing (and holy shock isnt even on CD) so i was wondering if this is common problem? or should this work with following 1 character and heal instances?

Regards, fatto!
Are you using Lazyraider? Partybot? As always im sure tuanha would love a Log!

Im doing raf atm with a guardian and disc duo, using fpsware guardian and Kingwow for priest (on lazyraider autofollow around 10 yards). So far a few troubles here and there, depending on the navigation on the instance at hand (Scarlet new instances have more problems, uldaman stucks more, etc). When i started to use my dual monitors to only do that it helped tremendously, because when i noticed my priest stopped halfway i would backpedal a bit on my tank and the priest could send a bubble in.

Hope i helped.
Hello there! So im using combat bot as i said, but should i use lazyraider? is it better, cuz right now im only /follow <player> when im using combat bot....I'll try Lazyraider...Thanks!
tuanhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for, the parasitic growthhhh day :DD going ambershaper hc tomorrow, will let u know how it turns out :)
Hello there! So im using combat bot as i said, but should i use lazyraider? is it better, cuz right now im only /follow <player> when im using combat bot....I'll try Lazyraider...Thanks!
Oh dont use the /follow! No no dont do that.

At the lazyraider bot config there's an option to auto follow the tank at X yards, so your bot char will follow the tank (in this case, you on another account) and execute it's CC when the tank meet it's target and enters combat.

At least that's how im using, level 42 so far and much better than questbot/grindbot, even if i can only do it 3 nights a week.

edit: edit to add that im only doing dungeons! Dunno how that works out there in the world.
I use the Jamba addon so my tank share the quests to my healer.
hey tuanha , i have big problems today on the last boss in heart of fear ...
CR is healing soooo slow ... i think anything goes wrong...
pls take a look @my log ... its only the last try of the boss ...
i have restart wow , restart hb , restart my laptop
all other bosses before works perfect !
pls help

View attachment 5224 2012-12-20 03.17.txt
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hey tuanha , i have big problems today on the last boss in heart of fear ...
CR is healing soooo slow ... i think anything goes wrong...
pls take a look @my log ... its only the last try of the boss ...
i have restart wow , restart hb , restart my laptop
all other bosses before works perfect !
pls help

View attachment 74452

[02:20:03.794 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20925, KnownIndex: 64
[02:20:03.807 N] 03:807 HP: 100% Mana: 84 (0 hp) Black Ox Statue 25.33y 91% hp Sacred Shield

Hmm, I don't know why it try to sacred shield Black Ox Statue.

I look at my code, it only try to Sacred Shield PLAYER. It work perfect before .521 unless new HB build API consider Black Ox Statue is a Player xD

Let me find a way to work around this :D
Ok guy, please update svn.

New update fix/work around several issue:

CR no longer attack unit have: Blinding Light, Polymorph: Black Cat, Polymorph: Pig, Polymorph: Rabbit, Polymorph: Turkey, Polymorph: Turtle

Add all Monk statue to ignore heal list (for unknown reason, new HB "think" they are player xD)